Chapter 4

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Daryl's P.O.V
I walk towards the prison, starving from the day's run. Michonne and I spent the whole day looking further north for the Governer, but still came up short. This didn't surprise me, I knew he was long gone but Michonne was persistent and I didn't like her being alone for too long. Since Merle's death, we have gotten close.

I walk into the dinning area to the smell of stew. This was the third time this week and I know I have to go hunting soon to restock supplies. I look and see Carol staring at me, she smiles when she catches my eye. I give her a quick nod before heading to my cell. I dump my crossbow and bag onto my bed. I grab some water from the bucket and splash my face and wash my hands. I wipe my hands on my pants and head downstairs.

I walk into the dining room and grab a plate from Carol.

"Find anything?" She asks.

I shake my head and head over to the table. Hershel and Beth are there, trying to feed Judith. Carl and Michonne is talking about something. I go to take my seat next to Rick but I see someone in my in it. She is a petite, brunette, who looks like she hasn't eaten in awhile. I walk over to the table.

"Hey Daryl." Rick nods.

"Who's this?" I ask, gesturing to girly.

"This is Cat."

She turns and looks at me. Her green eyes are shadowed by the bags under them. Her face is sunken in from malnutrition and yet she was still striking. Her brown hair is braided down her back, reaching just above her hips.

"Hello," she smiles politely.

"Your in ma seat." I say.

"Oh, sorry..." She mumbles beginning to move.

"Daryl there's a seat right there." Hershel says.

"Don' matter. She's in ma seat." I reply.

"Daryl, just sit." Michonne says.

I sit down in the spare seat, where Carol usually sits and eat my food in silence. Everyone else acts like nothing happened except Cat. She is shuffled as far away as her seat will allow, intimidated by me. I smirk.

"So girly, where you from?" I ask.

She looks up from the stew, her green eyes meeting mine, "Chicago."

"City girl." I mutter.

"Yeah. So? Got a thing against city girls?" She says, the table going silent.

"Naw, just that they don't know what country life is like." I state.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asks.

"Nothin' just you probably never worked a farm ever."

"Therefore I don't know how to do anything of use right? 'Cause I didn't grow up knowing how to hunt means that I'm some rich girl who had everything handed to her on a plate right? Well you don't know anything about me so screw you," she says.

Grabbing her plate she gets up and walks away. She places her dish on the pile and storms out of the room. The whole room is silent and is staring at me.

"Eat yo' damn meals" I growl, resuming my food.

Everyone begins eating again. I look up and see my table still looking at me in shock.

"Wha'?" I ask.

They all turn away and begin eating but Rick, who stands up.

"You need to learn to lay off the new people," he says.

"I didn' even say nothing, I was just playing," I say.

He says nothing and places his dish on the pile, following after Cat.

"Whatever," I mumble, finishing my meal.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now