ErrorInk: Talk to me~ (fluff/slight angst)

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A/N: I have counted. It has been 22 chapters since I last put up an ErrorInk oneshot and I think I need another one!

The night was calm, orderly. Not a thing stirred in the darkened household that belonged to Ink and Error.
Nothing except for the occasional sigh or stir from different points in the house. Error had to be thankful everyone slept quietly.
Although he was worried.
He was awake. He'd been awake all night, only taking a nap before Ink went to bed. The reason? Ink was sick. Very sick. He didn't know what from either.
He had spoken to Science about it. Said it was 'Skeleton flu' which was basically the skeleton version of the normal flu but a lot more painful. Error had it once. It wasn't fun.
His days while he had it was mainly spent sleeping or taking painkillers to numb the pain.
All of his children had been put under strict orders not to disturb Ink at all. The poor skeleton needed all the rest he could get.

The taller felt sorry for him, sitting in the chair opposite the bed with a nice and hot cup of tea in his hands to keep him awake. He had to stay awake and keep an eye on Ink. Even if Error wanted to sleep, he wouldn't let himself.
Not for a moment.
Every time his eyes dropped to a close on him he'd find something to keep him awake. Whether that be his phone, pets, knitting, tapping his foot on the ground, he'll try it all the stay awake.
"For Inky" He promised himself. He had no idea why he was worrying so much. Ink should be fine right? He can sleep off the sickness, right?


Errors poor babe had been sick for days, nearly a week now and he was more than sick of it. He had mood swings, be in pain, didn't want to move, didn't want to talk, he wasn't even in the mood to draw anymore.
That was unusual for Ink.

After a while, Ink began to stir uncomfortably. Error knew he was probably just shifting his position but the taller nearly fell from his mark when Ink suddenly shot up in the bed, tears streaming down his face. He didn't know Error was awake. Or even that he was in the room, so Ink looked around the dark area, failing to find his husband anywhere and this only made him cry more.
Whatever Ink dreamed about, or whatever he has woken up to had him shaken enough to cry seconds after awaking. That wasn't good.
Error froze to the spot, just in case this was a wake up then fall back asleep again cases.

It wasn't.
"E-Error?" Ink called out shakily, his voice weak and drained of its normal energy. "Er-ror w-where are you?" He called again, beckoning Error to stand up and heave his ass from the floor so he could go and give Ink a hug.
"It's okay baby... It's alright, I'm here" He said soothingly, rubbing Inks back while the smaller skeleton buried his face in Errors shoulder and cried. "Was it a bad dream honey?" Error kissed his cheek, pulling Ink closer to him in a loving manner, a way that he still hoped would calm his lover down.
The smaller skeleton only managed a weak nod in reply. But after a few more minutes, he spoke quietly. "I-I dreamt that you were go-ing to leave me, t-take everything, k-kill all the kids and I-I d-"
The taller looked slightly shocked for a moment. "Inky, I would never do that. I could never think of hurting either you nor the kids. It was just a fever dream okay? There's nothing to worry and now... It's all over" 
"B-but I-"
"Inky.. Just calm down, you can explain it when you've stopped crying." Error knew Ink was having a fever dream. An extreme and violent dream caused by high body temperatures when someone was sick. It was just a bad dream but pumped up to the max level of traumatizing.

The taller cuddled up with Ink for a while longer before he began to calm down, coughing and shaking a little, but otherwise fine.
"Are you okay Inky?" Error asked quietly, nuzzling him.
"Do you still want to explain that nightmare to me?"
"N-no.. I'll be fi-ne" Ink put a hand to his aching head, groaning under his breath.
"I'll go get you some Panadol, just wait here babe~" He cooed, standing up and pecking his forehead.

Taking his time, as not to stress Ink into thinking something was worse than it already was, he left the room to go get the Panadol from the first aid kit.
Because Ink was sick, he got privileges, stuff not even the kids would get half the time. Error would be the first to admit, he low key liked to spoil his husband.

Hence the reason he returned to the bedroom with not only the pain relief, but also a glass of warm milk and a teaspoon of honey to go with it if Ink wished, to help soothe his hurting throat.
"Here you go baby.. pain relief and some warm milk for you to drink. If you want, you can mix the honey in the help your throat okay?"
"O-okay Glitchy.. T-thank you" He nodded to the larger skeleton. After a while, he had taken the pain relief and laid down, cuddling up under the blankets.
Error pulled another over him because he looked tired and cold.
He kinda half expected a thank you but before Ink could say a thing he'd fallen asleep under them, instinctively moving to try cuddle into Error.

"You're too cute Squid~" He cooed quietly, laying down to wrap an arm around the smaller in a loving way, making sure his Ink was safe and happy.
"Love you Ink~"
The smol bean just nodded slightly in his sleep, smiling while Error held him in his strong but compassionate arms.
He was feeling better now.

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