Chapter 56

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Daryl's P.O.V
I place the book in the bag and shut it, slinging it across my back and look over to Carol who is finishing packing. I glance out the window at the smoke from the fire, noticing it slowly changing colour. I look away and turn to face Carol.

"That car was heading downtown. I say we get up on one of the tall ones, get ourselves a view and see what we see." I say, grabbing my jacket.

"Stay close to the buildings and keep quiet but sooner or later, we're gonna be drawn." She says.

She walks ahead of me and I shake my head. I grab the notepad and walk off after her. We quickly exit the building and walk out into the midday air. There are no signs of walkers as we head towards the direction that the car went.

As we head further into the city, the more walkers appear on the streets. To begin with we are able to sneak past them unnoticed, but soon that becomes difficult. We run beside a large building and stop before we get to the corner. I look across the road and see a building that suits what we need. I glance around the corner and see dozens of walkers roaming aimlessly around. I look up and notice a sky way connecting the two buildings together.

I turn back to Carol, "Alright. We can get up there, there's a bridge."

I take the bag off and place it on the ground, opening it. I look through and grab the notepad and a lighter. I flick the lighter and hold it under the paper till it catches fire. I toss it as far as I can and lean back against the wall. I look and see the walkers going for it, I grab my crossbow and begin to walk out. Carol grabs my bag and hooks it on her shoulder.

We walk around the corner and I see that it's a parking garage. We go to enter when a walker steps into my view, I quickly shoot it in the head and continue on. I run and swiftly grab my arrow before continuing through. We walk up the ramps of the parking garage, looking around for any threats. Carol hands me my bag back as we reach the sky bridge and I slip it around my neck.

I open the door to the sky bridge and step in, looking in for any threats. The hall is dirty as I walk through and I round the corner to see walkers. They lie on the floor trapped in sleeping bags, struggling to get out. Carol and I exchange a look before heading over and taking them out and checking them over for anything useful. In the middle of the hall are tents set up, with walkers attempting to get out.

"Some days I don't know what the hell to think." I say, picking up my crossbow.

One of the tents falls over when I go to walk past. I stall and wait to see if it's safe before walking last them. At the end of the corridor is a set of doors, I pull them open to reveal they are padlocked on the other side. I hold it open as Carol takes her bag off and climbs through, keeping an eye out for walkers. I pass her my crossbow and climb through, though it's a struggle.

"Good thing we skipped breakfast." I mutter.

We walk through the buildings until we reach the top floor, heading for an office facing downtown. I open a door and whistle to let her know it's safe. We walk into the office and look around. The walls are covered with paintings, a fancy chair suit in the corner, a desk adorning the middle of the room. I see a picture of a man and a woman and I pick it up, thinking of Cat. I put it down and join Carol at the window.

"How did we get here?" She asks, gazing over the ruined city below.

"Just did." I say.

"You still haven't asked me what happened. After I met up with Tyresse, the girls." She says.

"Yeah, I know what happened. They ain't here." I say, slinging my crossbow over my shoulder.

"It was worse than that." She whispers.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now