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I won't make it to my pack. It's over for me. I'm weak. I can't get up. I'm just done. I look at the clock on the wall staring at it. Malika and Mary Ann left me with this doctor so I can get better. But the medicine and food he giving me ain't working.

"When can I leave. When can I leave. When can I leave"I kept whispering to myself. The doctor came in the room with a clipboard and a pen. I turn my head to him and crack a smile. "Doc"

"Hello Mr.Maynard"he said. "Are you feeling any better?"he ask.

"I feel tingling"I sigh. "What you did to me doctor?"

"Just gave you some medicine to get you back to health. You might not be able to fight or have your strength back for a few days"the doctor said. "Cullen and averett knew what they was doing"

"They wanted me weak"I mumble. "So I won't fight in the battle"

"Without the alphas help, your pack don't know what to do"the doctor said.

"I have to get there"I sat up but was brought back down by some kind of magic. "What the hell!"

"Stay down Maynard"the doctor said. "Your still weak and going out there won't help you get better. You will die"

"All I can do is lay here and listen to you!!"I yelled. "I have to help my pack!! They need me!!"I sniffle and cried. Me being held down is making me sad, frustrated, and angry. "My mate needs me"I cried out.

"You do love her"the doctor whisper. He got up from the chair and came closer to my bed side. He took the needle out my arm and unhook the beeping thing.

"What you doing? I thought you said I was gone die if I go"I looked at him.

"My magic work"he smiled. "You have enough power, strength, energy to fight for your pack"

"What?"I mumble.

"You really love Melanie and that pack"

"Yes. I want to start over with my pack. What ever happened in the past, it happened"I shook my head. "I can't go back and change it"

"You can"the doctor said. "Just go"

I hop out of bed so fast standing on my two feet. I felt like my normal self again. I look down at myself seeing I didn't have on no pants just boxers.

"Ima need some clothes"


I pulled up to my pack house seeing how raggedy it looked. The place wasn't alive at all. I step out the vehicle sniffing the air. I can tell my pack wasn't here. They moved. They listen to Melanie. I smiled and thank god that they finally listen to her.

I sniff the air following the scent of my pack. I walked for 5 minutes till finally it got stronger. But something else also caught my attention. I stop walking and turn towards the trees. I made my way into the trees sniffing the air. It smell like Melanie. 3 minutes of walking I finally made it to the back of this house. I can tell my pack was either inside. I open the back door stepping inside the house. I look to see the bookshelf on the floor. "What the fu...."

"Maynard?"I look at the kitchen seeing someone that I wanted to see for a long time.

"Mom"I sniffle. I ran up to her hugging her tightly. "God I miss you"

"I miss you too"she cried. She wipe her eyes and smiled at me. "Your father left to help Michael and your beta. And Melanie....."

"She's here?!"I semi yelled.

"Cullens trying to get Malika her sister. I don't know if she's fighting him or....."

"Their outside"I look at the window. I let go my mother and walked to the front door kicking it open.

The two wolves stop fighting and looked at me. I can tell it was Cullen cause he was bigger then the other wolf.

"Maynard?"I turn to my right seeing Melanie with a shock look.

"Get to the basement with my mother"I mumble. I made my way to Cullen turning into a wolf.

"Hey you!! Pick on somebody your own size!!"

"Well. Seems like the poison didn't work"—"I really wanted you dead Maynard"

"Same to you" I growled showing my teeth. He showed his teeth too growling loudly.

"Bring it"

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