HorrorLust: Choppy waters (angsty fluff)

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A/N: This gets pretty damn emotional

"Heh, stupid fucking slut" A young man shoved Lust closer to the bank, but the skeleton didn't bother to retaliate. This was orderly.
He used to think the river was his guarded place, his place of sanctuary and protection where he could be unbothered, even for an hour or two. It was ruined now, ruined by these 3 teenage boys that thought they were better than Lust simply because they were bigger.
They were sounder than Lust. In basically every way except experience. They were bigger, younger, healthier, scarier.
Lust was none of that.
He was just that meager puny skeleton that lived off of 65G a week and stole books from the librabry to read down by the river, offering himself a far better education about what laid outside this dump than what the odd kind commuter or wandering trader could tell him. Nobody craved to stick around for long. He'd been in and out of so many relationships, his heart was too mutilated to break anymore. Broken beyond overhaul it was, but no one even offered him a smile as he walked by. It hurt. He smiled and tried to pretend it hadn't. It had.

Now he was here, being broken even more by 3 boys so much stronger than him. "You don't deserve to live! Just give up, nobody loves you anyway!" The largest one flashed, giving Lust a rough shove once more to the bank.
Another step and he'd be in the river.
The river was cold.
The river was muddy.
The river took lives.
The river didn't care if you were living or dead. It wouldn't take sympathy if you were freezing, nor would it warm itself when you were dying in there. No sir. It wouldn't.

"Tony, drown the bastard and let's go" One piped and the one from before, assuming called Tony, shoved Lust and shoved him again, sending him over the boundary of the bank and into the icy waters that surely held his fate.
He knew how to swim in this, however there was something about today, something that made it troublesome to fight the current.
Choppy waters.
He was calm when he watched the teens leave. It was only when he felt a stifling rapid brush up against his pelvis did he begin to panic. There was no way he was surviving this.
The water was far too rough, too hard to swim in. It was cold too, cold enough to even kill the eels that lived in its waters.

He felt himself inhaling water every time he went under, the abusive taste of dirt and sediment filling his mouth. When he came back up again, he'd snort it out but it only earned him one breath before he'd go under and lose it again.
Well, he was gonna die. It hadn't been a good run but hell, it was a run.
Every deluge of adrenaline in his soul kept him fighting to stay above the water when he knew he should just give up. He was coughing and actually drowning but something kept him from letting himself fitly die.
His vision blurred, he could see splotches of colour in his sight from the water misinterpreting it.
Just one lone, weak skeleton, drowning alone in a river too rugged and wintry to handle.

Lust was just about to run out of energy when his hand touched something solid. The bank!

Using the last of what was left in him, the small skeleton hoisted himself onto the premises of secure ground again. Only half his body made it, the other half remaining in the water as he was too overworked to pull it back up again. He began to shiver, unable to take the cold on his already frail and hurting body. Lusts vision obscured once more, and he passed out, staying on the bank, freezing to death in the silence and calm of sleep.

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Another person stood nearby after an hour and a bit, staring at Lust.
The poor thing. He looked so bad.

He honestly thought the skeleton was dead. He hadn't moved for 45 minutes.
Cautiously, he approached him, drawing silently closer with every step. Each was slower than the next, making sure he wasn't approaching anyone dangerous.
He carefully knelt down once close enough, looking Lust over, studying him.

After a moment, the larger skeleton scooped up the smaller in his arms, Lust instinctively moving to cuddle into his jacket for the warmth it offered. He took it off, and draped it over Lust, whos body was shaking and tense from the cold, began to calm down, he relaxed and began to warm up.
Even if still asleep, Lust now knew someone was there to protect him, and he relished in that protection offered, something he hadn't felt.

╔═════ ∘◦ ✾ ◦∘ ══════╗

Horror waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Killer tried to tempt him to step out of the room with a fresh batch of muffins but Horror refused. He'd been there for 3 hours, he hadn't moved from that spot on the floor by the bed -where he leant himself up against it- until Lust stirred.

The taller wouldn't let a single thing coax him out until Lust awoke. He was there to protect him, he vowed on it.
As for the others, they wondered why Horror acted like this. Normally, if he found someone unconscious or dead, he'd take them and eat them. This time was different, it was no need to be saying they were kinda worried. Was Horror high or something?
Even though they wanted to intervene, they didn't. They wanted to wait.. and watch.

After about 45 minutes, Horrors attention peaked when Lust began to stir.
He got a but excited and nervous about it, nonetheless, he leant up against the bed to watch and see if Lust woke up okay.

"n-ngh.. w-where am I?" A weak and quiet voice said eventually, opening his eyes to a warm room, a bed he was laid in with some warm quilts. Lust was cuddled under them, his wet clothes replaced with a pair of trackpants and a fuzzy jersey decorated to look like a beige coloured cat. He sat up groggily, looking at Horror. 
"Hey little buddy" Horror whispered, smiling at Lust like he genuinley cared, which was something Lust never thought he'd see. "How are you feeling?"
"I could be better" He said truthfully, looking down at his saviour. But why save him? Of all people?
"I'm Horror" The taller broke the silence with a gentle voice, low but comforting in a way. The sort of voice you'd need when incredibly depressed. "I brought you here after I found you by the river. You looked cold so I got you into some different clothes. I hope you don't mind" 
"That's fine. I am a bit warmer than I was. A lot warmer actually." Lust smiled, pale purple dusting his cheeks. "Thank you." 

Horror hesitated a moment before taking the smallers hand and squeezing it gently. "You don't have to thank me I-" 
"No" Lust cut him off. "I do have to thank you. You saved my life even when you didn't have to. I can't understand what would make you want to save someone like me but whatever it is, it probably wasn't worth your time in the first place." 
"It was worth my time Lust. I saw you in trouble and I wanted to help. You were cold, you were hurt, I was just trying to make sure you were okay more than anything."
"W-why though?" The smaller sniffed a little, trying not to cry but he got that feeling in his eye that definitely told him he was going to.
"Because you deserve it, little buddy. You need a second chance, and I'll be dammed if it wasn't me that gave it to you"

All it took were those words from Horrors mouth to set Lust off and he began to cry. Horror looked as if he'd done something wrong for a moment until he realized Lust was crying because he was grateful and immediately moved to support him. "Oh Lusty it's okay.. don't cry"
Lust smiled at him the best he could, the tears streaming down his face while he cuddled into the tallers arms, just so happy to have him there. He couldn't make out words so just let Horror speak and support him, whisper sweet nothings in his 'ear' to let him know he was there for him.

"It's okay Sugarplum.." Horror cooed in a supportive manner. "I'm gonna be here for you no matter what."

Horror knew at that moment, protecting Lust until he was stronger was his top priority and he would destroy anyone who would try to harm him.

He would keep his little buddy out of choppy waters.

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