Chapter 25

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Cat's P.O.V

"What is your most awkward sexual encounter?" Sasha asks.

Everyone groans, laughing to themselves as they think about the question. It is after dinner and everyone has headed off to bed. All the children are fast asleep and only a few people remain in the dining room, continuing the conversation. Around the table sits Glenn and Maggie, Sasha and Tyresse, Carol and Rick and Daryl and myself. We have all been asking each other questions, all of us tipsy from the wine that they had acquired on the last run, letting off steam after the last hectic weeks.

"Come on guys, you have to answer. What is your most awkward sexual encounter? Carol, you start." Sasha says, drinking more wine and sloshing it onto the table.

Carol looks around at everyone and sighs, "Ed, was out with a friend, doing whatever he did and Sophia was at a sleepover with a friend..." She begins.

Everyone adjusts to look at her, me leaning against Daryl's chest. She shakes her head and covers her face, "I grabbed a book that I kept hidden from Ed and grabbed my vibrator."

The guys eyes bug wide along with Maggie, while Sasha and I giggle.

"Anyway, I had gotten to the point where I was... Relieving myself and Ed walked in. He sort of just stared at me for a really long time. I was so embarrassed because who wants their husband to walk on you while you're pleasuring yourself right?" She laughs. I hold out my hand for a high five, which she returns.

"God, I miss my vibrator." Sasha smiles.

"Me too." I grin.

"Woah." Everyone choruses, looking at us.

"I'm sorry but I would kill to have mine back. It's been a while." Sasha explains, pouring herself wine. Everyone laughs and turns to me.

"What? It was a gift..." I mumble, sipping my wine, avoiding eye contact.

They chuckle and Tyresse begins to tell his story. Daryl brings his lips to my ear.

"So you wan' your vibrator huh?" He mumbles.

I smirk and look at him, "Jealous?"

"I wanna be the only one tha' makes you come." He whispers, his hand gripping my thigh.

I gasp silently, hoping no one can see. When no one is looking, I casually run my hands up his leg behind my back and I rub him through his pants. He sits up quickly and I smirk continuing.

"You need to stop that." He whispers in my ear, panting. I press my palm against him and he moans.


I stop and see everyone looking at him.

"Wha'?" He asks, shifting in his seat.

"Tell us your story." Sasha says.

"Yeah tell us your story." Carol urges. I frown at her comment but ignore her, wanting to hear Daryl's story,

"Nah," Daryl says.

"Come on man. It can't be worse than mine." Tyresse says.

"Yeah, you're parents catching you getting off in a bathroom is as bad as it can get." Maggie chuckles, clutching her belly. Daryl looks down at me and I wink, he clears his throat.

"Well in high school there was this chick name' May..." He began.

A plan forms in my head as he talks. I run my thumbnail up his thigh and hear his breathe hitch. I continue on with my previous actions but keep my face blank as I stare at him. He takes a large gulp of his wine and begins his story.

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