OuterSci: The distance I'd go. (fluff)

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There was bustling in the streets today, well, for a quiet town, today was bustling with activity.

It was the day of the Agricultural & Pastoral show, or simply the A&P show to the locals. It was a showcase of the very best the region had to offer but after not attending last year, Science decided to kick back and go this year. Outer was tagging along too, he enjoyed social events and the all interesting stuff he could buy all made by people in the area! It was incredible to see and hear all the positive emotions and laughter from the crowds, the smell of the food and the sweet treats sold. His overall favorites were the adorable animals! Outer liked, no, loved animals. They were all so cute!

He stood there, spaced out by the entrance to the show, just thinking of all the wonderful things he could see and do....
"Outer, come on!" Sci said in an encouraging tone, gently tugging on Outers hand. "If you stand there all day, we won't get to have much time here!"

"h-huh? Oh, right!" Outer managed to miraculously, get his head out from the clouds as he followed his boyfriend through the gate and onto the grounds in which the show was held. The first thing that caught their attention was the small truck just beyond the gate, selling cotton candy.

They both looked at each other, smiles on their faces and eyes sparkling with excitement. As if they read each others minds, they dashed off to the truck, getting there in seconds flat.
Outer was nearly spinning in excited circles as Sci bought some for the two of them. He returned to the hyperactive skeleton with a small bag of pink cotton candy and just straight up yeeted it at him.

Outer caught it, having to jump so it didn't go right over his head like almost everything he had been told regarding safety and behavior. He happily shoved some of it in his mouth, nomming the sweet candy with joy evident in his eyes.
Sci, meanwhile ate his sedately, watching the slightly larger, frivolous skeleton, beam with happiness as if his energy would never run out. Sci highly doubted it would anyway, if Outer had energy, by God that skeleton would use it until everyone around him was too tired to chase him.
It happened all the time. The only time Outer would ever sit still was if he was either cuddling with him, or watching Netflix. Or sleeping.

Sci sighed, allowing himself to relax. That relaxation was short lived as Outer squealed and dashed to the opposite side of the field. Sci took after him, stopping abruptly when he saw what Outer was squealing about....


Outer spun around in an excited moment in a flurry of jittery laughs and occasional squeals as he sprinted around every stall, gushing over the babies and petting the few that came up to meet him. They were all so adorable! Then he saw the lambs. Out came another high pitched squeal which made Sci smile seeing his other so happy.

Outer snatched Sci's hand, dragging him to pet the babies and chat to their owners. There was a hint of commotion on the stable end, which Sci only sought as another aberration when Outers gaze turned to it. Like it was on instinct, Outer bound with Sci over there. Well, not exactly with Sci as the smaller followed behind at a low end, relaxed pace.

"Look Sci!" Outer shouted excitedly. "Ahhhhh! They're so pretty!" He gushed, rushing around every stall, stroking every horse and pony he came across.

"Yes Outer. They are aren't they?"
Outer repeated this process several times, until he came to an abrupt point of stop. His gaze scanned the stalls, trying to catch what had caught his eye earlier which he had previously ignored being caught up in all the cute stock.
He eventually found it, it was another skeleton.


Outer bounded over to the younger skeleton, greeting him warmly as Sci caught up, standing by Outers side.
"Hi Josh!" Outer said.
"Hey Outer. Nice day so far?" The younger responded.
"If any! Today's been great so far, say is that horse yours? He's quite pretty!" The latter could never stay on one topic long. He lost interest relatively quickly.
"No, he's my Dad's horse." Josh informed him, turning to the large animal by his side, it's grey, near white coat gleaming in the sunlight, his blue eyes seemed to focus on the pair before him. Even though it was basic knowledge that horse was black bat blind.

Sci examined the huge animal, it's shoulder up to his head in height and he began to ponder how such a young skeleton could ride a steed as large as such.
"I'm competing him today. Just the showjumping class, nothing overly special." Josh continued, shrugging it of as if competing a blind horse was something he did often. Outer meanwhile inventively listened, Sci petting the horse on its broad head.

"What's his name?" Sci asked, curiosity getting the better of him. They said curiosity killed the cat but they never said anything about the curiosity killing the skeleton.
"His name is Freddie. He's a Perchon, beautiful boy but blind as a bat" Josh answered. "He still shows quite well though"

The conversation was interrupted when Lust, Josh's dad, called out from across the field: "Josh! You're on!" causing the younger to gracefully mount the steed and go to show. Hopefully for another win.

As he left, Outer sighed. "I sure wish I could compete.." He said, watching all the competitors file onto the grounds, one by one for their turn at attempting victory.
"But Outer..." Sci said softly, taking the others hand. "I think you've won something more valuable than any prize a competition could ever offer.."

Outer cocked his head in confusion. Whatever was he saying?
"What is it?" He asked curiously.
"My heart~" Sci responded, squeezing Outers hand a little, causing the other to blush.
"Oh Sci..." He said shyly, turning away from the skeleton beside him but he just coaxed him back again with a gentle hand on his cheek.
Reluctantly, Outer looked at him, he really wanted to cuddle right now.
"Let's go watch the rest of the show okay?"
"Okay Sci"


Outer was leaning on a fence by the arena, Sci right beside him, watching the competition. They had already seen everything else.

The pet tents, calf show, machinery, challenges, farm challenges, and only lord knows what else.
Now they were watching the showjumping, counting down the riders till he got to see Josh ride. Outer had to admit, he was curious to see how a blind animal would fare against others that could actually see the jumps.

He looked down at Sci, sitting in the grass, who gave him a slight smile as he placed his head on one of the lower rails. He looked intently at the moments in front of him, sparing Outer a happy glance every now and then to make sure his attention wasn't swaying, if it was, he could tell Outer would want to go elsewhere.

It took about an hour or so for Josh's turn to roll around, and when it did, he came onto field looking like he'd just had 7 coffees and 2 cups worth of sugar. He looked ready to go!

Outer smiled seeing this. Competing looked like so much fun!

The pair took off, leaping jump after jump with incredible ease, not knocking a single rail.

Sci popped up from his spot on the ground and leant on the top rail with Outer. He watched absentmindedly, snapping to reality again when a loud clatter came to sound. A pole had been knocked on the last jump.

"Damn" Outer said, looking at Sci. "Would've thought he'd made it"
"Yeah. Kinda sucks that he knocked one on the very last jump"

It was now nearing the end of the day, the sun was setting and people began to pack up and leave for home.
Outer turned to Sci, a soft smile on his 'lips'. "Turn tail and head home?" He asked.
"Yep. It's been a long day..."

"I've had a great day today Sci" Outer said, taking the others hand, intertwining their fingers and cuddling him a bit. "I had lots of fun"

"Glad you liked it... The distance I'd go to keep you happy is one I'm willing to face. I love you Outer~"
"Love you too~"

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