ErrorInk: Starry Crushes (fluff)

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A/N: Hey look a milestone. Part 69. Nice, GSH2Gaby here is your request :) Sorry this took forever with Covid-19 and everything I've had heaps of schoolwork to do online lmao

Error was bored. Beyond bored actually.
This truce with Ink had landed him in an ever going loop of not being able to destroy things to control his anxiety. Without anything to destroy, he had his puppets, his cats and OuterTale, his favourite place in the whole of the Multiverse. He loved it there and would never dare to destroy it. The shining stars that twinkle without a care in the world made him feel peaceful and calm. The planets you could see from time to time were a gorgeous sight to add some contrast to the black sky with thousands of white dots in them.
Error found himself wondering if anyone will traverse those planets one day. Anyone apart from Outer to walk their surfaces and find what secrets they held. What did they hold? What magic could possibly lie on the surface of those planets to make them so interesting and so wonderful?
You'd know for one Error would never be the one to lay even a mere finger on them. He had no way of getting there and no way of getting back. Not to mention the planets were far too precious to change even a molecule of.
The way he marvelled at space and it's contents was quite possibly the reason he was here now. To watch the stars flicker and spot constellations in the far off skies.
It was nice. 

A few other people wandered their way around the area, not looking up at the sky, just down at their feet in a depressing way. 
'Fools' Error thought to himself, they didn't look up to admire the beauty of some of nature. At least the Kuri Dogs appreciated nature. They were passive little animals, looking sort of like aliens in their appearance. Maybe they were? 
Blue, pink and purple fur, long muzzles and kind eyes, silver whiskers that almost touched the ground. What made them rather unusual and well off to watch, were their antenna, and some small horns on the top of their heads. OuterTale definitely had some weird animals. Not that Error was complaining. They were pretty.

He glanced around the area again, noticing a piece of beige fabric resting on the ground. That looked like Inks scarf. When he looked closer, he realized it was Inks scarf. He was laying down on the ground, staring at the sky. He had his sketchpad with him, a half finished drawing on it.
Error approached him quietly, sitting down beside him. "Hey Squid"
The smaller skeleton jolted a little, throwing his attention to Error. "Oh, hi Error"
"What are you doing?" He smiled a little, looking at his sketchpad. Ink was good at drawing, no doubt about it. He could draw basically anything. That was his talent, and he saw it as a proper gift.
"I'm trying to draw the sky here. It's pretty isn't it?" He replied.
"Yeah. It is" The taller skeleton looked up at the sky, then back down to Inks drawing. "Sagittarius goes right here-" He placed a finger on the top right of Inks work, pointing back up at the sky again.
"Huh, I didn't notice Sagittarius was right there" Ink stared at the sky, eventually spotting it. "There's some things even I don't notice in this world aye?"
"You got that right. How cute you are is one of them"
Ink blushed. Deeply. That loveable bright rainbow hue appeared on his cheeks, and he looked away from Error. "Not true"
"It's definitely true, don't bother arguing" The Friesian seemed to make his point, nudging Ink playfully with his elbow.
The Squid chuckled in response. "Shut up Glitchy"
Error immediately countered with "Make me" and Ink simply laughed again. This was nice.. not fighting for once. Life had become so much more peaceful but Ink still felt there was something he was missing. He just had not the slightest clue what it was. It felt like having an empty void inside of you. But not the void you'd sometimes see in a dream and feel secure, an empty void. An endless, colourless nothing. There was one certain thing that could fill it but the thing is Ink didn't know what it was. What colour was colourless anyway? What did it look like? It couldn't be white, or black. Those are both colours, but at the same time it could be. The thought hurt Inks head so he focused on the drawing instead.
"Does this look alright?" Ink asked quietly, showing the book to Error. Sure enough, that Sagittarius Glitchy pointed out earlier was there, visible better than anything else on the page. The other stars seemed belittled by the constilation that dominated the page.
"It looks great Inky. I can't exactly suggest anything, I'm not an artist"
"You're a piece of art in my eyes~" He cooed quietly, sitting up so he could lean on Error, who blushed lightly at the contact.
"Don't bother arguing Error."
"You see everything as a work of art"
"I may, but you're a special sort. A one of a kind."
The glitch sighed deeply, putting an arm around Ink. "You just keep telling yourself that"
"I will"

Did Ink... like him? Error asked himself, his head spinning with thoughts. What Ink said to him, it made him feel good. So.. did he mean it? Really did he? Because even if Ink didn't, Error still caught feels for the boy. He loved him. Was that really an outcome from this current dilemma? Did Error actually love Ink?
He should tell him right? He'd be a fool if he didn't. So he took a deep breath and mumbled those words out quietly, meaning for Ink to hear. "i love you inky"

Ink stayed silent, smiling to himself. That void he felt inside earlier was now filled. That was what he needed. He needed love. Getting it from Error was the best kind of love, he couldn't ask for anything better.

He communicated the message without speaking, holding one of the tallers hands gently he stared up at the sky, leaning on him a little more.

Then they both knew, from that moment on, it was really love.

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