✰ 41. weather ✰

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decided to write this like i did the seasons one, hope y'all enjoy!

1. sunshine

danny and roy were sat outside on their sun loungers in the garden, dogs playing at their feet and quiet music coming from their speaker. the sun blared down on their now tanned bodies.

"we should get a pool." danny stated, and roy almost choked on his drink.

"dan. sweetheart, you can't swim!"

"yeah i know! i mean a paddling pool!"

roy chuckled, before murmuring "i can't believe you,"

he went in for a refill of his drink, and an evil thought entered his head. roy picked up a washing up bucket from the sink and filled it with icy cold water. he snuck behind danny and threw it all over him.

danny gasped and jumped to his feet, screaming "your evil!"

he ran towards roy and tackled him, cold meeting roys hot skin and he yelped out in suprise. they lied on the grass, roy rubbing danny's arms in hopes to get him a little warm while chuckling slightly. roy held up his drink high in the air.

"more hot days!" he toasted and danny laughed.

"yeah, more hot days!"

2. clouds and fog

"ugh it's so foggy out there!" danny complained. "it looks so depressing!"

"so? well just have a chill day. match the mood with the weather. we can stick a film on and order some food, how does that sound?" roy took danny's hand and rubbed circles on the back of it.

"mhmm. i'd like that."

so they raced to the dvd collection, picking out a few disney movies and romcoms before returning back to the mound of blankets and pillows rested on their bed. it was cold outside, condensation building on the outside window.

the beginning scene of up began to play, and carl and ellie's relationship could be seen. towards the end, danny began to get teary.

"roy? d'you think we'll end up like that?" danny mumbled, looking up at roy expectingly.

"yeah dan. of course we'll grow old together." he leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"i couldn't imagine a world with out you,"

"hmm. neither can i,"

and with that all words went unspoken. they spent the day with each other cuddled together and movies in the background.

3. snow days

"roy! roy! roy!" danny exclaimed, shaking his sleeping boyfriend awake.

"dan? whas up?" he mumbled groggily, eyes still squeezed shut and desperate for another hour in bed.

"it's snowing!"

with that, roys eyes shot open. he flew out of bed and to their full sized windows and sure enough, a steady flurry floated down infront of them. the floor was covered in a thick blanket of white and roys eyes glimmered. he really was a big kid at heart, and snow brought out that side of him.

"we're going." he stated plainly, grabbing danny's hand and pulling him downstairs.

they both clamoured out of the door, jumping around in the snow, confused dogs running right after them.

the dogs weren't really a fan of the cold, and swiftly returned to their seat on the sofa where they could watch danny and roy dance around stupidly in the snow.

in the space of an hour they had made two snowmen and had a full on snowball fight. their hands were numb and noses were red but they still managed to laugh it off.

they finally decided to go inside, and roy made them two cups of steaming hot chocolate, topped with mountains of whipped cream and marshmallows.

a random romcom played in the background whilst they sipped their hot drinks and watched the snow pile down through the window.

snow days were days to be enjoyed, and roy and danny always looked forward to the next one.

4. stormy nights

thunderstorms were the nights both of them dreaded the most. not only were the dogs terrified, but so was roy. danny always tried to lighten the mood, but it never really helped.

"look roy, i know when you used to live in caves it was dangerous, but hey we're fine in here!"

usually his sarcastic comment would be met with an equally passive aggressive one from roy, but with the storm raging outside he just hid closer to danny's chest. another lightning struck and roy whimpered again, his grip growing increasingly stronger.

"awh roy baby, it's okay. the storms not going to hurt you." danny cooed and he could feel roy relax slightly. he ran a hand through his hair and hummed a song under his breath and luckily roy was out like a light; his panic had made him so tired that he just fell straight to sleep.

now roy was dealt with, but danny had another problem on his hands. at the foot of the bed sat sammy, dede and buddy were probably asleep by now. the dog was shaking and looking up at danny with wide eyes. he sighed.

"come on then. you may as well join too."

thunderstorms will always be unbearable for roy, but danny made them slightly more bearable than usual.

word count: 855

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