Chapter 8

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Daryl's P.O.V

I walk into the prison towards the dining area, the smirk still present on my face. As I enter, I am greeted with the loud chatter of the survivors of the prison. Everyone is eating, talking and laughing, almost as if the world hadn't gone to shit.

I walk over to Carol who is serving lunch, bread and deer. She smiles as I approach her.

"Hello Pookie."

I roll my eyes at her nickname. She places the food on my plate.

"What's the plans for the afternoon?" She asks.

At that moment, Cat walks into the dining room, her hair still dripping wet.

"I don't know, I might help Rick with the fields." I shrug, still looking at Cat.

She is standing by the table with Sasha, Tyresse and Bob, smiling and laughing. I turn and see Carol looking in the same direction. She turns back to me.

"So what do you think of Cat?" She asks.

"Wha' do you mean?"

"Do you like her?"

"She's okay, for a city girl." I say, looking at her as she talks to them.

I turn and see Carol looking at me, "Wha'?"


I shrug and walk over to my table. I take the seat next to Michonne and begin eating my meal.


I look up at Hershel.

"There's a council meeting this afternoon."

"Wha' time?"

"Straight after lunch."

"I was gonna help Rick in the fields."

Cat walks over and takes the seat next to Rick on the other side of the table. I turn back to Hershel, who eyes me.

"It won't take long."

"Alrigh'" I say.

"What happened to you?" Michonne asks Cat.

Everyone at the table looks at her. She looks at me quickly and blushes.

"Um, had an accident at the barrel." She says.

She looks over at Beth, who is looking between the two of us, a small smile on her face. I smirk at Cat, making her squirm.

"Looks like you had one too," Rick says to me.

"Yeah, somethin' like that" I smirk.

Cat looks down and plays with her food. Rick looks between the two of us, trying to decipher what's going on. Carol walks over and takes the seat next to me, the subject dropped. The table begins conversing about different jobs that need to happen in order for the prison to become secure again. Throughout the meal, I keep glancing at Cat, who I catch looking at me. Every time she flushes and looks away. Soon the meal is over and we go to put our dishes in the sink. Cat and I are the last to leave the table, the room empty. She walks to the sink and places the dish with the others. I walk behind her and place the dish on top of hers, our bodies nearly touching. As I pull my hand back, my fingers brush against her skin, leaving goosebumps. She looks to the side, into my eyes. Her gaze is intense, filled with emotion. I want to lean forward and kiss her so badly.

"Come on Daryl, the meetings about to start." Sasha's voice calls, interrupting the moment.

I smirk and walk out the door. Before I go, I see Cat using her hands to lean against the sink. Her head is bowed and she is breathing heavy. I smile and walk towards the library where the meeting is held. I walk in and take my seat in between Carol and Hershel, everyone else in their seats. Hershel sits at the centre of the circle and begins the meeting.

"We need more supplies. We are running dangerously low on medicines, bandages, antiseptics, etc. we need to make a run further north to this medical facility. It's around a two days trip. We also need more food a swell as other things."

"I can make a trip up north tomorrow." I say.

"You can't go alone." Carol says.

"I know, I'll take Cat or Michonne with me."

"What about hunting? We need food." Sasha says.

"Let some of the other people check the snares and traps for food. Daryl shouldn't be the only one doing the hunting." Terence said. He is the representative of the Woodbury survivors.

"I suppose that isn't a bad idea. And you're right, it's not fair for a Daryl to be stuck doing the hunting. Terence why don't you find someone who would be willing to that?" Hershel says.

Terence nods in agreement.

"Any other matters?" Hershel asks.

"The children need some form of educational system. At the moment they are sitting around doing nothing. They need to be taught something in order for them to grow." Carol says.

"What do you suggest?" Sasha says.

"Maybe teach the basic equations and spelling. Other things that can come in handy. Maybe survival skills, lessons in weaponry and training."

"You mean, teach the kids how to kill those things?" Terence asks.

"They'll need to learn eventually, why not now when there is not so much of a threat?"

"Because they're children. They don't need to be subject to the harsh realities of this world just yet. Let them have time to just be kids." Sasha says.

"But that's just it, they don't have time to be kids. In this world you have to know how to survive in order to live. Just because they're children doesn't mean that they don't need to learn these things." Carol argued.

"I agree with Carol. We can't baby them forever." I interject.

"Yes I agree but not right now. While everything is calm, allow them to relax and have fun." Terence says.

"What do you think Hershel?" Sasha asks.

"I agree that the children need to get an education on basic English, Maths and other subjects. However when it comes to survival training, I think they are simply to young to be subjected to that. We could begin with lessons on Monday, organise a roster of whose gonna teach, when they are gonna teach and what subjects. Carol would you be happy to do that?" He asks.

"Of course." She says quietly.

"If that is all, than this meeting is adjourned." Hershel says, grabbing is crutches to stand.

We all file out of the room one by one.

"I just don't understand why they don't want them to learn." Carol says.

"I agree that they should but, it was a vote and they didn't agree, theres not much we can do." I say simply.

She nods and walks off into the prison, muttering to herself. I make my way out of the prison towards the fields where Cat will be. As I leave the building, the heat hits me like a wave. I look over to the fields and see Cat. She is standing there, arms rested on the top of her shovel, talking to Rick. They are both smiling as she touches his arm. A swarm of jealousy radiates through me at the sight, but I push it away. I ignore the nagging feeling in my stomach and walk over to them.

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