DustBerry: Animal Crossing (Fluff)

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A/N: I'm making Dust and Blue look like what they are in the picture just for the sake of the title's pun. Bc Dust and Blue are 'crossing paths' with each other. Have fun anyway

"Ink did I really have to come with you?" Blue whined modestly, his ears flicking in annoyance. "Just because you dared me to look like this doesn't mean you get to drag me into town! It's embarrassing!" He was following Ink through society, his face blushing light blue but it was very rich. 
"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, Blue"
"And tell me why I should be grateful for this?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes.  
"I never said you should but it'd be useful if you put a sock in it-"
"Ink!! I look like an idiot! You're the worst" He mumbled, burying his face in his scarf. This was par for the course for Ink. He'd always make outrageous dares that Blue couldn't help but take, even if they put him in situations like this. 
This particular dare was one that made Blue look really stupid, especially in public. It was to look like a rabbit for a day, so there he was, rabbit ears of light blue ectoplasm pressed back against his skull in annoyance, a little cotton ball tail of course added, although it didn't do anything, the fur on it was quite soft. 
"You're making a mountain out of a molehill Blue, it's not that big of a deal" 
The smaller skeleton utterly groaned, he'd be having a very long day at this rate. Ink wasn't giving up on this argument and jumping the gun just seemed useless. So his only option was to wait it out. 

"Hey Blue, how about you wait right here-" Ink abruptly grabbed him, standing him by the door of a shop. He smiled at Blue, playfully booping him as if he were a child. "While I run in and grab something?" 
"Ughhhh fine!" The smaller huffed, crossing his arms. He'd get the recognition of everyone presently standing there! "Just don't take forever"
"I swear Blue, I won't take very long" Ink smiled that flashy, reassuring smile he gave to Aus in trouble or Aus too stupid to realize Ink wasn't there to save them when their world was falling apart. He'd just stand by and watch it fade, while still luring people into the false sense of security that said they'd be fine when Ink himself wasn't doing a thing to help. Some men just liked to watch the worlds burn. 
Ink was some men. 
Although he gave Blue that smile, he seemed to genuinely mean it and he disappeared into the store without further conversation.

The small skeleton was left outdoors, on his own. 
He threw a couple of glances here and there, his ears catching the sparsest of sounds. Only the normal bustle of town life, nothing interesting. Actually, Ink can go get fucked. Blue didn't want to be waiting here for him when he was perfectly capable of going to do things on his own. So he just put on a happy smile, wandering to an emptier, less busy part of town. Mainly so he wouldn't be seen, but that was inevitable with how nosy people were these days. Some didn't care, others got too up in your face by staring when you seemed a bit out of place. Yeah, the world was fucked up, but what could he do? Nothing except smile, be himself y'know? 

He walked for a little while until he was far enough away from the noise to only hear twitters of birds and the rustle of wild animals in the bushes. Is nice. Maybe he should have brought his phone and listened to some lo-fi while he was out here. 
A little more silence later and a larger rustle erupted from the bushes. 
"usagi-" A voice whispered and Blue jumped, scanning around for its source. When he found none, slight panic began to set in. Was this person mistaken, or were they talking to someone else? Usagi wasn't Blues name. He knew his own name. 
Even more panic set in when he was pounced on, stumbling but being caught from the fall by a strong pair of arms. Blue wanted to panic and run away but something held him back. His body told him to run, but his mind said to calm down. That being held this way was nice. Was he nuts?! This guy, whoever it was, just pounced on him and was now holding him against his will! He heard that voice again.
"kawaii usagi-" It mumbled, holding Blue close and burying his face into the smallers neck, a fluffy tail flicking against the smallers legs. 
Blue understood now, he wasn't calling out to a person, he was just speaking another language. One he considerably fortuitously understood. "c-cute rabbit?" He muttered quietly, blushing deeply.
"yeah... cute rabbit. kawaii usagi" A hand trailed down to the smallers waist, holding him protectively. Blue looked down and he realized who had grabbed him now. 

It was Dust. 
He had seized Blue from behind, cuddling into him like he shouldn't let go. This was nice actually. Dust had a hand on Blues waist, the other stroking his shaking right ear, speaking calmly he said: "Don't be afraid Blue, I won't hurt you" 
"I know Dusty, you just gave me a fright is all." The smaller spoke softly, turning to face Dust, who looked at him with a smile. He himself had a pair of ectoplasmic ears, not rabbit ears like Blues, but cat ears. Their base was dark purple, with a large spot of white on their backs. His left had a tear in it like he'd been attacked or shot. Considerably likely both actually. A tail also curved around his legs, patterned like a tabby cat with white and purple stripes. White was quite a difficult colour to make in ectoplasm so Dust obviously put a bit of effort into making it. Why? Oh, Blue wouldn't have the slightest clue though if Dust felt like it that was cool too.
"Do you wanna go cuddle? I'm lonely" Dust pouted a bit, blushing ever so lightly. 
"Are you ever not lonely?"
"Not with you around~" He smiled a bit, standing up properly and offering Blue a hand, smiling.
The smaller sighed inaudibly, holding Dust's hand at the same time blushing a bit deeper. "Fine, I'll come cuddle with you"
"Yes!" Dust cheered his victory a bit, jumping in delight. 
"You're such a goof" The smaller chuckled.
"You are too and that's one of the many reasons why I've fallen in love with you"
"Oh? What are the other reasons?" Blue asked quietly, blushing even deeper because as previously stated, logic is far from dead. It's in hell. 
"It'll have to wait until I take you home, it's a very long list!" Dust laughed, kissing Blues cheek.

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