Chapter 7

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Cat's P.O.V

The sharp end of the crowbar slices through the skull of the walker, blood spurting everywhere. Another one takes its place, receiving the same fate as the first. I look over and see there are dozens more left to kill. I pick up my water bottle and take a long sip. The heat was getting worse as the days went on, making everyone more tired and snappy. I pick the crowbar back up and plunge it into the next walker.

After an hour it's lunch time and I head back toward the prison. I walk over to the barrel of water by the tool shed. I take the cup to the side and dip it into the cool liquid. I look around to see if the coast is clear. When it is I pour the water slowly over my head, allowing the water to cool me off.

"You know that's why we have showers," the familiar southern accent says.

I turn and see a sweaty Daryl. He was wearing his trademark leather vest and jeans with holes in the knee. I smile at him. Ever since my first night in the prison, we have developed a close bond. During the day he treats me normal, but by night we take turns sleeping in each other's bed, comforting each other. When we are alone, he drops the tough guy act and be's himself. However as soon as others are around, his guard is back up.

"Yeah, but that involves getting changed and after lunch, I'm back in the fields with Rick." I say, while filling the cup again, repeating the process. I slowly tip it over, the water cooling my skin. Suddenly a whole bucket is tipped on me. Gasping I look up.

Daryl is standing there with a bucket in his hands, laughing. He drops the bucket, hunching over and clutching his stomach. I glare at him. Grabbing the bucket, I fill it up and dump it over him while he is laughing. He looks up at me and I smile triumphantly.

"Yer gonna wish you never done tha'," he says, smirking.

"You wouldn't."

He grabs the bucket from the ground and walks over to the barrel, filling it up.

"Don't you dare."

He begins to walk over to me, I back away. I eye his every movements. As he is about to lunge, I make a run for it, dodging his attack. I run towards the outdoor eating area and stand behind a table. Daryl stands on the other side, the bucket in his hand. I move to the left, he follows me and I move to the right, he follows me. I walk backwards through the tables, him following me the whole time. I move towards the entrance of the area and run back to the shed. I turn and see him there. I walk backwards until my back hits something hard. I feel the bricks of the wall on my hands and know I'm doomed.

He smirks at me as he walks towards me. I know there is no way out of this. He is directly in front of me, blocking any chance of escape. He lifts the bucket and a plan hatches in my head. He begins to pour the water and I pull him flush against me. The water cascades onto both of us, saturating our clothes. He drops the bucket and looks into my eyes? I can feel my hair plastered to my face, cutting off my vision. His hand reaches up and moves my hair to the side, revealing his trademark smirk.

My breath hitches. His body is still against mine, pinning me to the wall. His faces is inches from mine and his scent of woods and man is intoxicating me. My eyes glance down to his full, pink lips. Unconsciously my teeth tug at my bottom lip, waiting in anticipation. His hand rests upon my cheek, his thumb running over my lips. I let out a breath at his touch. Slowly, he begins to lean forward towards my lips. My eyes shut and I wait for the impact of his lips on mine.

"Hey are you guys..."

I open my eyes to see the youngest Greene. Beth's face is covered in shock at the sight before her.

"I'm sorry," she says, quickly walking back inside.

I turn my attention back to Daryl and am met with his smirk. He pulls away and walks toward the door to the prison. But before he walks in, he winks at me. He closes the door behind him, leaving my knees trembling and my heart beating fast.

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