✰ 19. haunted ✰

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all the season 6 queens were packed into a bus. adore, bianca, darienne, courtney and bendelacreme sat at the back talking about the hotel they were staying in.

"i heard michelle say it was haunted!" courtesy said.

"oh yes! party!" adore exclaimed. "fuckin love scary shit!"

"but wait, do you really think its... haunted?" dela whispered, anxiety lacing her voice. bianca rested a hand on her shoulder.

"im sure its all baloney, i highly doubt its 'haunted'. ghosts arent real." bianca wasnt too sure whether she was reassuring dela or herself. she'd never really been one for horror movies, she'd pick a comedy over a horror any day.

they arrived at their hotel, and it definitely fit the haunted stereotype criteria: ancient, falling apart and eerily empty. oh and the squeaky doors and floorboards. yeah, bianca was not looking forward to tonight.

they got their rooms, adore and bianca sharing and courtney, bendela and darienne sharing.

"we should go ghost hunting! or... a ouija board!"

"fuck no. absolutely not."

"but why?" adore pouted. bianca sighed. she was never very good at sharing her weaknesses.

"i dont like anything ghosty. it freaks me out, okay? if you must know. haha, bianca del rio: scared of ghosts."

"hey. its fine, and if you get scared, you can come running to me. no sarcastic comments, no teasing. everyones scared of something."

biancas face softened and she enveloped adore in a hug whilst murmuring "thank you," into her shoulder.

through the rest of the afternoon, weird things happened. doors slammed and floorboards creaked without anyone walking on them. bianca was thoroughly on edge and called dela to see if she was experiencing anything.

"its eerie, im not gonna lie. i am dreading sleeping, ill end up climbing in with courtney!" dela joked and bianca chuckled. "hey, at least you have adore."

"true. ill speak tomorrow, text me if anything happens,"

"will do. bye b,"

and with that the conversation ended. it was around 11ish and bianca climbed into bed, adore shortly following.

"you okay? you look a little... tense." adore said, squeezing bianca closer.

"ill be fine. just need to get to sleep."

bianca heard humming. she jumped so high in the air, until she realized it was adore. humming turned to singing and it actually helped bianca. her eyes began to close but she forced out "adore?"


"thank you,"

adore chuckled. "dont worry b, ill fight off the ghosts for you,"

and with that, adore and biancas snores echoed through the room.

word count:400

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