Chapter 21

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Daryl's P.O.V

The sound of morning birds fill the air, causing me to wake. I open my eyes and adjust to my surroundings, confused where I am. But then as I see Cat's sleeping figure beside me, her arm across my chest and the thoughts of last night flood to mind. The feel of our skin touching, the smell of her perfume, the sounds of her cries. A smile comes to my face at the thought and I look down at her.

Her body is moving at a steady rate as she sleeps, the sound of her snores calming. I run my hand up and down her bare spine and see the goosebumps form. Her arm tightens around me and she snuggles her head closer into my neck. I chuckle at her actions.

"Wake up, Princess."

She groans and shakes her head, burrowing further in. I run my hand through her hair and kiss her forehead. She moans in content.

"Come on."

"Let's not and just lay here all day." She says, her voice husky from sleep. It turns me on.

"No because if we do, I'll be tempted to sleep with you all day and I have shit I need to do." I chuckle.

"I'm okay with that." She smiles, leaning up and kissing me.

I pull her against my chest and lay back. Her hands grip my hair, and my hands grasp her behind. She is kissing me passionately, pouring her love for me into the kiss. At that point I hear a banging on the door downstairs. I open my eyes and look into her green ones. The banging happens again and we look at the door.

"Wait here." I say.

I get up and grab my boxers, heading down the stairs. I open the door, the bright morning light blinding me. My eyes adjust and I see Carol standing there.

"Yes?" I ask.

Carol looks over me and smirks. I pull the door closer, blocking off her view. She chuckles and looks at me.

"Just wondering if you two were coming to breakfast?"

"Oh yeah, right, breakfast. Um we'll be down in a minute." I say.

She chuckles, "Alright and there's a council meeting after breakfast."

I nod and close the door, I walk back up the stairs. Cat is standing up and stretching her arms, wearing her bra and underwear. I smirk and lean against the door frame watching her. She turns around and finds me staring.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

I shrug, smirking at her. She giggles and grabs her jeans, she bends over and pulls them on and then grabs her top. She pulls the top into place and fixes her hair.

"Who was at the door?" She asks, pulling her hair into a ponytail.


"Oh, what did she want?" She asks, displeased with my answer.

"Wanted to let us know it was breakfast and that I have a meeting after."

She turns and takes in my figure, her jaw clenching and her arms crossed.

"Bet she enjoyed seeing you like that." She muttered, looking away.

I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her stomach, her back against my chest. I lean my cheek against hers and squeeze her gently.

"There is nothin' goin' on between me and Carol. Since I have met you, I have only had eyes for you . Carol is a friend and nothin' more to me. However I don' know about her feelings for me. I promise you though that I will never betray you."

She turns in my arms and kisses me quickly.

"Thank you." She says, her hands holding my face.

I lean my forehead against her. She moves her hands to my biceps and gives them a squeeze.

"If we're being honest, I have to tell you something." She whispers.

I open my eyes and see her hesitant ones and I pull my head back.

"What is it?" I ask.

"When I woke up Rick was there. He told me something."


"He told me he has... That he has feelings for me."

My heart dropped, "Wha'?"

She nodded her head, "He said that he had feelings for me and that he would be better for me, but I disagree. I think you are the one of the best things that has ever happened to me. You are everything I have ever wanted and more. I love you so much."

"Do you have feelin's for him?" I ask.

She cocks her eyebrow and tilts her head, "What?"

"You you have feelin's for Rick?"

"Of course not. Why would you say that?"

"I see the way you two are together. You're close, really close. I mean Rick can offer you things I can', he's a better man than me. I jus' wan' you to make the righ' choice."

"Why are you doubting me? I love you, not Rick. You give me everything, you made me feel alive when I didn't want to be. You saved me. Rick is a good man, but you are a better man. You are perfect Daryl despite what you see. You are the person I want to be with." She says, her hands gripping my face.

My heart is beating fast and I grip her face in mine and kiss her. I pour all my love and passion for her into the kiss. She pulls away and leans her forehead against mine.

"I love you. Always." She says.

I nod and hold her against me. We stand there for awhile, just holding each other. Her stomach grumbles and I chuckle.

"I'll get dressed and we'll go get food."

I get dressed quickly and look at her, looking glorious. I pick up my wing vest and hand it to her.

"Its not outside." She says, wondering why I'm giving her my vest.

"You look absolutely gorgeous. I don' wan' people seein' yer like tha' when it's all for me."

"I could say the same for you. That shirt is my favourite shirt."

I grab another jacket from beside the bed and she laughs. We slip on the clothes and walk hand in hand out of the guard tower.

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