ErrorInk: Midnight Cuddles (fluff)

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It was exactly 9 minutes past midnight, Ink realized as he rolled over on his bed to stare at the clock on the opposite wall.
Error was right beside him, he always had been. But for some reason, Ink found it impossible to get back to sleep again.
He gave up at looking at the clock and rolled onto his back. He didnt want to stare at the time that dragged on amongst the hands of the analog clock. It only reminded him of how long it felt for every second to pass. Error (forgot how to spell there for a minute) was snoring lightly just beside him.
'He seems peaceful' Ink thought to himself. Although, it wasn't enough to shake from his awake mind to a sleepy one. He gave a semi annoyed sigh.
Poor Ink was absolutely knackered, it had been a very long day and waking up in the middle of the night really didn't help his wrecking tiredness. His body felt exhausted, however his mind was hyperactive and bursting with new ideas already. Ink hated it when he did that, he simply didn't have the energy, not to mention he couldn't even decide what position to lay in as he tossed and turned he eventually decided upon laying facing away from Error, staring at the clock again. It was 12 past. "Are you kidding me?!" He whisper-yelled.
He sighed again. At this rate, he was going to be awake until morning. But what Ink didn't count on was the loving arm of Error holding him around his chest and the significant other spooning Ink in a very calming way. Ink found his face heat up a little bit which quickly passed as he found, even when Error was there, he still couldn't sleep.
Error seemed to want to argue this point as he pulled Ink in a little closer to him, burying his face in Inks neck and holding him gently but firmly.
"Get some sleep Inky~" He said in a slightly silent voice.
Ink huffed
"Don't be like that~" Error argued in a soft tone "You need sleep" Error had proven his point and lightly sighed in triumph.
"Okay" Ink replied "Thank you Error"
"What good would I be if I didn't help you?~"
Ink found that he had a head full of reasons Error was good to him but didn't want to say. Just in case he got a little too carried away.
"Love you Inky~"
"Love you too Error~"
After that, Ink found it much easier to drift into a peaceful sleep with Error there holding him.

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