Chapter 50

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Cat's P.O.V
I walk towards the back of the group with Tyresse by my side. I wonder where Karen is, if she made it out alive.

"Tyresse?" I ask.


"Did you ever find Karen?" I ask.

He slows his walk and looks at me, "I found her being eaten by walkers." He says bluntly.

I gasp in shock, tears forming in my eyes, "I'm so sorry."

He nods and walks ahead of me, leaving me at the back. I sigh and walk slower, trying to suppress the feeling of guilt overwhelming me. I sit down at the foot of a tree and try to calm down, knowing that the others are just ahead. I pull a water bottle out of my bag and take a long drink. I sit back and lean against the tree.

All of a sudden something grabs my arm and I scream out. I pull the knife out of my belt and plunge it into the walkers neck. I try to get up but the walker grips onto my leg and I fall down, screaming. I kick my other foot in its face when I see two more come out of the trees. I grab my gun and shoot one in the head, it falling on top of the walker at my feet. I shoot again at the one about to bite my leg, it falling limp. I go to shoot the last one, when an arrow pierces it's skull and it falls on top of me. I scream as it lands on top of me, the air being knocked out of my lungs.

The thing is suddenly pulled away and I am able to breathe again. The walker remains are pulled off my legs and I see Daryl standing above me. He grips the tops of my arms and pulls me up and I wrap my arms around his neck, my breathing erratic. He holds me close and I can hear his laboured breathing in my ear. He pulls back, looking for any signs of marks, but he finds none.

He moves back and looks me in the eye, "Wha' do you think your doing?"

"I sat down for a moment-" I begin.

He cuts me off, "You could have been killed! You didn' tell anybody you were stopping, you were lucky we were still within hearing distance!"

"Daryl, I-"

"No! You don' pull that shit again, you hear me?" He yells.

I bite my bottom lip and look down, hoping he won't see the tears running down my face. I feel a finger underneath my chin and he lifts my head up so that he can look me in the eyes.

"I just don' wan' anythin' happenin' to either of you." He says, a hand on my stomach.

I nod and wrap my arms around him again, holding him tightly against me. Everyone begins to continue walking the way we were, and Daryl let's go. His hand reaches up and he wipes a tear from my cheek. He grasps my hand and we follow after everyone.


Not long after we reach an open clearing with the small, white church in the middle. Gabriel leads us to the entrance and goes to open the door.

"Hold up. You mind if we look around first?" Rick asks.

He walks up the steps towards Gabriel, "We just want to hold up our squirrels." He holds his hand out.

Gabriel drops the keys into his hand with a smirk. Rick opens the door and enters, with Michonne, Daryl, Carol and Glenn close behind. The rest of us stay out and keep watch for any signs of danger. I scan the tree line for any sort of disturbance but see none. After awhile, I hear Rick's whistle and I walk towards the entrance. Ricks comes out with the others close behind.

"I spent months here without stepping out the front door. If you found someone inside, well it would have been surprising." Gabriel smirks.

"You know for a man of God, you're pretty arrogant." I say.

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