Fell Poth: Will it hurt? (Fluffy love)

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A/N: Random number generator picked 19. I have 60 ship pics. This is how I choose my ships. Fell Pallete and Fell Goth will be going by their nicknames bc I can't be bothered writing their full names. (These are Rurik (Fell Pallete) and Lotus (Fell Goth))

Lotus had hauled his boyfriend, or more accurately, fiance into town for the intention of just getting out of the house for once. Lotus did like the indoors, he was enamoured of it, to say the least. It kept him distant from people he didn't like and society in general. While they were there, Rurik quipped that power bars were nothing more than adult candy bars but yet, he still bought them. Because he fancied candy. Sometimes Lotus pitied the poor man's dentist. Here they were though, in The Warehouse situated in the centre of Gore, gazing at things they knew they couldn't have. It seemed sad but the two of them found it fun for some reason or the next. The exact reason was unbeknownst to everyone. Even them. 
The reason they couldn't have whatever they were looking at was either they already owned one, or just didn't have the money. 

Lotus just had a massive smile plastered on his face that Rurik privately questioned. Ever since the Covid-19 scare, many people sojourned at home and skeletons were able to turn the town they lived in into their own secret paradise. Because they couldn't catch the disease, due to not having a respiratory system, they were disengaged to do whatever. It's not like anyone could stop them. Children would sit and stare out their windows expelling scowls at the skeletons that walked past. The adults would return the glare and the younger skeletons would simply pull the middle finger and keep walking. Child or adult, fundamentally every skeleton had that childish nature they never grew out of. It made get-togethers crazy as fuck but fun. When alcohol came in the real madness begun. Not just jokes and playfighting but genuine madness. 
That madness, Rurik thought, was definitely worth the crapulence in the morning. 

Getting off track here! Rurik cast a glance around the store, making it certain nobody was around. People commonly stayed away from skeletons but boy oh boy they stayed so far away this time. Some humans were pure idiots. 

All the more salutary for Rurik as next thing Lotus would have known, the taller had sunk his teeth into the smallers neck, earning a surprised yelp and a jolt Lotus let out. "R-Rurik!" He snapped in his defence, burying his face in his crimson red scarf, trying to hide his obvious blush. 
"What is it, baby? Don't like me spoiling you?~" He laughed. That attractive laugh that never failed to fluster poor Lotus. Everything about the other male was attractive, his voice, his laugh, his eyes, his body, attitude and....... a few other things. Maybe it was just his soul talking, Lotus doubted he could ever stop loving this big goof he called his fiance. 
"I'd hardly call that 'spoiling'" Lotus scoffed, tossing a stray piece of fabric behind his shoulder. "Felt like you were trying to rip my cervicals off. It hurt"
"You like pain though~" Rurik smirked a bit, pulling Lotus into a hug from behind, nuzzling and kissing his neck. 
"I would normally yes..." He ignored it. "But not in public"
"Public? You call an empty store with only a few cashiers public?" The question arose unexpectedly as Lotus believed he had the upper hand here. Apparently, he was wrong. 
"Well, I wouldn't call it public 'public' but there are still people around." 
"And those people are on the other side of the store. I'm sure we'll be fine~"
"Rurik no"
A disappointed look struck his face. "Why not my sweet cupcake?~" 
"Flattery doesn't work on me, you should know that by now-" Responded Lotus, his face making its point more than his voice.  
"But why can't I just taste you a little?~" He cooed. 
"I don't know about you, but making out in the literature section of a store strikes me as a bad place" 
"Would you like to go home then?~" Rurik smirked, poking his tongue out playfully. 
Lotus wriggled out of his grip, smiling in the slightest. This was amusing. "Pudding no-"

Rurik argued back swiftly. "Pudding yes!" and they were in the bedroom of their home.  
"Rurik I already said no-" Lotus began to protest, resisting the tallers push on his chest, shoving him against the bed. Still, he found himself smiling. He knew he was no match for his lover, fighting or otherwise Rurik went basically unopposed. So Lotus admits his defeat, allowing himself to be pinned down with his wrists held in a firm grip. There was little the smaller could do in his current position, except for knee his poor Rurik in the nuts but he personally knew how much a blow there hurt so he didn't do that. Sure, he was cruel but he wasn't that mean. "Just do what you were going to do already" Lotus grumbled, averting his gaze. His face was heated with deep purple, Rurik was probably blushing too, however, to a lesser extent. 
"Gladly~" He purred, looming over the sub with a clearly seductive expression. His smirk failed to reside as a slick tongue ran up the smallers neck, making him shudder and purr in satisfaction. "You can take more than that don't you think?~~" Then a bite was landed and Lotus kicked him. Not in the nutt as you could imagine he would but amidst very obdurate pressure in his femoral head instead. Causing Rurik to jolt and tear away. "Mm-! That was too hard dumbass!" He snapped, kicking him a second time for the hell of it. 
"Geez, babe..." Rurik leant down again, kissing the wound he'd made accidentally. It was bleeding a bit. "I can't say I'm sorry though~" 
"Of course you can't-" 
"I know you liked it~"
"Shut the fuck up" Lotus snarled, drawing his mouth closer to Ruriks neck. Next moment, he'd bitten down on the tallers sweet spot. He knew where it was due to... reasons. He heard and felt the doms breath hitch like he was trying to hold back a moan. "You can't deny you enjoy the same treatment~" The taller merely smiled, pushing down Lotus harder so he could restrict his movements. Now the smaller was at his mercy and he asked for what he was about to get.

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