Fox Killer X Passive Nightmare: The Greeter (fluff)

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A/N: Holy shit a chapter! Would you look at that!! So I am really unmotivated right now with lockdown and moving house and what not taking a toll on me, I need motivational speeches or plots, ideas, something to get my brain into writing moods again. I want Renirengker  to take into careful consideration I have tried to get this chapter up to standard (the usual 3 days editing, dictionaries, thesauruses, grammarly, switching platforms, proofreading and the rest of it) Some of you may not realize it but much more work goes into these than you'd think, that's why deadlines are not always met.   Thanks in advance

(Plot: A person (Passive!Nightmare) spends his day greeting people)


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It was a nice sunny day unlike any other. Any other would be spent throwing threats and causing mayhem in his town, the one this older skeleton ruled over. People threw him strange glances as he walked by that day, Nightmare seemed different, the monsters were baffled. For once in a very long time, Nightmare was being kind, taking step by step in high top boots and a royal outfit at a brisk pace on the frosty sidewalks with every smile and greeting he took to others his mood got a little better. Now he looked way different, in the history of his rule, nobody had seen him out of the tar that covered his body like thick caramel all the time. Although now he'd shed that tar and was really being the best he could. Complete mindfuck to the monsters that saw him, as all of them that knew him before he became king were long dead by now.
The season was winter, the sun was high in the sky but that didn't stop it from being really cold. As a result, the friendly Nightmare was bundled up in a royal outfit with a purple scarf on, a fluffy jacket on too. He 'borrowed' it from Horror, he always had the warmest jackets.

He continued to walk aimlessly around the place, saying hello to everyone he saw. After an hour or so of being kind and happy, he bumped into someone he knew. "Howdy Killer!" He cried gleefully, bowing towards him.
"Who the fuck are you?" Was Killers immediate response.
"It's me, Nightmare" He looked at Killer, he was still a full head taller than his worker, although his attitude in the current moment hadn't suited a lick of it.
"Prove it" The smaller said defensively, looking up at Night with eyeless sockets. Enough to terrify a small child.
"Alright listen here fucker," Night growled, grabbing Killer by his collar. "I am Nightmare and if you choose not to accept that I'll have you at my office when we get home so I can give a stern 'lesson' on saying such things to me"
Killer broke away, smiling. "Holy fuck it is you." Killer himself looked almost as unrecognizable as his boss. As if having fox ears and a bushy tail weren't enough of a hint, around his neck and under his jacket, stemming from what seemed to be his ribcage, was a thick coat of bright red fur, it was made of magic and was there to keep him warm, at the expense of looking like an edgy skeletal fursona of some sort. He learnt the technique from Mountain skeletons from another Au he took a winter holiday in once. The skeletons there grew natural fur to keep themselves warm in the Winter-time. It really did help.

"Soooooo" Killer began awkwardly, shifting his foot. "What are you doing out here?"
"I could be asking the same thing to you there Killer. I'm just out for a stroll."
"I can see that."
"Speaking of which, what the fuck is that fur on your chest and can I touch it?"
The smaller wasn't given a chance to answer before Night buried himself in the chest fur, sighing at how soft it was. "It's like cuddling a cloud."
"Yep, hella warm isn't it?" Killer looked like a tomato. He'd had a crush on Nightmare for such a long time now, and because he was his boss he never thought to confess to it. He always thought Night would have his head if that happened. He'd always been headstrong, fearless, a rebel, unmatched in his lead, however, he was always kind to the guys. Looking back on it, seeing Nightmare cuddled up in his fluff, remembering all those times in the past where they'd gotten into some serious trouble and Night would let them get away with it, he'd defend them if they were called out on their shenanigans. Killer was so lucky to have him as a boss. He gave so much, even in his angry times. And what had Killer given back? Nothing.

Now was the time to give back he reckoned. A simple kiss to the forehead was all it took to seal the deal, it got Nightmare blushing, Killer happy, and the both of them in the wintered town they called home, cuddling in the cold.

╔═════ The next day ══════╗

Killer woke the next day and the first thing on his mind was breakfast. Crossiants. That's his breakfast menu for today. Oui Oui.

He wandered into the chilly kitchen speckled with the first instances of daylight while patterns and shadows danced on the walls nearby. Lust was fixing a window on the other side of the castle, just across the hall. Ducttape had been holding it together for God knows how long. The only racket was that and Nightmares sighs as he was face down on the table. Back to his normal form again, he wasn't bundled up. Tar was warm, was it not?

"Is something the matter sir?" Killer asked, his voice wary from 3 hours sleep.  He needed to learn to appropriate his sleep schedule.
"Nothings the matter Killer." He lifted his head, a smile playing out on his lips((?)) ((A mystery never solved-)) "I was just thinking."
The fluffy skeleton made himself aand Night a coffee, the jug had not long been boiled. Seems Night forgot to make his coffee again. Just like his habit of leaving coffee cups outside, after a few days it'd get quite 'muggy' out there. "About what?" He sat beside Night, hearing Lust cuss in the background, accompanying the sound of shattering glass.
"About you. You're too nice." His low gruff voice came across as strangely calming. Like a peony candle. Killer loved scented candles.
"You just say that-" Killer blushed.

"Nah. I love you Killer, you're the best"

"Heh. No u"

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