Chapter 59

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Cat's P.O.V
I stand away from everyone, holding a sleeping Judith in my arms. The sound of the axes and hammers fills the forest air and I keep an eye out for any threat of walkers. I pace around the church, my eyes glued to the tree line. I see Gabriel standing on the church steps with a downcast look on his face as he watches his church become destroyed.

After a few moments, Daryl comes out holding the organ pipes. I forget everything for a moment and focus on his arms as he moves, how his muscles contract under his tanned skin. A shiver runs through me at the sight and I bite my lip. Daryl looks up and catches me staring at him, a small smirk on his lips. I roll my eyes and turn back to the tree line.

I hear footsteps approach me from behind and I turn to see Noah limping towards me. I turn back to the tree line as he stops beside me, the silence awkward.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"What for?" He says.

"You know why." I say through gritted teeth.

Noah turns toward me with a small smile on his face, the black eye swelling. I shift Judith to my hip and reach up, but he dodges my touch. I shake my head and apologise at my stupidity.

I awoke this morning to find a sleeping Daryl next to me and I smiled at the thought that he was finally here with me. I got dressed and walked out to see Noah talking to Michonne, when anger flooded through me. I approached him and punched him in the face when people came running at me. Rick held me back and Daryl came running out to see what the commotion was.

"How's it feel?" I ask, continuing my watch.

"Not too bad. It only hurts when I blink." He chuckles.

I hang my head and let out a small laugh. He was a nice kid and was helping us despite the fact he didn't know us. Judith begins to stir in my arms and I shift her into my chest and pat her back, swaying from side to side.

"You're a good mother." Noah smiles at me.

"She's not mine, she's Rick's." I say.

"Oh I'm sorry-" He begins.

"It's okay. I spend a lot of time with her so I guess I have a sort of motherly relationship with her, but no I'm not her mother. Her mother..." I trail off.

"I understand. You're a natural, that's gonna help when that baby comes." He gestures toward my stomach.

I laugh quietly, "Yeah."

"So, you and Daryl?" He questions, making me grow suddenly uncomfortable.

"Yeah?" I ask, shifting to my other foot.

"It's funny. I can't picture him as the fatherly type-"

"Don't make assumptions. He's a great man. Gonna make a great father." I say, glancing over at my husband.

Daryl plunges the last pipe into the soil and brushes his hands off on his jeans. He turns and climbs the steps, going back inside to finish the rest of the fortifications. We stand there in silence and keep an eye out for walkers. One begins to emerge from the tree line and I pull my knife out of my belt, stepping forward.

"Let me." Noah says, putting a hand out to stop me.

He hobbles forward and quickly stabs the walker in the eye, it collapsing to a heap on the ground. He turns and gives me a large smile and give him a small one in return.

"Noah, Rick wants yer!" Daryl calls from beside.

"Jesus Daryl!" I say, clutching my chest.

He chuckles from beside me and pulls me against his chest, with Judith snuggled in between us. I lay my head on his shoulder and hug him around the waist. I close my eyes and sigh in content at this peaceful moment.

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