ヤンデレ!Nightmare X Innocent!Killer (ansgty fluff)

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A/N: Request for TheKawaiiShipperHB23

Nightmare was conscious. No shit, he'd just woken up. It was about 5:30 am and the ones that fell under his power, that being the group known as the 'Bad Guys' were already awake.
Normally, a few that could be bothered actually got up at this time, as work stops for no man. There was plenty to do and they had to get up early to do it. Being a bad guy wasn't as simple as taking organized trips to kill people, no. It was anything but that.
There were heaps of behind the scenes actions that must be carried out before they even thought about a mission. Whereas Nightmare would usually decide the target, it was really up to his team to kill them. And do it in mild discretion, leave no witnesses.

So far, throughout mediocre to mild succession, they'd made their living. Collecting bounties and nicking spare change from the pockets of the victims. It really wasn't hard. The killing part is.
Skeletons in the team still had to find out modes of transport, more often than not being horses, as they were quiet if trained correctly, and if heard in trees, bushes or forestry, one would just assume they were wild. Then, the killer would aim their weapon and fire.

To avoid detection by the police, they left no evidence, sometimes even taking the bodies for disposal to prevent suspicion. Every gun they used, if the body wasn't taken, would be sold so the bullet would match the gun after they'd sold it, pinning the wrath on some poor individual that did absolutely nothing wrong. Or they could've, and they helped jail a criminal.

Not even the Star Sanses were onto them yet, except for Dream. Dream was always on Nights case but had since given up due to an empty threat at last years Christmas party. Drunken Nightmare had told his brother that night that if he didn't leave him to do his job, he might actually hate Dream a bit more and that seemed to work.
Drunk Nightmare and sober Nightmare were two completely different beings but that just made it all the more hilarious when the ones sober on the times he was drunk filled him in on his apprehensive goings in the morning of his hangover.
No matter the circumstances it was always funny. Like that time he used a needle to draw a cute face in a banana and when Nightmare woke up in the morning, just about had a fucking heart attack seeing it again. It looked like a serial killer. Serial killer banana.

Haha funny.

The elder skeleton actually managed to drag himself out of bed at some point, probably another hour later. 6:30 am at least.
He wandered to the kitchen, seeing his team all there. Some eating, some drinking a coffee, in Dusts case the entire fucking jug of it, maybe even asleep on the table. (Horror!)
"Morning Nighty!!" An excited, yet still quite innocent Killer bounded up next to Nightmare, looking quite happy but the taller couldn't help but blush a little at the nickname. He was kinda surprised Killer was still innocent, especially with Lust being the newest addition to the team, but again, he's been through three years of 'sorting his shit out' and should be fine now. It was only because of Horror, Lust was even there. He'd convinced Nightmare to take him on.. he did, and in all honesty, he didn't regret the choice whatsoever.
"What are we doing today Nighty!?" Killer chirped, bounding around the taller while he 'attempted' not to break his shit. It was so hard not to flirt with him.
"What are we doing huh? Oh let's see.." Nightmare pretended to think for a little, before booping Killer on his 'nose' "You~"
The smaller blushed a little. "Me? What do you mean me?" He asked innocently, looking up at Nightmare with an adorable smile that was almost impossible to ignore.
"Don't you worry about it, okay?~"
"O-okay" Killer stuttered slightly while Nightmare left the room to plan their mission for today, killing his rival, Colour. He saw him flirting with Killer in the background of missions and he couldn't let him win his Killer over. If he did that, he couldn't have Killer to himself and that would be a bad thing.
The answer?
Take him out.

For the while, Killer was left in the room with the rest of the skeletons and Lust chirped admittance. "Oh, Killer! Did you see Nightmare? He was alllll over you!!" He kinda, half screeched in a happy tone, giggling slightly under his breath.
"W-what? N-no he's not!" Killer blushed deeply, hiding his head in his hands.
"Yes, he is!" Horror pitched in. "He's so nice to you, all the time!"
"Admit it, Killer, he likes you, you know he does!" Lust teased, elbowing Killer playfully in the ribs.
"No he doesn't" Killer whined, blushing deeper than before.
"He does," Cross said. He wasn't one to talk so to hear something like that from him was a rare opportunity best listened to, as Cross was almost always right.
"?" Killer turned his attention to the callow skeleton leaning against the bench, knife in hand.
"Nightmare has never had a connection like that with someone. Not even his brother, so it would be safe to say that he likes you, as he's never turned attention that way to anyone else"
Killer only blushed deeper hearing Cross say that. "So what if he does? It's not like some miraculous miracle is going to get him to make a move on me" The small skeleton sighed, leaving the room.

╔═════ ∘◦ ✾ ◦∘ ══════╗

It was later on in the day now. Nightmare was just about to send three skeletons out under the cover of darkness to take a shot at Colour, while he was out on a late-night walk.
That was the thing with Nightmare, he'd find out a personal schedule by any means necessary, then plan to kill them based on that schedule to ensure a clean, and a witness free kill.

Their weapon tonight would be a 50 calibre. A gun strong enough to blow a clean hole through the head of a deer. Perfect for killing skeletons. One bullet to the back of the head should do it. Right to where the head connected to the neck, a clean shot through there and it'll be a drop-dead deal. Then, they'll take the body, and hide it somewhere in the far corner of the Blue Mountains, where no one would be assured to find it but animals and insects of the bush.
It was a perfect, foolproof plan.

So, Nightmare gave the plan to his three most trustworthy members, Cross, Lust and Horror.
Cross for shooting.
Lust for navigation.
And Horror for hiding the body.
Perfect. As they left, all he needed to do was wait.

Dust was asleep on the couch when Nightmare walked into the lounge, Killer was sitting on the floor, snoozing. This was great, finally, he and Killer could be alone for a while. And he could attempt to claim him as his own. His Killer.

"Hey, Killer~," Nightmare told, his tone of voice flirty and seductive, kneeling down next to Killer and slowly pinning him down.
"N-nighty! W-what are you doing?" Killer stuttered, looking up at him, his gaze confused and his blush a deeper colour than a crimson rose.
"Just trust me Killer~~" Nightmare cooed, pulling Killer close and kissing him. Of course, Killer was shocked for a moment, as he never thought Nightmare would ever do this.
Lust and Cross were right, he was all over him. But, what could he do? Turn Nightmare down? Of course not! So after a moment of hesitation, he kissed back.
This was bliss, holy shit it felt good.

Killer didn't think it was near long enough when Nightmare pulled away, a stupid grin on the smallers face, his expression kinda dreamy. "Oh God that was good~"
"I know~" Nightmare replied, nuzzling him a little.
"S-so you do like me?" Killer blushed deeply asking that.
"Of course Killer, I always had~ and always will~~" Nightmare got off the smaller, pulling him up to cuddle him.
Killer didn't say anything, just cuddling Nightmare.

Now Nightmare finally had Killer to himself, with that stupid Colour out of the way, he couldn't risk losing him. He loved Killer, and as long as he was there, he wasn't letting anyone take the smaller from him.

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