Chapter 42

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Daryl's P.O.V
The sun glares directly above us as we continue our walk towards Terminus. Rick and Carl are at the front leading, while Michonne covers the back. I turn to my left and see Cat struggling to walk. Her limp has gotten worse as the hours go past and I can see the pain in her face.

"Hold up!" I call.

Rick and Carl stop, turning to see what the problem is. I hang my crossbow across my chest and lean down in front of Cat.

"What are you doing?" Cat asks puzzled.

"Hop on." I say.

"You've got to be kidding." She says.

"You can barely walk and I need you safe and healthy. So hop on." I explain.

"Daryl I'm perfectly-" She begins.

"It's not just you I'm lookin' out for." I turn to face her.

She stares at me, giving me a look before reluctantly climbing onto my back. I shift her until we are both in a comfortable position. I can feel her rounded stomach pressing into the small of my back and I smile.

"You ready?" Rick asks.

I nod my head. He turns and continues leading the way.

"If I get too heavy just put me down okay?" She says.

"I can barely feel you. I won' be puttin' you down anytime soon." I chuckle.

She giggles in response, "Well if I do, just put me down. I don't want anything to happen to you."

She leans forward and places a kiss on my neck. I tilt my head and lean it on hers for a moment. She sighs in content and I pull my head back into position. Soon I hear her soft snores in my ears and I chuckle at her ability to sleep through anything. We walk in silence, not much talk between us. After awhile Michonne speeds up to walk next to me.

"What do you really think about this place?" She whispers so Rick can't hear.

I glance at him, then back at Michonne, "I don' trust it."

"Then why are we going. We should go find somewhere to hold up." She explains.

"I would, but I can't." I say.

"Why not?" She questions.

"Because of Cat. She will be havin' the baby in five months and we need a place for her to relax and prepare. Plus nobody here knows how to deliver a baby." I say.

She pauses before saying, "I do."

I slow my pace and look into her eyes. I can see the fear and hurt behind them that I never took notice of before.

"When?" I say picking up the pace.

"Before the outbreak. But he... After. His name was Andre Anthony." She speaks.

I continue looking forward as she speaks.

"We have plenty of knowledge of labour. Rick was there with Lori when Carl was born, Carl was with Maggie when Judith was born, I had Andre and Cat had-" She begins.

"Yes and the last labour broke her apart. She doesn't show it, but I know that she is scared shitless. She's afraid that it will happen again, but I will do everything in my power too make sure that doesn't happen again!" I say.

"Look, I understand where you are coming from but I have a really bad feeling about this place. It's the same feeling I had when Andrea and I went to Woodburt. Something isn't right."

"I agreed with you but I don't have a choice. Cat and the baby are my only priority and my only thought process is to keep them safe." I declare.

She looks at me before nodding, turning back to the road. My rib begins to ache under the pressure of holding Cat and I hiss quietly.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now