Chapter 49

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Cat's P.O.V

During the night I feel Daryl get up to take watch. After a moment, someone lays down next to me, I open my eyes for a moment and see its Carl. I turn to my side and allow him to curl in for warmth. I close my eyes and slowly drift back to sleep.


I open my eyes, the bright morning sun burning my corneas. I shut them and open them again, adjusting to the light. My bladder is full and desperate to be relieved. Carl is still sound asleep beside me and I sneak away to not disturb him. No one is awake, everyone still sound asleep. Bob and Sasha cuddle to the side, near Tyresse as well as Glenn and Maggie. Rick is asleep against a tree, with Judith in his arms, Michonne by their side. Abraham, Rosita, Tara and Eugene are asleep by a log, Rosita curled into Abraham's side.

I walk into the woods, finding a place to pee. Once done I turn to leave, but still at the sound of voices. I quietly head towards the sound and stop when I see the source. Not too far away from the others sit Carol and Daryl, deep in conversation. They are the last ones on watch before everyone wakes up. Daryl sits with his back to me, Carol facing my way, though she is unable to see me through the trees.

"Did you miss me?" She asks.

Through the gaps in the branches I see him nod slightly. She smiles and looks him the eyes.

"I missed you too."

Then, without warning, she places her hand on his cheek and leans in to kiss him. My heart pounds furiously at the sight and I turn to leave, stepping on a twig. Their heads snap in my direction and I freeze, hoping they don't see me. Daryl stands and begins to walk in my direction. I turn and bolt quickly through the trees, before he has a chance to see me. I quickly take my spot next to Carl, and try to calm my breathing.

I hear them walk into the clearing and pray that they don't notice how laboured my breathing is. I hear the sound of wood being dropped and they begin talking again.

"Daryl, about before-" Carol begins.

"Carol, I'm with Cat. She is my wife and the mother of my kid. I know that you have feelings for me, but you need to stop. Please respect that I am with Cat."

I don't hear her response, but instead hear the noises of Daryl starting the fire. Carl begins to stir at my side and he opens his eyes, meeting mine. He smiles at me, my heart warming at the sight.

"Morning Hemmings." His deep voice says.

"Morning Grimes. How'd you sleep?" I ask.

"Pretty well actually. After my shift, I came over and was out like a light. What about you?" He says.

"I've been better. Baby decided my bladder was a squeeze toy and my back is killing me but overall I could be worse." I explain.

He nods and sits up, looking around the group. I roll on my back and look around. Everyone is beginning to wake up, smelling the meat cooking. The scent hits me and my stomach growls loudly.

Carl looks over and chuckles at me, "Wanna get some breakfast?" He says, standing up.

I nod and he offers me a hand. He pulls me up and a wave of nausea overcomes me. I sway and I grip onto his shoulder, his arm wraps around my waist to steady me.

"You okay?" He asks.

I nod, "Yeah got up to quickly."

I feel a sharp kick in my abdomen, "I guess someone's awake."

"How can you tell?" He asks.

I grab his hand and place it on my stomach, after a moment the baby kicks.

Torn Apart (A Daryl Dixon/ The Walking Dead Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now