✰ 47. a small fight ✰

275 10 3

"you are so immature can't you take anything seriously!" bianca shouted, makeup streaming down her face due to pure anger.

"maybe if you had booked the show properly we wouldn't be in this situation!"

"well maybe if you weren't so clingy they'd actually want to book us!"

bianca regretted the words as soon as they came out of her mouth.

"your saying it would be easier if you weren't with me?" adore mumbled, eyes filling with puddles of tears.

"no. no adore, baby," she reached out to touch her but adore just flinched away from her touch. she walked into their shared bedroom and curled up on the bed. she didn't care if bianca left her to do a show, she just wanted to lie in bed and never come out.

bianca sat on the sofa, head in her hands. she looked a state: eyelashes hanging off and mascara mixed with eyeshadow dripping down her face in perfect lines. she couldn't believe she had been so stupid to shout at adore like that. after her dad became verbally abusive, adore had never appreciated shouting or conflict. of course bianca forgot.

she knocked on the bedroom door. the knock was loud and forceful, bianca heard a startled yelp from inside and her heart broke.

"adore? baby please come out. i promise you i didn't mean what i said. i was just angry and i shouldn't have said those things. you know i love you so much." she paused, a sob threatening to emerge. "i cant lose you."

the door squeaked open, and adore peered around the corner, eyes wide. partly with sadness, partly with fear. bianca opened her arms wide, motioning for her to give her a hug. but adore just stood still.

"i'm sorry." she whispered, not able to look bianca in the face. she repeated the phrase a few times over before bianca had enough and enveloped her into a hug 

"you don't need to apologise chola, it was all my fault. not yours. your safe now."

both the queens were crying messes, sobbing into each other's chests. they should never have argued over rent. 'money isn't the be all and end all' as adores mum would say.

after all apologies were over and their sobs were contained to a few hiccups they lied on the sofa, adore feeling safe in biancas embrace.

"no show tonight?"

"nah. we'll skip this one."

word count: 405

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