Chapter 28

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Daryl's P.O.V

I thrust the blade of the spade through the hard dirt, and push it in, scooping out the rough soil. The sun is blazing on my exposed shoulders as I continue to dig the graves of the dead residents of cell block D. I am still frustrated and angry with Cat for helping Doctor S with the victims of the massacre. I take my frustrations out on the dirt, allowing my anger to flow into my work.

There were only a few graves left to dig, so I continue working. I hear foot steps approaching me from behind but I don't bother to turn around, and continue with my digging.


I look up and use my hand to cover the brightness of the sun from my eyes. Rick is standing there above me. He offers me a hand and helps me up out if the grave. I pull of the gloves and move the bandanna off my face. Ricks face is plastered with concern and fear, confusing me.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"It's Cat."

My heart drops and the air from lungs rushes out of me. I feel as if I can't breath and my heart stops beating. What's wrong with her? Is she alright? Is she dead? What's happening? I hide my gut wrenching fear and talk to Rick.

"What's wrong?" I ask, trying to hide my fear.

"She's got the virus."

I turn away and shut my eyes, willing this to be a dream. I throw the shovel to the ground and kick at the pile of dirt, letting out my pain. I kick one of the bodies of the walkers to my left and let out a grunt. Still furious I turn around and see Rick watching me with cautious eyes.

"How did this happen?" I hiss.

"She was exposed this morning and she was helping Doctor S, she must have contracted it from one of the victims." He explains.

"Where is she?" I ask.

Rick takes a deep breathe and looks at me, "She's quarantined with the others that are showing the same symptoms. They've taken them to Cell Block A."

"That's Death Row." I yell.

"It's the only other place that's been cleared and can cater for them. Caleb is going to stay in there and try and help the people, but there's a council meeting and Hershel wants you there." He explains.

"I'm going to see Cat." I say, walking towards the prison.

Rick stands in my way and places a hand on my chest, preventing me from leaving.

"Get your hands off me." I growl, glaring at him.

"You need to see Hershel." Rick states.

"I'm going to see Cat." I say, attempting to move.

"I can't let you do that." Rick says, holding me back.

"Move the fuck out of my way." I say, pushing him aside.

I storm past him towards cell block A. I can hear Rick yelling but I ignore him and continue on my way. I walk through the prison to the doors of cell block A. I go to open the door but find its locked. I yank at the handle but it barely budges.

"They're sealed in."

I turn and see Maggie there, tears streaming down her face.

"What do you mean they're sealed in?" I ask.

She wipes a tear away from her cheek and sniffles, "Everyone that is sick has been moved into here and they sealed the doors, hoping no one else would become infected. The victims, Sasha, Cat, Glenn..."

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