Chapter 13

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Cat's P.O.V

I can feel the bed moving under me, meaning that it was time to get up. I sit up and rub my eyes, urging them to wake up. The lamp is on and I can see Daryl grabbing things and putting them in a backpack.

"Morning." I say.

He turns and smiles at me, "Morning."

I stand up and stretch, my shirt ridding up revealing my stomach. Daryl watches me, his eyes gazing over me whole body. Self conscious I pull the shirt back down and walk out the cell into my own. The lamp from his cell provides enough light for me to see what I'm doing. I grab my black skinny jeans, black tank top and black combat boots. I look around and try to find my jacket, so I walk into Daryl's.

"Do you know where my jacket is?"

He looks up from his packing, "I don' know. Did yer put it in the wash?"

"Shit, I did. Dammit that's my only jacket." I mutter, walking back into my cell. I grab things I'll need and put them in my backpack. Once everything's in, I zip it up and grab my sword and knife. I walk back into to Daryl's cell to see he's done as well.

"Ready?" I ask.

He nods and holds out something for me. His leather jacket.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Take it, I don' want you to get cold."

"Thanks." I smile and put it on. The sleeves hangs just below my finger tips and I am surrounded my his alluring scent. I take a big whiff and sigh in content. I open my eyes and see him watching me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothin, you're just beautiful is all."

A warm sensation fills my chest and I blush, looking at my feet. I walk over to him and kiss him softly on the lips.

"Come on, we have to go." I say, pulling on my backpack.

We grab the rest of the things and head down to the kitchen to grab water and food. When we walk in there I see Maggie sitting at a table eating some pudding.


She turns and looks, not surprised to see me here. She places the cup on the bench and stands up.

"I was hoping the catch you before you left. I asked Glenn to ask Daryl if he could tell you to come see me."

"Sorry, I forgot." He apologises.

"That's ok." She smiles, it not reaching her eyes.

"Daryl, why don't you go get the supplies and I'll meet you at the car."

He nods and stalks off to the kitchen. I turn to Maggie.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

She looks towards Daryl's direction and sees if he is out of hearing distance.

"I need you to get me something while you are there." She whispers.

"Okay, what is it?"

"I need you be very discreet. I don't want anyone finding out."

"Of course." I nod.

She nods and pulls a piece of paper out of her back pocket. She hands it over to me and I read it quickly. My face drops as I look at her.

"Maggie..." I begin.

"I don't wanna talk about it. Just please do this for me?"

I nod and put the paper in my back pocket.

"Thank you." She says.

"You're welcome."

"Good luck out there." She hugs me.

I hug her back and hold her tightly. I pull away and smile at her. She walks off towards her cell and I walk outside. Daryl is leaning against the truck, picking at his nails. I walk over to the truck.

"Everything' alrigh'?" He questions.

"Yeah. She just needed to ask me something."

"This early in the morning?" His eyebrow rises.

"I can't talk about it."

"Alrigh'" He says, turning to get in the truck.

I walk around the other side and get in. I put the bag at my feet and get comfortable for the long ride. Daryl starts the truck and drives through the first gate, closing it behind us. We go through the next gate and begin the journey north.

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