AfterDeath: All about the supernatural. (slight angst & fluff)

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A/N: This is a competition, give me more reads so I can beat his ass--> stitch_bish

"REAPER!!" Geno yelled, watching the scene unfold before him. There was a bloody mess everywhere, a horrific mess of tangled limbs and bleeding cuts, it's heaving chests and blank eyes, cavernous and unholy in nature staring down into him.
Reaper was there, attacking it, furiously tangling it up and flipping around it's skinny body, the 'demon' itself had no skin, just muscle, dirty, red muscle. Blood lacing intricately down the grooves where they connected to brittle bone.

This... Was a Neckelavee

According to Reapers stories, a
Nuckelavee is a demonic creature in mythology. It is described as looking like a horse with a human rider fused to it. The 'human' arms are so long they can reach the ground. It's head is three feet around and it has sometimes been seen to have two heads. There is another head on the horse area of the body which a very large mouth and one large eye.

Geno had always feared these, although Goth had always seemed intrigued by Reapers stories and tall tales about the things he's seen in his lifetime.

Reaper still furiously attacked it, trying desperately just to touch it once, failing as it lashed out and booted him half way across the lawn.
Geno let out a gasp as he saw this happen and was about to rush to Reapers aid when he got up with a grunt. Seemingly even more determined than before, he summoned his sickle instead of fighting it with bare hands, pounding back into the fight, wrestling and tumbling with it until an absolutely blood curdling scream rang out into the world.

A panting mess that was Reaper, stood up, the demon standing just beside him, motionless. His face was stone cold and devoid of emotion, he swiped his foot under the creature, knocking it off it's four hooves and onto the ground as the last of its head came from its mooring.

Reaper sighed as the corpse, beheaded by his sickle, dissapeared, leaving behind a small, circular object in the mildew covered grass, sparkling under the morning sun and last nights rain, which the taller pocketed immediately.
He spun around to face Geno, fussing over him and asking if he was okay with a worried expression on his face, taking his hand gently and stroking it over with his thumb lightly, fearing as if the smallest amount of pressure would break the delicate bone of his other which he held so dear.

Geno insisted he was fine, that he was really okay and put to ease Reapers worrying that he may not be. Out bounded an excited Goth from the house, smile on his face. "What'd you get Dad?" He asked tempestuously. His Dad always got interesting relics when he defeated stuff like this, and it was always something different. No matter what it was, Goth would find an interest in it somehow.

Reaper released Genos hand from his gentle grip, putting his hand into his pocket to find what he got. He did find it in the end and gave it to Goth, who studied it intently.
"I think it's a ball of prismarine..." Reaper says with a tinge of uncertainty in his voice. That's what he thought it was, it could very well be something else but, who cares?
"Ah neat" Goth said quietly. "Can I keep it?"
"Of course you can, just don't break it" He assured.
"I won't!"
Geno couldn't help but smile, it made him happy seeing his family happy. Sure, they had ups and downs, highs and lows, but at the end of the day, if they were all still together, it'd be alright.
"Hey Dad?" Goth looked at his father with curiosity lacing his eyes. "Can I hear a story please?"
"Another? You seem to want one of those every day!" He chuckled, patting his son's skull gently.
"Oh alright, come inside and sit down, I'll tell you another"
Goth fist pumped the air in victory, causing Geno to laugh a little as he followed them inside.

Reaper sat down on the couch, Geno cuddled into him, the tallers strong arm around him, holding him in a protected embrace which Geno very much enjoyed. Goth was sitting happily on the floor, looking up at his parents.
"Okay so... A story huh? What have I got?"
"A hot body~" Geno answered.
"Oh shut up Geno" Reaper countered playfully.

"Yes! Have I told you about La Llorna?" Reaper asked the child at his feet.
"No" Goth answered simply.

"I'll tell you then...

Once a poor man was married to a beautiful woman who lived in his village. The couple was very much in love, but the man insisted that they were too poor to have any children. When he found out his wife was pregnant, the man was very angry. He told the woman they could not keep the child. After the birth of his son, the man drowned the child in the river. His wife, too weak from giving birth to get up from the bed, pleaded in vain with her husband to spare the life of her child.

Several more sons were born to the couple, and the poor man drowned every one. The day the poor man took his fifth child to the river, his wife followed even though she was still weak and bleeding from giving birth. When he threw the child in the river, the woman went in after her son, determined to save the boy even though she did not know how to swim. The woman and her baby were swept away by the current and they both drowned.

The very next night, the woman's spirit returned to the river beside her home, wailing and searching for the sons she had lost. At first, the poor man was terrified by the spirit of his wife. He begged her to return to the spirit realm. But she did not hear him.

Night after night, the woman returned to the river, wailing and wringing her hands in her grief. The poor man became angry. But he could not stop the ghost of his wife from searching for her sons.

Finally, the sound of the wailing woman drove the man mad. He grabbed a knife and jumped into the river after the spirit to kill her. But the poor man did not know how to swim. The current swept him away and he drowned.

From that day to this, the spirit of La Llorona -- the wailing woman -- still haunts the waters and lakes, weeping and wailing and searching for her sons."

Reaper finished, Goths eyes lit up in excitement. "Is that real?!" He asked, shifting anxiously in his spot.
"I would believe so" said he "Though I wouldn't go looking.." He said with a wink.
"Reaper! Don't encourage him!" Geno said, punching him playfully in the shoulder.
"What? It's just a legend!"
"Geno, I love you~" He said, nuzzling his other on the cheek slightly, Geno now blushing as they held hands, intertwining their fingers in a way that beckoned a gentle kiss between them, a sense of soft love they both felt. As they shared their moment, an amazing feeling of wanting and loving washing over each of them.
Geno broke the kiss after a while, looking up at his significant other, a soft gaze, gentle smile on his face, pale red blush highlighting his cheeks.

"I love you too Reaper~"

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