HorrorLust: I love you because you helped me change (fluff)

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A/N: Requested by ShipGoddess12

"Okay! Horror and I have an announcement to make!" Lust yelled, smacking his wrist on the table, making a deafening crack. "Shit that wasn't good"

"Are you getting married?!" Killer blurted excitedly, standing up from where he was sitting in a dining room chair. He was at the table with the rest of the bad guys, they'd just finished preparing for the
next mission and Lust was more than excited like he usually was to go.
The last time he was the comedian of the group when he leapt from a tree direct into the river they were working at without even taking off his shirt first so had to go back to base half dressed.

"What is it?!" Cross demanded. He was usually silent in most cases so whatever this was he was eager to know. Over the years, they'd become great friends. Often getting drunk over a rugby game together while the others stood by to make sure they didn't poison themselves.
"And also, Babe what are you eating?" Lust asked warily, he could see blood dripping down the larger skeletons chin, he was obviously chewing on something considering he was ripping and tearing at something in his hand.
"Lamb heart" Horror replied simply through a mouthful.
"Okay then.."

"Please tell me you're getting married! Please please please!" Killer yelled again, looking Lust direct in the eye.
"You're breaking up aren't you!" Dust snapped, slamming the fridge door shut and the whole room fell silent. Nobody had expected Dust to say that as they thought Horror and Lusts relationship was perfect.

"Our sex life may be dead but you don't have to say that." Lust replied, stone cold seriousness in his voice and his eyes that focused on Dust evilly. "Anyway! Horror and I just got a lifetime ban from every Olive Garden for attempting to see just how 'endless' the breadsticks really were. After 14 hours of nothing but breadstick consumption, we were promptly escorted out by police."

"We can't go there anymore" Horror huffed, going to put the last shred of heart muscle in his mouth before Lust took it from him and ate it. "Hey!" He retorted. "That was mine!"
"You didn't share the chocolate with me!" Lust replied in a smart-ass tone, swallowing the meat in his mouth.
"You just quite literally stole my heart" Horror said, standing from his resting spot and pulling Lust close to him, not caring what the others saw. The taller held the other skeleton, small in his size but far from delicate he knew that for sure. Lust was actually one of the toughest on the team. He's survived so many broken bones and sickness, even that one time he broke his femur falling off a horse while on their yearly muster mission.
That experience sounded like a shotgun ringing out through the mountains, it broke so loudly one might have thought he'd lost the limb.
By the time the rest of the team had reached him, he was already dragging himself back up the hill with a trail of blood and marrow behind him that looked like he'd drained an animal of its fluids. His horse had died but that wasn't in his utmost concerns at that moment. What mattered to him was staying awake as he lost litre after litre of blood from the leg.
When they finally managed to treat him, he'd required a new change of clothes and a metal rod or two to keep his femur aligned while it healed.

As Horror lovingly held Lust the way he did, arms around his waist and his face buried into his neck, the smaller couldn't care less about what happened in the past. He was more focused on the future and now, having Horror here to hold and love him in a strong but somehow gentle touch of his, making Lust feel happy and secure here. He was quite contented just standing there while he cuddled into the taller but the others took this as their cue to leave.

Horror had been seemingly waiting for them to leave the room, because when they did, the other skeleton scooped Lust up bridal style without the slightest hint of warning whatsoever. This gave Lust a fright, his previously relaxed expression changing rapidly to one of alarm and then into one of alert as his eyes darted from object to object sitting in the room idlistic in their position, covered in dust due to the fact they hadn't been moved in years.
His gaze eventually fell back on Horror, smiling a little at him... but the skeleton, larger than he, never returned the gesture, walking into the lounge and falling onto the couch, Lust still in his arms who was as still as a deer in the headlights.

It was only when Horror actually kissed him did he snap out of the trance, gazing at him a little before he closed the gap again to a kiss sweet and gentle. They found themselves moving to each other, Lust moved his hips to get more comfortable, Horror sliding his hands down either side of his lover, drawing them to a stop just on the top of his pelvis and keeping them there while the one on his lap let his arms hang loosely around his neck.
Both closed their eyes enjoying it while this forever magical touch lasted until they'd get it again.

But little did they know, Killer was in the doorway, snapping as many photos of the moment as possible. Those two definitely needed to see what they looked like when they were kissing like that.

Lust broke the kiss, causing Killer to zoom.
He looked into the eyes of the one he held so dear to him, the very same eyes and face he'd never ever get sick of waking up to in the morning, he'd always loved just closing his eyes and falling asleep in the tallers arms, his head upon his chest so he could feel the rise and fall of Horrors ribs as he breathed. That was relaxing to him for some reason. Relaxing to know he was there, know he was the one who helped him gain a better life, one he could be proud of.

"Yes babe?~"
"Can I tell you something?"
"Of course you can, anything you want to say, I'm here to listen"

"I never pictured more than sex for myself. For a long time, I felt like a slut every time. And the more I felt good about myself, the more I hated myself. Nearly every good relationship I set out to destroy. But you make me happy, for real and I want you to stay.
When I tried to hurt myself beyond repair numerous times, you stopped me. It's not a hyperbole to say you saved my life. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you and I know I owe you."

He paused a moment to cuddle into Horrors chest.

"Sometimes, I look at myself in the mirror and it breaks my heart. I want to see what you say you see. I want to see beautiful. But I never have and I really have no idea what the fuck I'm doing with my life. I work too hard to plan shit I know will fall through. I know it's going to collapse. But because of you, I keep going, I keep fighting. I'm going to keep doing that even if I have no faith in myself.

I have barely any idea who I am, you're helping me find that, you are the one clearing my mind and my heart so I can start anew again..."

He sighed contently.

"I love you because you helped me change"

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