Chapter 24

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Author's Note

Hi guys,

I know the last chapter ended suddenly and that's because I accidentally published it early, my bad. So this chapter is a continuation on from the last chapter because clearly it was not finished. I was too excited about publishing. Sorry if it confused anyone, so this chapter begins directly after the last one. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading.



Daryl's P.O.V

I look around the fields to see if anyone was able to help with the patrol for the fence. I look and see Tyresse talking to Karen. I smirk when I see him standing uncomfortably by her attempting to flirt, so I walk over to them.

"Tyresse!" I call out.

He turns and looks at me, "Yeah?"

"I need to talk to you for a second."

He mumbles to Karen waving awkwardly and walks over towards me, his face crestfallen.

"Everythin' alrigh'?" I ask concerned.

"Yeah, I guess it's been awhile since I've seen a pretty girl." He mumbles, rubbing the back of his head.

"Karen seems nice." I say, examining the woman plunging a stake through walker's skulls.

"Karen is incredible. She is one of the most amazing women I've ever seen in my life. She smart, gorgeous..." He began.

I cut him off, "I get it. You're whipped."

"I could say the same for you." He replies.

I smirk and look towards the prison. Cat is sitting by Ellen preparing dinner outside, they are smiling and laughing with each other. My heart warms at the sight.

"Yes. Yes I am." I blush, looking down.

He laughs, "So what did you need to talk about?

I turn back to him, "We need to set up a patrol for the perimeter, we've found dead rat corpses. Turns out someone's been feeding walkers and that's why they are surrounding the fences. If it keeps up, the fences will collapse and we will be over run. I was wondering if you'd wanna help?" I ask.

He nods his head and looks over towards the mass of walkers, their weight causing the fence to bend slightly.

"I'm in. When do I start?"

"Tonight would be good. I'll take watch with you tonight, I just gotta ask other people and set up a roster."


"Thanks man."

"You're welcome."

He nods and heads off towards Sasha who's keeping watch on the overhead. I walk and ask Glenn, Bob and a few of the Woodbury survivors, all of them willing to help. I head over to Rick in the fields, he is planting seeds in the plotted dirt, Carl by his side. Carl looks up.

"Hey Daryl." He smiles.

Rick looks up and I nod at them both, Rick returning the nod.

"Carl. Rick." I say.

"Daryl. What can I do you for?" Rick says, taking off his gloves.

"I jus' came to ask you somethin'. It turns out that someone has been feedin' rats to walkers and that's why there is heaps of them around the perimeter. They are beginin' to break down the fence and if it collapses, the place will be overrun. I'm settin' up a patrol to keep an eye on the fence and I was wonderin' if you would help?" I ask.

"No." Rick says.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"I said no."

"Why not?" I ask outraged.

"I'm not involved in this stuff anymore." He sighs.

"But they need us dad." Carl pleads.

"I told Hershel that Carl and I can't do this anymore. Our agreement was that we'll do the farming, you guys make the decessions." Rick explains, putting his gloves back on.

"What so you ain't even gonna help us?"

He stayed silent and continued his work.

"Wow Rick, I thought you had more balls than this. Someone is puttin' the whole group at risk and you're jus' gonna stay here and water the plants. You are putting everyone's lives at risk. Carl's, Judith's, but hey I guess it's not your problem anymore is it?" I say.

Rick continues to dig as his son stares at him bewildered. I spit in the dirt and walk off enraged. I hear Carl and Rick arguing, but I ignore them and go to write up the roster for the perimeter in the library. I walk past Cat who gives me a look of concern, but I shake my head and continue walking. The prison is silent, the sound of my boots echoing through the empty rooms. I turn down the corridor towards the library and open the door.

I walk in and the see the kids sitting around in a circle, looking at Carol. They are all immersed in what she is telling them. She looks up and her eyes widen in fright at the sight of me. In her hand I see she is holding a pistol, the bullet case out. I look at her questionly.

"Wha' the hell is goin' on here?" I ask in disbelief.

Carol stands up and places the gun and bullets on the floor.

"Just wait here kids." She says, gesturing for them to remain seated.

She walks over to me and pulls me out the door, closing it behind us.

"Wha' are you doin' Carol?" I yell, removing my arm from her grip.

"Daryl, quiet down. People will hear you." She says, gesturing me to be quiet.

"Wha' are you crazy?" I yell.

"Let me explain."

I stop and look at her, waiting for her to continue.

"I'm teaching them how to survive. They don't need to be taught English and Mathematics, what is that going to do for them in this world? When Hershel said that I couldn't teach them survival skills, I decided I would do it anyway, for their sake. They need to learn how to hunt, how to kill, medical training. We won't always be around to help them, so they might as well learn now when they have the chance." She explains.

"Does anyone know?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "I told the children to keep it a secret."

"So you've got children lyin' now?" I say.


"That's sick. What you're doin' is sick." I say.

"If it helps them to survive then I don't care. I would give anything to go back and show Sophia how to have survived and maybe she would still be here and she isn't. I couldn't save her, but I can save these kids. Everyone else can sit around and pretend that the world hasn't gone to shit but I'm not doing that. I'm teaching those kids how to survive and I don't give a damn what anyone thinks." She says, storming back into the library.

I stand there, shocked at her outburst. I stare at the door and let the information run riot through me brain. I lean against the wall for support and stare off into space. Even though what Carol is doing is crazy, she has a point. I agreed with her initially that the kids needed training, but not like this. I shake my head and walk back towards the cell block.

Hershel is sitting in his cell, reading his bible. He looks up as I walk past.

"Everything alright Daryl?" He asks.

I stop and look at him, contemplating whether or not to tell him what happened. His questioning eyes bore into mine. I shake my head.

"Everythin's fine Hershel."

He nods and continues to read his bible. I turn and continue walking.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now