ErrorInk: Dear Diary (Fluff)

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Ink was scribbling in his diary anew. Why did he have a diary again? Well, Ink happened to be forgetful and that was plainly general knowledge by now, so he liked to keep notes of things. 

Each person who knows you has a different perception of who you are. Ink knew that, as well as anything else and he questioned what Error thought of him. He reminisced very fondly of the other male, often beaming in his presence but Error never returned it. Sure, Ink had flaws. He was the type of guy who liked Christmas lights on his house in the middle of July. 
Hence he sat indoors, just laid on his bed without a care in the world and Ink smiled. He smiled to himself while he wrote down these words, confessions of love.
For Error. 
He could allocate the consciousness Error would not find this, it was innoxious under his bed. He was sure to move its position frequently so prying eyes wouldn't be able to find it and read his secrets he held so dear. Ink definitely had some dirty laundry he didn't fancy being uncovered among those pages. For somebody to even attempt to find it was a shot in the dark. 
He managed to keep Blue looking for nearly a month barring Ink was so good at hiding it Blue eventually just sighed and gave up. 

He was content with this. Even if Error could never know how he felt, he'd write it down anyway. So he'd never forget. If he ever lost his life before Error did, he would be sure his dying wish was for Error to receive that diary and read it where Ink wasn't around to be embarrassed. He had to know. Ink knew. He needed to know. But not now. It just was not the right time was all. Perhaps it stood because it wasn't the right time, or maybe because Ink was scared of the rejection. 
Poor Ink was truly scared of a lot of things. He just made damn sure he could not let himself be a baby and sucked it up instead. 
The artist believed he merited a break for once. Needing to lay back and having to lay back were opposites. One actually relaxed you, the other piled more stress on top of what was already there. Sketchy boi didn't necessitate any extra tension on him. He had Aus to manage, art to make, plans to ruin and people to flip off. 

People like Fresh... who really needed it. He always wore his sunglasses at night. Sometimes it came to mind how he could possibly see like that.

"You're good at English when you know the difference between a man eating chicken and a man-eating chicken." A voice called from the doorway, causing Ink to jump and shove the diary he was clutching in his hands under his pillow. 
"What do you want Dream?" He asked in a nervous tone, shifting ever closer to the pillow to mask the ubiquity of the diary ever being there. Had Dream noticed he had it?
"No need to be so skittish Ink!" Leaning up against the dark wood doorframe, he laughed a bit. "Just wanted to let you know I was popping out for a while"
Ink instantly raised an 'eyebrow', watching Dream with the suspicion that should have gone to himself. "To do what?" 
 No sooner had those words left Inks mouth than Dream had blushed, looking away in unadulterated silence. "I-it's nothing you should be troubled with Ink-" The god turned tail on the other, wandering away. Vivacious yellow plastered on his face but there was little he could do about the interest. 

Tusche (Ink) merely sighed. He could get back to what he was doing right? Relaxing seemed pretty much out of the question now. It's not like he could get any unwinding done now having to know what Dream would bring Cross back to do. Ink got up to walk instead. Where to? Where should he go? 
To the stores? Buy some junk food and repose in front of the TV watching Greys Anatomy. Stay there until early hours just mindlessly watching the screen with an empty bag of chips in his lap and half a bottle of raspberry coke. Maybe cry. He needed to cry. Get it out of his system, even if it involved crying over an old man in the OR that wouldn't make it anyway. 

Before he knew it he set off. On a quest for chips and budget fizzy. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Returning a mere few hours later seemed like a bad idea. What if Dream had indeed brung Cross to the base with him? Ink tried not to worry about it. If he had he'd just ignore it. 
Although it was strangely quiet when he stepped in the door, he still kept his own footsteps silent. The artist heard a thump from upstairs. Could that be them? No. It sounded like an object hitting the floor. 

An object.

Like his diary! As Ink rushed up there the sudden thought occurred to him. Why did he care so much about one stupid book? 
It was due to what was in that book, the secrets it held, could either make or destroy Ink. The person that read it just had to decide which it will be. He could only hope it was somebody kind enough to give Inks reputation a leg up.



Who Ink saw, was Error. Sitting on the bed, with his diary. Reading it with content Error appeared amused. He seriously couldn't be reading what Ink thought he was reading. 
"Um... Error?" Inks voice was quiet, shy. He was blushing a bit. 
"Oh, Ink. How nice it is to see you" Error spoke calmly, standing up. He played around with the diary a bit, turning the book over in his hands. "I didn't know you had a diary"
"You weren't meant to know..." 
The taller smirked, moving closer to Ink. "Was I not? It seems you have a little bit of info about me in here" He was teasing. Trying to overwhelm him.
The smaller looked up at Error, blushing brightly. "I do, but that's mine to know. How did you get here anyway?"
"I did come here looking for you but I have my ways of getting places"
"You were wh-" He was cut off, being left voiceless as Error articulated once more.
"You like me... don't you?" He purred, circling Ink menacingly, but not meaning it that way. 
"I do no-"
"The book says otherwise Inky~" Error got ever closer, looming over Ink with an unusually seductive expression. Windows 8 must be fucking around again because Error was not acting normally. "Tell me the truth. You like me"
"The truth Ink. Say it" 
The smaller exhaled. Better get this over with. "I do. I like you... a lot. I just wrote them down in there so I could get it out without telling you... or anyone else. I know that if you found out, you'd turn me down anyway, so I kept things to myself." Ink looked at the ground. "Are you happy now?"
"Very" The glitch rejoined simply, kissing Inks cheek. "You're such a dick. You could have just told me."
"But you wouldn't-"
"Wouldn't love you back? Bullshit" He grinned. "How could I not?" 

Inks attitude changed in an instant. From nervous and shy to excited and happy. He kissed Errors cheek, again and again, muttering thank yous under his breath with every kiss. The larger skeleton just chuckled, dropping the diary on the bed and hugging Ink, holding him close. 
That was one of the first times Error was glad he invaded someones privacy.

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