Kustard: I don't know what I'm doing with my life and shouldn't find out (fluff)

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A/N: Well, first time bringing Papyrus onto the scene so I sincerely hope I don't die trying to write out his dialogue.

"Sans, are you feeling okay?" Papyrus asked with bona fide concern lacing his voice. "You seem very keen on mornings all of a sudden, it's only ten to eight!"

"Fine" Sans replied through a bite of toast.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Very funny!" Sans said in fun (a well-known fact his humour often sent his brother teetering over the edge) "It's just a special day is all"
"Wait what's so special about to--" Papyrus didn't even get to finish his sentence before Sans waved a quick goodbye and slammed the front door, toast still in his mouth, making a hasty getaway to an arranged meeting place.

A set of hooves that could only exist to a skelehorse clip-clopped down the drive as he hurried to get there.

"Hey Red!" Sans said cheerfully upon arriving to the point they'd said they'd meet. He had dismounted his skelehorse, now wishing he had put a saddle on the damn thing. Everything from the waist down hurt.
"Hi" Red reacted. "Do you realise I dragged myself out of bed an hour early this morning to meet up with you?" He was breathless from riding, his skelehorse remained behind him, scarred and raggedy as it always had been. Since it was a foal, the animal had been through quite a lot. "My Bro nearly dropped dead from the shock!" He panted out, chuckling a little. Red looked just like he always did, just probably more tired. But Sans still thought he looked really hot either way.

"So, where we headed?" Red leant up against an adjacent tree. They wanted to meet at the park so the skelehorses would have something to eat. This town was surprisingly animal tolerant. They were everywhere.
"I was thinking the café down the block" Sans started.
"You mean Anteiku?!" Red seemed to perk up at the superficial mention of the café he and Sans used to go to all the time. He never could recall why they had stopped visiting but they had friends that worked there.....

Wait, okay NOW Red recollected why they'd stopped going. He and Sans wanted to lay it low for a while after the episode that involved dumping those sugar packets over the ceiling balcony into the hair of that stuck up rich girl that was always gloating about all her money and hanging around the outside of the café every day. Best week ever. That's right, they did that for a WEEK.

The café was entirely run by monsters and served the best coffee in town.
"Yeah, that one. We haven't gone there in forever!" Sans snickered at Reds precipitous burst of enthusiastic attitude.
"Well fuck! You should have just said so!" He essentially jumped from the excitement. "Let's go!"
"Wow, okay" Sans laughed, a sparse blue blush developed on his cheeks that he hadn't noticed yet. Red walked over to the smaller skeleton, taking his chin in a gentle hold and kissing Sans. After a few minutes, what only seemed like mere seconds to the pair, the kiss was gently broken. "You're so adorable like that babe~" The taller purred.
"S-shut up"
"No, I don't think I will" He tenderly took Sans' hand in his and began to walk in the direction that they'd walked so many times.

Upon arriving at the rather pastoral looking café, Red held open the door for Sans with the civility of well... himself. Which, if speaking honestly here, wasn't that much courtesy. Sans didn't mind though, he was just contented to be back here.

The rich girl was eyeing them up. When the taller observed, the finger was pulled as he walked backwards into the building.

Sans quickly took a seat at a table that wasn't already taken, Red soon joining him.
The walls of the paltry establishment were a dark fawn, about half a meter up the wall, polished boards lay neatly in rows, giving a somewhat closeness to a fence. Old wooden beams crossed the roof in a trilateral pattern, like the kind you'd see in a villa or display home. Meagre lights hung from grey wires intricately dancing on their tethers being gently pushed by the warm summer current blowing through the open windows.
Cloying scents of coffee filled the air and minuscule chatter was apparent in the room.

A voice familiar broke the almost silence. It sounded like Sans but somewhat higher pitched. "Well, here's two faces I haven't seen in quite the while!"
Both skeletons instantaneously knew who the tone belonged to, Sans turning his head to see the friendly working skeleton, an unmistakeable red scarf around his neck. "Geno!" The other cried. "I haven't seen you in forever! How's it going, buddy?"
"Oh, I'm alright. Finally back at work after three days in hospital so that's a bonus"

"What happened?" Red decided he wanted to join the discussion.

"It's just problems with the soul again."
"Shit, magic running low?" Sans asked.
Geno put a hand to his chest where his one-eighth of a soul rested. "Yeah. Just had to get some supplements and some more prescriptions but trust me it'll be strong enough to fare on its own one day"
He got off the topic, rebounding his attention to his job. "So, what can I get for you boys?"

In a split moment, both answered. "The usual please!"

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