Cil X Quill: It all started at a restaurant in Twizel (fluff)

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The one town literally around the ridge from his home and Fresh and PJ wanted to holiday there. Cil didn't blame them honestly. The scenery was incredible and the hotels were top-notch. Especially the restaurants there too. 
Just as well because he'd buggered off to one. Fresh had given him some money and told him to go do whatever he wanted, as long as it wasn't buying off some sketchy dude in an alleyway.
Cil would bet his life on the fact Fresh only gave him the money so he'd go away so he and PJ could fuck in peace, although that was only a guess. 
The kitchen he'd decided to go to was one called Poppies. He'd asked a few passerby's which one he should go to and they all replied with the very same answer.

When he entered, the place was packed, there was only one free table, which Cil promptly moved to take. It only took a few minutes for a waiter to take his order,  he ordered a braised lamb shank. 
What could he say? He was a sucker for some lamb, chiefly since he lived on a sheep farm, he'd get it often but he never got sick of it. 
While he waited for his food, he ordered a drink too. Just some coke. Nothing special. 
He traced his finger around the rim of the glass. It was kinda boring being here alone. He should've got Goth to come with him, he knew he lived in Twizel. 

"Excuse me? Is anyone sitting here with you?" A male voice said from beside the table. 
Glancing over at him he matched who the voice belonged to. He was another skeleton, about the same age as Cil, wearing track pants, a black unbuttoned shirt with a white T-shirt underneath was a close fit to his chest, showing off his form. He wore a necklace that had a crescent moon charm on it. On his head, he wore a cap, turned backwards. The thing that struck Cil the most was his face, half of it being black, the other half white. That was rare. And when he said rare he meant extremely rare. He was a Piebald Friesian, those skeletons were so rare, in fact, neither Error, Ink, PJ nor Fresh had ever seen one in their lives. And there one was, standing right in front of him. 

Cil barely even apprehended he was blushing. 'oh god he's so hot' Thankfully, he snapped out of it before the other skeleton could realize he was flushing. "N-no, you can sit here." He said quietly.

"Thanks" The Friesian sat down, putting an elbow on the table. "God, this place is packed"
"I'll say, I've never seen a restaurant so full before"
"Well, it is really popular." He shrugged. "Names Quill"
"My names Cil" The smaller replied.
"I like your name"
"Thanks, yours too," Cil said, trying not to break out in absurd blushing as he gazed this skeleton up and down. Was it possible for someone to be that hot? He'd say it was but only for Quill. "Hey, do you know your breed?" He piped up, trying to strike up conversation after Quill had ordered his food.
"Yep. Piebald Friesian." He said, gazing over at the smaller. All his philosophies were was about how cute this other skeleton was. He didn't show it on the surface though, apart from just staring at him, admiring his cuteness. "What's yours?"
"Mine?" Cil asked nervously. He didn't know what his breed was. He knew Ink was a Lipizzaner, Error was a Friesian, PJ was a Crossbred and Fresh was an Australian Stock. Mix all those together what do you get? 
Who had a clue? He didn't. 
"Yes, yours!" Quill chuckled. 
"Um, I'm pretty sure I'm a Fripizanner Stock" Cil replied. He was fairly sure that's what he was. 
"Never heard that before, you a crossbred?"
"Yep" Cil laughed a little "Friesian, Lipizzaner and Australian Stock" 
"That's quite the mix!" 

After a while their food came, Cil was more than happy to see it considering he'd been waiting nearly 10 minutes. He wasn't a very patient teen. Probably why Fresh stopped taking him duck shooting because he'd pop up with the shotgun and shoot before the ducks had all landed. 
He'd promise to take him again once he turned 18 if he promised to be patient. Until then, he'd have to fida his eagerness and get it back once he was allowed to go. 
They both ate quite happily and everything was good...

Until the bill came at $54.80. 
Cil swore under his breath, Fresh had given him $60 but if he returned with only $5.20 left, he wouldn't be happy. 
Quill seemed to notice the smallers frustration, he felt kinda bad for having the meals put onto one bill but there wasn't much he could do about it. Except for... 
"I'll pay for it" He said to the waiter, getting out his credit card and paying for the entire thing before Cil had the chance to protest.  He flashed the smaller a smile, standing and turning to leave. 

"Hey wait!" Cil called after him, getting up to follow. 
"What is it?" Quill spun back around to look at him, not expecting Cil to pull him up like this. 
"I-is there any way I can pay you back?" He seemed slightly shy, flustered even. 
"No Cil, not at all!" He exclaimed while Cil's soul was racing like you would never believe. He really was crushing on him if his soul did that at the barest mention of his name, not to mention whenever he looked at him, his emotion melts like an icecream. He could barely keep his composure, he could just kiss him. 
"Are you sure?" Cil followed him out into the obscurity, streetlights lit up the road but the stars were still shining through the light. 
"Yes, I'm sure! But now that we're out of there, I have something I want to say"
"?" The smaller tilted his head in confusion, wondering what he wanted to communicate with him.

"Well..." Quill began, looking at Cil anew. 
The taller couldn't find the right words to say so he just leant down and kissed Cil.
Needless to say, Cil was shocked, but still, he found himself melting to the tallers touch every care he had just melting away, a mellow taste replacing it... Quill's.

After what seemed like a few mere seconds, Quill broke the kiss, moving aside from the smaller. 
"You're cute. No.. not cute. Adorable~" 
"Y-you think so?" Cil asked quietly, blush bright on his face. 
"I know so~" 
"Well, that's good because I think your hot~" Cil was surprised at himself that he was able to gather that much courage to actually say such a thing. 

"You got a house around here?~"
"I got a hotel room."
"Good enough~" Quill smirked. "Fuck in a hotel room is much better anyway~" 

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