Uncut: Slip Knot (Fluffy angsty love)

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A/N: I don't know what the ship name is so I just went with that and it's what it is called now. Worth mentioning also, 29.9k reads?! Damn chief, this is my best achievement yet! Come on fam, keep reading, this won't hit 30k by itself y'know! 

"The fact that there's a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell explains life well." Papercut remarked, twirling a broken pen in his hand. He never could really recall why he carried that one faulty pen with him, he could have swapped it out for a better one at any point but he didn't.
The current time was 8:37 pm, the sky already begrimed due to daylight savings. The way the air chilled around him, the stars shine and the presence of the half-moon called for it to feel much later than it was.
"oh dow how dow" The skeleton beside him rejoined. They spoke in some sort of weird language but Papercut fully understood them, the only purpose they spoke like that was that they were crossbred, Azuki was his name. Made by Sci himself for some sort of imperfect experiment, but when Kohitsuji didn't turn out the way he wanted he shunned them, which was a shame. They were a good man. Or at least Papercut thought they were a man, however, they could very well be female.
"What do you mean you don't think so? Heaven takes longer to get to and Hell is just the fast road."
"Yeah, you realised didn't you?" The taller snickered, shoving the pen in his pocket and peering out over the hill. He could see the moon ascending higher into the sky, casting the shadow of the tree they were under over the grass. It was clear tonight, to say the least of it. Felt as if not a thing could go wrong and that's the way Papercut desired it. He may be an edgy fuck though things still had to work right for him to be happy. "Azuki? You've been quiet for a while" It was true he had, Papercut had been zoned out for the more immeasurable part of 20 minutes now and Kohitsuji had remained soundless the entire time. All the taller got in reply was a hushed bleat that sounded alike to a snore. 

Papercut understood he was asleep and got up to leave. No sooner had he stood up and rocked the pins and needles off of his bones he felt something breathing down his neck. It was someone much more comprehensive than Papercut for sure and the now smaller skeleton stopped, peeking out of the corner of his eye at the person snaking their arms around his waist. They were a different skeleton, so there was no telling what they'd do to him then. They wore sunglasses that said 'edge' or some similar shit on them and a cap that was tipped backward, coloured red and black. Their jacket was short-sleeved and held the same tone as their hat. Papercut took a bit to look behind himself, not peeping too much out of concern he'd be punished for moving. With what little apprehension he had he could see a pair of grey shorts they were wearing and some sneakers too. He still couldn't recognise their face but that was the least of poor Papercuts concern. The rope they were holding in gloved hands was more worrying than anything else about them. He'd spent so long trying to figure out who they were, he hadn't noticed the rope tying him up in the first place. Fucking brilliant.
Protests were made against what the other skeleton was doing, Papercut struggled and squirmed but only found himself hogtied on the ground.

"Be quiet pet~" They cooed, lifting something above his head. "If you work with me it'll be easier~" 

And what they were holding came down on Papercuts head.


"You'll wake up any minute now pet~" That identical voice from before purred, their hand caressing Papercuts cheek like they'd crack it if too much pressure was applied. After a moment, they went back to waiting, sitting on the chair across from Papercut as they watched in content.

An hour passed and Papercut awoke on a couch, still tied up. This wasn't his house, how did he get here? He tried to move then remembered he was still bound by a hogtie and a slip knot. Staring at a clock on the wall, the time displayed 11:30. Obviously, in the postmeridian zone, he couldn't see shit except for the clock, the couch and his captor.

"You-" He growled, squirming in the ropes binds.

"Yes, it's me~" He replied, moving near to untie Papercut. "Y'know I wouldn't have hogtied you if you weren't so stubborn, I knew you would not follow if I asked so tying you up and taking you was my only option"

"Isn't that kidnapping though? And you also knocked me out, that wasn't necessary." Papercut established, wriggling limb by limb from what held him. Only his legs were freed so far, but Unfresh was getting around to his hands.

"Yes, it was. If I hadn't you would have been yelling at me the whole time to put your whiney ass down" Unfresh scoffed, mild amusement lacing his voice. 

Unfresh worked in silence for a minute or two, Papercut sighing above him.
"Hm?" He hummed, acknowledging what he said. 
"You should know if you love somebody, kidnapping them isn't going to get you a partner" 

He paused, his hands stopping from their work. The skeleton returned a meagre tone, something bleak and unsavoury. "As if I love you-"
"I never said you did but let me ask you something first"
"What is it? It better not be anything stupid or I'll kill you and bury the body in a shallow grave" Unfresh threatened, revolving the tip of the knife he was using to cut the ropes right in between Papercuts eyes.
"Do you have a mirror in your pants? 'cause I can see myself in them~" The look on Papercuts face was next to priceless, it screamed mischief from every angle.
"That... was fucking terrible!" Laughed Unfresh, cutting the last of the ropes to throw them to the side. "You're a dick Papercut."
"You too ya bastard" The smaller bumped Uncut playfully and now that his hands were free, cupping his cheek. "You do love me don't you?" His voice was much kinder now, the gaze in his eyes softening.
Unfresh immediately demurred, shying away from the shorter skeleton. "I don't, okay? Now cut the bullshit, showing off your soft side won't get me to go any easier on you~" Growling, he pinned Papercut against the couch and climbed atop him in one swift movement, his demeanour seductive but angry at the same time. Kissing and biting down on Papercuts neck a few small whines were earnt in response but nothing close to a moan.
"If you wanna make me moan, you are gonna have to try harder than tha.." Papercut began to say before he was cut off.
"Oh? How could you say that when I'm only just getting started?~"

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