Chapter 57

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Cat's P.O.V
I stand awkwardly at the back of the group, trying to not draw attention to myself. We are surrounding the lounge, on it lays a dying Bob. His breathing is laboured and his speech slow, indicating he doesn't have much time left. At the moment, Maggie is sitting beside Bob on the lounge, tears streaming down her face.

"You'll always be with us. Apart of us." She whispers.

She leans down and lifts his hand to her lips, placing a small kiss on the back of his hand. Glenn walks forward and pats his foot before helping Maggie up. Everyone begins to walk away, giving him his last moments of peace. I awkwardly walk to his side and kneel down beside him.

"Hey." He mumbles.

"Hey." I say, stroking his hair.

"I know that you are feeling really scared and guilty about what happened, but I just want to say thankyou." He says as tears begin to fall down my face.

"You were always nice to me, since the beginning and we had some good times together. I hope that you and Daryl will be reunited soon and that you will both take care of that baby." He says, placing a hand on my stomach.

I look down and place my hand over his and look up into his eyes, the tears clouding my vision.

"I'm really gonna miss you." I whisper.

He pulls my head down onto to his chest and I cry into it, letting all my emotions out. I feel him press his lips to the top of my head and I squeeze his hand.

I pull back and look him in the eye, "I love you."

He gives me a small smile, "You too."

I let go of his hand and stand up, sniffing and wiping my eyes. Sasha steps forward and takes a seat by his side, holding his hand. I turn to go and see Rick waiting for me at the door, with Judith in his arms. He wraps his arm around me and begins to walk out when Bob calls him.


We turn and Rick nods, beginning to pass me Judith.

"No, don't. Let her stay. I trust her." He says.

Rick turns to me and nods and I return his nod with a grim smile.

"I'll be right outside." Sasha says, walking in front of me.

I turn and walk out the door, closing it behind me. I begin to walk outside and notice all eyes on me as I exit the building. Before leaving, I grab a gun and put it at the small of my back in the waistband of my pants. I walk outside, past Glenn and Abraham who are making last minute adjustments to the bus. I walk around to the back of the church towards the swinging lounge and I sit down. I let out a heavy sigh and begin to swing and after awhile I see someone approach me.

"Mind if I join you?" Michonne asks.

I nod quickly and stop swinging long enough for her to sit down. I begin swinging again and stare out into the woods by the church.

"How are you doing?" She asks.

"I'm fine." I say, continuing to look out to the woods.

"You know it's okay if you're not-"

"I am." I cut her off.

We swing in silence for awhile until she speaks again.

"I know how're you're feeling." She says.

"I doubt you do..." I mutter.

"No, I know. Loss is hard-"

"You don't think I know that?!" I yell, getting up.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now