Chapter 5

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Cat's P.O.V
I walk through the prison towards the cell I had awoken from this morning. I throw myself on the bed and pull my arm over my eyes. I take deep breathes trying to calm down, yet all I think about was Daryl. How dare he make assumptions about me? He knew me for three minutes.

"Jackass..." I mutter.

"Yeah he can be but he means well."

I sit up quickly and see Rick standing at the entrance to the cell. The light is silhouetting his manly figure.

"Can I come in?" He asks.


Rick strides into the cell and takes a seat next to me, I move over to give him more room.

"I'd like to apologise on behalf of Daryl."

"You don't have to. It should be him apologising."

He chuckles, "Yeah, well Daryl is a stubborn man with pride. Give him a few hours to calm down and he will. But for now I would like to. He wasn't meaning to take any offence, he was just playing with you. It's always taken him awhile to get used to new people, so just give him time."

I contemplate Rick's words and nod in agreement.

"Maybe I was too harsh. It's just I have had a very different life to what he has thought and it's always hard when people make assumptions." I sigh.

"I understand. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Come any time, I want you to feel comfortable and welcome here." He says, placing a hand on mine.

His touch is unexpected, but I hold in my composure. It feels warm against my skin.

"You have been very accommodating already. But I will keep that in mind." I say, subtly removing my hand from his touch.

"So can I have my stuff back, I kinda want to get out of these dirty clothes." I say.

He laughs, "Of course. Follow me."

He walks out of the cell towards the far end of the block. Inside is Carl and the baby, Judith. Every time I see her, my heart breaks at the memory. I stare at her and feel a tear fall down my face. I quickly wipe it away, but notice that Carl has seen it. His look in questioning, trying to decipher me. I turn quickly and look at Rick. He grabs my bag from the corner of the room and hands it to me.

"Here you go. We were just checkin to make sure there wasn't anything dangerous or harmful to the group. Just a routine proceedure." He smiles.

Judith let's out a whine. Rick walks over to her and picks her up. She fits perfectly into the crook of his arms. He smiles at her and whispers things to her. My heart breaks at the possibility of what my life could have been. Again Carl watches my reaction to Judith.

"Well thank you." I say turning to leave.

"You're welcome. We have showers here if you want to wash. I'm sure Maggie or Beth will show where they are and how it all works."

"Thank you."

"Your welcome Cat. Have a nice night." He says, turning his attention back to his angel.

I leave the room quickly, trying not to let the tears spill. I walk towards Maggie's cell and knock on the wall. Maggie and Glenn are curled together, talking to each other. They look up and smile at me.

"What can I do you for Cat?" Maggie asks politely.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt. I was told you could show me where to shower?" I ask.

"Sure follow me."

She stands up from the bed and gives Glenn a swift kiss. We walk out of the cell block down a corridor.

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