Chapter 11

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Daryl's P.O.V

The sun is going down, creating a orange hue to the sky. The wall is finished, making the prison secure once again. Everyone smiles and congratulates each other for the hard work done. Everyone heads back to the prison for dinner. I walk towards my cell and see the sheet covering the entrance to Cat's cell. I knock on the wall, but there's no response.

"Cat?" I ask, pulling the sheet back.

She is facing the door, curled up, sound asleep. Her soft snores filling the air. I smile at the sight of her peaceful body. But as I examine her closer, I notice that she is blotchy. I am confused and then I realise what she had mentioned last night. It's the anniversary of their deaths. I sit on the bed next to her and gently wake her up. She stirs for a moment and then opens her eyes.

"Hey there," I say, smiling at her.

"Hey. What time is it?" She asks groggily.

"Dinner time. I came to wake you up."

"Thanks." She says sitting up.

She yawns and rubs her eyes. Her hair is messy and is sticking up in different places, I smirk at the sight.

"What?" She asks suspicious.

"Your hair." I say, flattening it down for her, fixing it to its normal position.

I stand and hold my hand out for her. She takes and I pull her up quickly, she hits into my chest. She looks up, her green eyes staring intensely into mine. I can feel her heartbeat against my chest, beating in time with mine. I use my fingers to tuck a loose hair behind her ear, she closes her eyes and leans into my hand.

"Cat, are you coming to dinner?" Carol asks outside the cell.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second." She says.

I hear Carol walk down the stairs towards the dining hall. Cat turns back to me and smiles, urging me to lean forward. She closes her eyes and moves forward as well. As our lips are about to touch, but my stomach grumbles. She opens her eyes and looks at me, then she begins to laugh. She steps back and bends over clutching her stomach. I smirk at her reaction and chuckle myself. She stands up and smiles.

"Well let's go get you fed then." She says, poking my stomach.

She grips my hand and walks me out of the cell, towards the dining room. As we enter the dining hall, she drops my hand. I feel a little hurt at the movement but say nothing. I grab my dinner and sit at the table. The only seat available is next to Beth, while Cat sits next to Rick. They smile at each other and talk animatedly towards each other. I scowl at them and eat my dinner. Halfway through the meal, I catch Cat looking at me. She winks, causing me to smirk. Carl taps her arm, and she turns to him. He says something and her face falters. My heart skips a beat as I see the pain on her face. They stand up and go to leave. I turn to go but Glenn gets my attention from the table behind us.

"What time are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Aroun' dawn." I say.

"Who are you going with?"

"I'm takin' Cat."

"Oh, okay. Maggie is looking for her, she's laying down cause she doesn't feel well. If you see her could you tell her?" He asked, concerned for his wife's safety.

"Is she alrigh'?" I ask.

"I think so, she's just been feeling sick for a little while." He says.

"Yeah, well I'll tell Cat. I'll go look for her now." I say, standing up.

I put the plate on the pile and walk out of the dining hall. I scan around for Cat but she's not there. I check the cells, the showers, toilets but she isn't there. I head outside and open the door. I look around and see her and Carl walking along the fence, seeming to be in deep conversation. I sit down at one of the tables and watch them. They talk for a real long time. After what seems like hours, Carl goes to hug her. Cat freezes but after a moment she hugs him back. Carl let's go and says something. Cat smiles and replies. They begin to walk back towards the prison. They laugh as they near me.

"Hey Daryl." Carl says as he goes inside.

"Hey man."

"Remember you still owe me your pudding." She calls after him.

"I'll save you some?"

"Deal." She smiles.

Carl smiles and walks into the prison, closing the door behind him. I turn and look at Cat, who smiles bitterly at me.

"What you doing out here?" She asks.

"I was lookin' for ya."

"Why?" She questions.

"I don' kno'" I shrug.

She goes to sit next to me, I pull the chair out for her and she sits down next me. She places her arms on the table and lays her head on them, and takes a deep breath. I place a hand on the small of her back and rub soothing circles.

"You alrigh'?" I ask.

She turns her head to look at me, "Yeah."

"Wha' were you talkin' abou'?"

"He asked me why I'm funny towards Judith and I appreciated his honesty towards me. So I promised him that after dinner I'd tell him my story." She sighs.

"How'd he take it?" I ask, shocked by what she's told me.

"Really well actually. He was quiet and listened intently. He understood why I am guarded and am hesitant towards Judith. He's a great kid." She smiles.

"Yeah, he is." I smile, agreeing completely with her sentence.

"He also told me about his mom. I didn't realise what he and Rick had been through. What was Lori like?" She asks.

My memories come back to Rick's wife. To be honest I didn't talk to Lori much.

"I don' know, I never really had anything to do with 'er. She was a bit of a pain in the ass, but she was devoted to her family. Despite her questionable past, she loved her family and would do anything for them."

Her eyebrows furrow, "Questionable past?"

"Well, from what I understan' she and Shane, Rick's best friend, had an affair. She fell pregnant but it's uncertain whether it's Rick's or Shane's baby. But despite that, Rick treats Judith as his daughter and that's all we need to take into account. She was actually a pretty incredible woman."

She nods her head, "Poor Rick..."


She yawns and closes her eyes for a second.

"You tired?"

She nods her head. I stand up and pick her up and carry her into the prison.

"Daryl, put me down!" She cries.

I walk us to my cell and place her on my bed. I sit down next to her. She punches my arm.

"Wha' was that for?" I ask, mock rubbing my arm.

She smiles at me, "I'll be back."

"Where you goin'?"

"I'm getting into my pjs."

She smiles and walks out of the cell.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now