Chapter 46

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Daryl's P.O.V
I run forward, barely dodging the bullet fire raining down on us. Every time we try to run somewhere, the bullet fire beards us into a different direction. We run into a shed, a roller door shutting ahead of us. I look to my right and see a door.

"In here!" I yell.

I run to the bar door buts it's locked. Rick points to the opposite wall and we head through the door. More bullets are shot and we try to enter buildings but more doors shut and bullets are fired. We enter a building and go through a door to a room contain hundreds of candles, arranged in different styles.

"What the hell is this place?" I ask, examining the writing on the wall.

"These people, I don't think they're trying to kill us." Michonne says.

"No. They're aiming at our feet." Rick says.

I look around and my heart stops, "Where's Cat?"

The others look around but she is nowhere to be seen. I turn and go to head back the way we came, but Rick blocks my path.

"Out of my way!" I say, pushing him.

"I can't let you go out there."

"But Cat is back there, I gotta find her!" I say, trying to pass.

"No, you stay here!" He yells.

"But she is out there-"

"I know and we will get her back, but right now we need to get out of here. Then we will figure out where she is, now come on!" He yells, dragging me forward.

We run through another door and the fire begins again. I dash out of its path but stop when I see that the fence is lined with guns aimed at our heads. I look around and see that we are surrounded with no possible way of getting out.

"Drop your weapons! Now."

I look up and see Garreth standing up high on a roof, snipers by his side.

"Now! Or Catty here gets a bullet to the brain!" He yells.

Alex walks out, restraining Cat's hands behind her back. She is pulling against his restraint, but struggling to gain any ground. I step forward but here a gun click above. I look up and see a sniper aimed directly at my head. I see the others drop their weapons and reluctantly I pull out mine and drop them infront of me.

"Ring leader, go to your left. The train car, go! You do what we say and the kids goes with you. Do anything else and both your children die and you end up in there anyway." He yells.

Rick looks at Carl for a moment, Judith having tears running down her face, he nods.

"Now the archer!" Garreth instructs.

"What about Cat?!" I yell.

"Go or I'll kill her right now!" He says, pointing a gun at her temple.

I look at her trembling form and see her nod briefly.

"I love you." She mouths.

Though my body is protesting strongly, I follow after Rick towards the train car, my eyes focused on Cat.

"Now the samurai." He yells as Rick stands at the entrance to the train car.

"Stand at the door. Ring leader, archer, samurai, in that order!" He instructs.

"My kids!" Rick yells.

"Go kid."

Carl turns and begins to walk over to us, a crying Judith in his arms, lining up behind Michonne. I look back at Garreth, who has a smug smile on his face. Cat is staring after us in horror, her body trembling with fear. I yearn to go after her but know that if I move she will be killed.

"Ring leader! Open the door and go in!"

"I'll go in with them!" He says, referring to Carl and Judith.

"Don't make us kill him now!"

Rick turns and opens the door, going in. I follow him up the stairs and into the dark train car, the others close behind. Before I enter I take one last look at Cat, who gives me a small nod. I walk in and she is gone. I walk to the end of the car and try to reign in my anger and worry. She's out there all alone and there is nothing I can do to protect her. The door shuts behind us, sealing us in the fairly dark room.

I hear movement at the other end of the cart and turn. A dark figure approaches from the shadows.


He steps into the light and relief washes over me. Before us stands Glenn with Maggie close behind.

"You're here." Rick says.

Behind him is Sasha, Bob and others whom I've never seen before.

"They're our friends. They helped save us." Maggie states.

"Yeah. Now they're friends of ours." I say.

"For however long that'll be." The large red headed man states.

"No. They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out." Rick says, looking out through the door.

"Find out what?" The man says.

"They're screwing with the wrong people."

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