Chapter 32

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Daryl's P.O.V

The gates to the prison slide shut behind us as I race the car up the field. I can see that a portion of the fence has come down and walker bodies flood the entrance to the prison. I park the car at the entrance and rush over to Rick, who is shutting the gate.

"Wha' happened?" I ask.

He walks over to a body and begins to drag it onto a pile on the truck, "Walkers got through the fence. Maggie, Carol, Carl and me took care of it."

"How did this happen?" Michonne asks.

"The pressure of the walkers became too much for the fence and it collapsed underneath the weight." Rick says.

"What are we going to do about the fence?" Asks Tyresse.

Carl walks up and helps his father load the walkers into the truck. Myself and Tyresse pick up one, Bob and Michonne another.

"We need to repair it and try and fix it up as much as possible. I've been waiting for you guys to return in order to do that. We can't do it by ourselves, what with Maggie being pregnant and everyone else and their dog sick in that cell block... We need to get this done today." He says, dumping another body. Everyone nods and helps Rick with the bodies.

"How is she?" I ask.

He stops what he is doing and looks at me and my heart stops as I wait for him to speak, "Not to good."

I walk to the car and grab the bags of medicine, heading towards the cell block. I reach the door and pound on it impatiently. Hershel hobbles over to the door and I hold up the bags.

"Step back."

I move away from the doors as he opens it and steps out, shutting it behind him.

"Throw them over." He instructs.

I toss the bags one at a time, him catching them easily. He gathers them up and goes to re-enter the cell block.

"Hershel?" I ask.

He turns and looks at me, "How is she?"

"She is not great but she's strong Daryl. She's a fighter."

He turns and enters the cell, locking the door behind him. I lean against the wall and slide to the floor. I hear footsteps approaching and see Carol standing in front of me. She takes a seat beside me on the floor.

"Hey Pookie." I roll my eyes and stare at my hands.

"How is she?" She asks.

I shake my head and continue to fiddle with my hands. She places a hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze for reassurance.

"She'll be alright." She consoles.

I turn and look her in the eyes, "How do you know that?"

"Because she's strong. Plus she has you." She smiles.


"Yeah, you. You provide her with life, as long as she has you, she'll be fine."

I nod and look back at my hands. I try to suppress me fear of losing Cat and focus on Carol's words. It wasn't that I provided Cat with life, she provided me with life. She came at a time when I needed someone most and she saved me. I knew that she was something else, I just didn't know she was something else to me.

At that moment a tap against the glass of the door startles me. I look up and see Hershel standing there.

"She's waiting for you."

I stand up and nod at Carol before entering the room. Cat is sitting on the chair, pale and sickly. My heart constricts at the sight and I have the overwhelming urge to break the glass and comfort her. She looks up and a smile ignites her whole face and seeing this makes me do the same. She stands up and I run towards the window. We both lean against it and close our eyes. If the glass wasn't in the way, I'd be kissing her and holding her in my arms.

"I missed you so much." She whispers.

I open my eyes and am met with her emerald green ones that shine with love and happiness.

"Me too."

"How'd it go?" She asks.

"We found them but we had troubles on the way."

"What troubles?" She asks concerned.

I shake my head, "None for you to worry about. How are you feeling?"

"A lot better. Hershel has this tea which helped, though I still feel nauseous and sometimes light headed. He gave me some antibiotics and I knew you were back so I rushed down as fast as I could to see you." She smiles.

"I am so glad you're okay." I say.

"I told you I'd be alive when you get back." She chuckles.

"Never doubted you." I smile.

She stumbles backwards and clutches at the ledge of the window for support.


At that moment, she violently throws up, the sounds consuming the silent air. I watch in horror as the girl I love is violently sick in front of me and there is no way for me to help her.

"Hershel!" I call.

Cat straightens up, "Daryl stop."

"You need Hershel. Hershel!" I yell.

She wipes her mouth, "If Hershel comes in then I will have to go to bed and I won't be able to see you anymore. Trust me I'm fine."

"I don' know..." I begin.

"Please Daryl, I haven't been able to touch you since all this started and this is the closest thing I can get. Please don't leave me." She whispers.

I stare at the tears building in her eyes, I nod my head. She drags the chair over and leans her head agains the window, me doing the same. We just stare at each other, taking in the other person. Our hands are still pressed against the window, my thumb rubbing slow circles on the window. She would kiss the glass occasionally where my hand was. I longed to hold her and tell her how everything would be okay.

After awhile, she drifts off to sleep, her head resting against the arm against the window. Her body moves slightly as she breathes and her snores can be heard through the glass. Not to long after, I close my eyes and fall asleep in the exact same position as Cat.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now