KillerMare: ネコ コンパニオン (fluff)

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A/N: Translation: Cat Companion Requested by Byshiee Sorry it's not a lemon tho :P
I just so happened to be making a fursuit head at the time the ideas for words actually popped into my head. Thx furries. You saved my brain.

A call.
A single. Fucking. Phone. Call.
And he's roped into this, staring at himself in the mirror mildly annoyed at the world around him as his fluffy tipped tail flicked around his legs in frustration. He ran a hand over his left ear, a cat ear.

Sci had given him the wrong mix. Great.

You see, yesterday Killer was offered a mixture of several chemicals, deemed perfectly acceptable, by Science to help increase his speed. Killer, being himself believed he wasn't fast enough and happily took the offer.

He went home perfectly fine, feeling great. Well, at least until he woke up that morning. He felt a little weird, almost restless and got up to have a shower, hoping it would help whatever this weird feeling was when...


He's a fucking cat. A neko (ネコ) A cat. A goddamn cat.

Killer let a sigh escape his small body, pulling his jacket hood over his head and ears effortlessly, hiding all evidence that he might just be what Night would constantly tease him for wanting to be.
He used to want to be a cat. But not.... literally. This felt weird, it felt new and unexpected. He didn't want to be this way but he's just gonna have to suck it up.

What's he supposed to do with the tail?!
That worried him the most, if the others saw that, they'd definitely want him to spill the motherfucken tea. Especially Nightmare. Of all the months they've been together, nearly a year now, he'd always been slightly kinky.

Slightly might have been an understatement.

He turned for the door, managing to tuck his new found tail under his jacket feeling it flick in annoyance under the fabric that hugged his body like a blanket, it was a warm jacket, and showed off his form, which Night loved. His ears were pressed back against his skull, its soft fur sending a tingling feeling around it. He shivered a little bit, leaving the bathroom.

As he entered the kitchen, to his great relief, there wasn't a single soul there. He ought to have come in here more often--cleaned the place himself since nobody else would. He wandered to the fridge, taking a gleaming red apple from the desolate area inside and slammed the door. A little too hard, it seemed for a magnet fell and a piece of paper swept to the floor. It disappeared beneath the fridge and he swore. He got down on all fours to pat about among the dust bunnies. The paper was from this months stocktaking. Just what it contained wasn't important right now. It was no worse for its travels when Killer cleared a gap to put it in. The fridge had always been a busy place, ever since the day Cross got the idea of selling the magnets for the purpose of express clutter creation.

Anything deemed worthy of attention had been sellotaped to the fridge. Photos, stocktakes, bills and newspaper articles.
He got lost in the memory of the day he won first place in the hunter class with his black and white skelehorse, he the one sitting atop it on its western style saddle, a bridle engineered by a specialist to fit its broad head, long gone to fate by now. He'd lost it after it broke in a showjumping class and died.

He never had another after that.

He was suddenly jolted from his thoughts by a strong pair of arms around his waist, he gave a little jump and a yelp, his hood falling down, revealing his cat ears as a familiar, low toned chuckle sounded into the air, making the empty air around them seem hard at work, busy with the only slight noise.
"Heya Killer~"

It was Nightmare, his mouth coming ever closer to the smallers neck before he noticed the animal ears back against Killers head in nervousness. "Oh whats this baby~?"
He moved his hand upward, stroking them. "Cat ears?~"
Killer tensed. Like any nosy parker worth his weight in salt, he still managed to keep up this action. "Oh this is brilliant~ you look so adorable~~"

Killer blushed a deep red, moving his head away from him. Night gently urged it back. He looked at the taller, slightly embarrassed.
"Don't be embarrassed babe~ you look cute like this~" Night said softly.

In a place like this, where quiet minutes were rarer than a jersey skeleton, where someone was always coming through one door or slamming another, to squander privacy with Nightmare was akin to scarilage.
The ruby necklace Killer wore around his neck glinted in the dim lighting of the room, the one Night had given him.

It was about a year ago he'd received the charm, a small box wrapped in tissue had dropped into his lap. When he unwrapped it, he could barely keep from squealing and has worn it ever since, completely refusing to take it off. He needed to keep it close. It was important to him.

His tail flicked free and curled around his legs, Night now noticing the small tail that brushed up against his legs.
He smiled, looking at Killer with somewhat expectant eyes.
"?" Killer tilted his head slightly, one ear falling in his confusion.
Night didn't utter a word, pulling Killer into a gentle kiss, the smallers heart skipped a beat, he let his eyes close and move close to him, taking one of his hands and intertwining their finger with each other, a touch that could bond them for all of their time left, one that would make them come to love each other even more, best of all was but a whisper. A silence between the two, like a distant firefly in the rosy sky.

Their moment of pure tranquility and silence was interrupted when Night broke the kiss slowly and gently, keeping his face near to Killers, a man like himself simply stopped, spellbound, to watch Killer happily look up at him, with a nature as gentle as a single whisper in the moonlight. The way Night was staring so intently at something no one else could see, admiring Killer just the way he always did. Leaving Killer wondering how he made a man like Nightmare, older, more experienced, and with an entrée to literature and life's finest pleasures, so enchanted?

He had always spoken to Killer in a way much more affectionate than what he used with others. What a conceited bugger he was but still loving and caring nonetheless.

"Yes Night?" Their voices pierced the quiet air, giving the illusion they were the only ones alive in this world, the only ones to love each other without the fear of being caught in the act of adultery.
As if that ever happened yet. Killer sure hoped it would remain that way too.

"You're such a beautiful skeleton~ I'm so happy to be able to call you mine, no matter what~"
He bought Killer closer to him, a hand gently resting on his others waist.
"Don't ever leave me alone. Please"

"I promise I never will"
Night seemed content with this, scooping him up in his arms.

"I want to love you as much as I can before the rest of the guys get back~"
Killer was slightly stunned but shook it off.


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