Kustard: The Dare (High school fluff)

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Red had just finished preparing for a party he had decided to throw, maybe he could make a few new friends. He was honestly really excited, tghough he was trying not to show it. AKA running in circles in a closet. He was a weirdo.

Meanwhile, Sans was hanging out with a couple of his friends, that day had been long and they were playing truth or dare. It happened to be Crosses turn. "Sans, T or D"
"Dare me"
"Hmmm. Do you know that loser? Red, I think his name was?"
"He was throwing this party that starts in like, 20 minutes or so. I dare you to go, and stay there the whole time."
"Done. How hard could it be?"
"I mean, so far I don't know of anyone who is actually going.. Soooo it may be tough."
"Who 'are' actually going. Pay attention in English Cross"
"I'd rather check my Instagram page thank you very much."
"Pfft" Sans chuckled at that.
"Also you should probably go there soon. Don't wanna be late now, do ya?" Cross winked.
"If your trying to get a ship to sail, I don't think it's working" Sans said as he stood up.
"Pfft I don't think anyone would ever love him anyway."
"I could say the same for you, your not exactly getting anywhere with Dream" He said as he walked away.
Cross rolled his eyes and watched him walk away.


It was fifteen minutes past the time Red had set the party, and he was upset. Nobody came. He was alone.
Not that he cared.
Then came a knock at the door. Sans had shown up, as the dare told him to.
Red perked up. Somebody bothered to show up? He decided he kinda wanted to be alone at that moment though, to wallow in his despair, so he would tell whoever was there to just go away.
He answered the door.
"Hi! Your Red right?" Sans greeted him warmly.
"Yeah.." Sans? Wasn't he one of those, snobby popular people? Why was he there, alone? Red looked like a mess though. He had bags under his eyes and looked slightly upset, though he was trying not to show it.
"It's a pleasure to meet you!" He smiled at Red "I'm Sans"
"Cool.." Red never stuck out to be a sociable person. "Y'know ya can just leave. Theres nobody here and I don't think you would particularly like to hang out with me. I wouldn't be insulted if you did."
Sans felt kind of sorry for him. He seemed so lonely. Maybe it was a good thing that he took that dare.
"Y'know what?" He said "I'm not leaving"
"Why?" Red looked a little suprised. He didn't think anyone would stay nearby a screw-up like him.
"You look like you could use some company, nobody needs to be alone" Sans seemed to be insisting he stay.
"I prefer it."
"You sure? I reckon you should have someone to talk to"
"Fine. I don't really care. Whatever."
"Oh my Asgore! Lighten up will you? Life isn't that bad!"
"You don't have the slightest idea. Do you?"
Sans actually did have that idea. "I do actually"
"Well not from my perspective. Just get inside already."
The house was pretty bare. There was a little bit of dried up blood in the carpet, which Red preferred to pretend was cranberry juice, and there were a few decorations that had been put back in their boxes, sitting in the corner.
The whole atmosphere was kinda depressing.
Sans didn't exactly know what to say about this, he just gazed around. Sweeping his surroundings and ignoring the blood.
"Do whatever the heck you want." Red sat down on the couch.
"Is there something that you want to do?" Sans sat down just beside and sighed lightly.
"No. Not particularly."
Red glanced at Sans. Why was he being nice to him? All of his friends were absolute dicks. Why would Sans risk popularity just to sit next to him? It sure was weird.
Sans had no idea what to say, or what to use to trigger conversation. He was stuck in a rutt.
Red didn't even bother trying. He hated socialising. So he just looked at the ground.
Thats what he would normally do.
Sans ended up saying something. It was probably a stupid thing to say but he didn't care. "What do you do for fun?"
"Stare at walls. Be depressed. Be alone. Be suicidal. Cut myself. Cry."
"I do some of those myself."
"Why would you do that? You actually have friends."
"Yeah, but sometimes friends aren't the nicest people either"
"I think I've noticed."
"Come to think of it, I've been doing that for so long, Ive kinda forgotten why"
"But everytime I'm depressed, I remember why... and it hurts"
"I don't even know the definition of pain or hurt anymore. I feel so empty. Like, death is the only way I can free myself. But everytime I try to kill myself. I just freeze. I can't bring the knife any closer to my neck. Its like I have a reason to live, but I don't."
"Maybe there is someone out there with a potential to love you"
"Doubt it."
"I wouldnt be so sure"
"Sure. Some one out there has the potential to love me. In a dream world."
"Whoever it may be, they sure are lucky"
"What are you trying to say?" He got slightly flustered by this.
"I'm just trying to say, that whoever happens to love you, they are really lucky. You seem like a great guy"
"You don't even know me." Red had butterflies. And he had no idea why.
"I know, but even with the smallest amount of information, someone can decide whether another is worth them loving"
Red looked away from Sans to hide the light blush dusting his cheeks. ".."
Sans was blushing a small amount too. He meant every word he said but didn't completely know why he said them. Did he? Love Red? Maybe he did. No, scratch that, he definitely did.

Red didn't know what he was feeling. But it was new... and.. nice? Was it to do with Sans? Maybe it was.. But what to do with him?
That, he did not know the answer to.

Sans literally just met him. He couldn't decide to love someone that fast could he? He had no answers and no paths to follow except the one lead by instinct. And he didn't exactly like where that one could possibly lead to.

Red yawned and stretched a little, got his blush under control and looked back at Sans. He was trapped in an awkward silence.
Sans had a light blue blush dusting his cheeks. He prayed it wasn't visible as he looked back at Red.
Now they were staring at each other in awkward silence. Great. Was Sans, blushing? Surely he was misunderstanding this situation. Surely.
Sans had to do something to break this awkwardness. But, he had nothing to say. More or less do.
"..." Red was honestly spaced out. Staring at Sans' eyes. What word could he use to describe this feeling he felt? Nervous? Confused? No, that didn't make sense. Affection? Maybe, but he needed a better word for it. Love? No. That was insane. He just first talked to this guy 10 minutes ago! Though it could be possible. But he wasn't so sure about it.
Sans was internally panicking. What the fuck could he do?
Sans couldn't take the silence any longer, he grabbed Red by his jacket and kissed him. He pulled away pretty much immediately. Why did he do that?!
Red looked at him. In shock. He was blushing deeply. But he.. Liked it? Thats weird. Red kinda wanted to kiss him again but didn't want to mess anything up. He was a anxious mess after all. Should he pretend he hated it? So he didn't seem all soft? But then again, he was shit at lying.
"Oh my God! I am so sorry!" Sans got to apologizing. "I didn't exactly know what I was doing and..."
Red touched the place he was kissed. "Its okay.."
"Yeah. It's okay"
"S-so you... Don't mind?" He said quietly.
"No, I don't mind." Red was suprisingly calm.
"A-are you okay?"
"I-I think so."
"So would I be able to...?" Sans slowly moved in closer to Red before pulling him into another kiss.
Red was a little shocked but kissed back.
Sans deepened it a little before closing his eyes and melting into it.
Red closed his eyes as well and wrapped his arms around Sans' waist.
Sans let his arms hang around Reds neck as he shifted a little closer to him.
Red was blushing deeply. He had never kissed anyone before, so this was a first. But it felt really nice if he had to be honest.
Sans was so close to Red that their chests were almost touching. He didn't care though. He just wanted to kiss him. Just wanted to have as much of him as he could.
Red licked Sans' bottom 'lip'.
Sans opened his mouth for him slightly. He was quite happy to accept that.
Red kissed Sans with tongue, exploring his mouth.
Sans did the same thing, letting Reds sweet taste sink into him, let this kiss last as long as it could. He didn't want to stop. This was too good.
He shifted so they were closer to eachother, their chests touching.
Sans was slightly surprised by that and gasped a little.
Red thought this was kinda cute. He deepened the kiss a little.
Sans loved the way Red did that and let him do as he pleased.
After a while of this Red pulled away and panted a bit. He was a blushing mess, and avoided eye contact, which was something he would normally do to everyone.
"Aw, look at me baby~" Sans cooed. He really couldn't care less about what happened to him because he said that. Red blushed even deeper then before, and glanced at Sans.
"That's better~" Sans pulled him into a hug. Burying his face in Reds neck.
Red hugged back and smiled to himself. When was the last time he smiled? Asgore knows.
Sans said something very quietly, so he wasn't sure if Red heard his next 3 words: "I love you~"
"Love you too.." Came his reply.

For once, Sans felt completely at ease in Reds arms. He was glad he took that dare now.

A/N: Word count: 1762. Well, this was fun! Based off of yet another rp!

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