ErrorInk: A coffee break in a quiet place (fluff)

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A/N: Y'know what? Fuck you all! I'm giving you another part >:)
It's like 2:30am, I've been sleep deprived for the last week but I have inspiration finally so you can have it now

"So you said he wanted to meet me... there?" Ink asked cautiously through the phone. Dream was on the other side, indeed claiming it positive Error wanted to meet Ink in a quiet place in town. Ink could handle Error unquestionably so, but ever since coming to the surface, the rates at which skeletons killed each other seemed to drastically increase, and there wasn't anything the human police could do about it for obvious reasons.
"Yes, I'm completely sure, no man could fail at disguising his voice like Error" Dream laughed. But whatever the world happened to throw at Ink, he could take it no worries. After all, that 'creator' skeleton was the one behind many unsolved 'murders', more deletions. Gotta make room for something every now and then.

Ink was more perplexed over Error wanting to see him than worried if he were to be honest with himself. The killer had said himself he wanted nothing to do with him or any of his friends, so the fact he'd bother to get in touch with Dream to arrange a meet-up was suspicious. He probably wanted to yell at him for doing something foolish again and then go back to the normal routine of not speaking to Ink for the next month or so. Once upon a time Error once gave Ink the silent treatment for 10 years. To a god, that's not a long time, but when Ink told Blue about it, he seemed shocked it had been that long, to Ink it only seemed like a few months.
"Yeah Dream I gotta let you go" Ink didn't give Dream a chance to respond before he hung up and shoved his phone in his pocket. The painter skeleton himself was wearing more casual attire, a jersey paired with some jeans, nothing overly special. As per normal, his jersey had paint on it, showing he'd been working not long ago. The life of an artist I suppose.

Ink was coming up on the place he'd been told to meet Error, 19 Curb Street. (very creative, I know) He was nowhere to be seen outdoors and the only building near Ink was a cafe. Funny that, why would Error want to meet him in a cafe?
Taking a deep breath while stepping indoors of the rustic, vintage type cafe, Error was nowhere to be seen. However, Dream always called Ink a "forgetful looker" because Ink would see something and forget where it was the next moment. Throwing a first glance at where Error was seated seemed subjective to this name because he immediately forgot where he was.
"Ink you fucking idiot! I'm over here" Error called out to the dumb-ass frantically looking around for him, trying to stifle a laugh. What could he say? Ink was a lovable goof, always has been. Not that Error would admit it or anything. Or maybe he would? One day. "Sit down, let me buy you a coffee"
Ink did as told, staring at the larger skeleton expectantly. "So what did you want to meet me for?" He cooed, he was obviously teasing Error, Ink liked seeing him embarrassed. It was cute.
"Nothing much, I just thought that since we're on the surface now, we could do with a new start. We don't have to fight anymore, we finally have all we've ever wanted, don't you think that's a good enough reason to start again?" Error replied, waiting on a response from the overly surprised Ink who had no idea how to respond. Now when Ink got surprised, Ink tended to blush and Error found this cute, this ended up with the larger skeleton zoning out with an elbow leaned on the table made from it's varnished wood. Error ignored all outside distractions and just focused on Ink. Small, cute, a good head on his shoulders and enough common sense to sink a battle ship. He was smart, surely he'd know that Error was dropping hints towards liking him already. Apparently not. Ink may be smart but he's not good at picking up subtle hints. That skeleton doesn't do subtle.

Ink finally got himself together after a while, somewhat mentally smacking himself to formulate an answer. "You... You've got to be joking right? Us? Start again? Error have you lost your mind?" He laughed mid sentence. "We're destined to be enemies, it's the way it works, it's the way it's always worked"
"But the way it works can be changed"
"I know but.. do you want it to change?"

Conversation interrupted, coffee was here.

Ink sipped his coffee, flat white, just as he liked it! How did Error know that? He never told him. Maybe Error had a bit more to say than he seemed to be letting on.
"You are aware I know you didn't bring me here just for a peace offering right?" The smaller skeleton smiled, flashing a rainbow blush that made Error ever so slightly blush himself.
"Fine, you got me, I didn't just ask you to meet me here for a peace offering" Error sighed, preparing for the worst. "You see, you make me feel some sort of way. I can't describe it but as much as I want to hate you, I just can't. I know I'm supposed to but I can't ever think of laying a hand on you to hurt you. The real reason I brought you here is to tell you I love you. You don't have to feel the same way, or even respond to me, you're more than welcome to leave. I just thought you should know"
"Error" Ink started.
"Yeah I know, it's stupid"
"No Error, it's kinda funny, I'd been wanting to tell you the same"

A/N: grrrrrrr sorry for typos n shit it's like 4am I haven't slept properly in a week. Enjoy it while you can this shit is a chore

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