KillerMare: I could never stop loving you (angst)

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A/N: Okay so, two people wanted KillerMare so I thought "Why not kill two birds with one stone?" So feedmesmut <>and ImAnIdiotPotao here you go :D

"Osteomyelitis" That's what the nurse had said. Night didn't think he'd ever hear those words. 
His Killer. Why did it have to be him? Of all people? 

Nightmare now ran the risk of losing him, driving in this horrid, rainy weather creating puddles in the unfixed potholes that always seemed to pop up out of nowhere.
In his memories of this place, it was never raining.

The hospital was on the other side of town, the car drove slowly along the puddle ridden drive and into the parks. He parked as close as he could to the hospital. 
There were several young humans running about to their cars some monsters too, which was all very well for them. Watching younger beings made Night feel old. 
He was old, he sighed to himself as he slammed the door shut with a rattle on the car. It was high time it had a service. 
He could barely believe it had been 5 years since he and Killer had hooked up, their relation staying strong ever since. It made him realise this existence... life; was a rollercoaster. Everything would go uphill a while, you'd be happy, but then it all goes flying downhill on a spiral impossible to escape taking everything you love out of your grasp.

Night felt exactly that, he felt a panging loss paired with all the happy memories he had with Killer. He'd cherished those and forever will. 

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Cross was waiting on a line of seats in the foyer to enter the building and for a split second, Night saw him as if he were somebody new. Maybe it was just the timid lighting of the small space. 
"Cross," He said, hiding his emotion behind a neutral voice. 
Immediately, the callow skeleton stood and gave his attention to Night, looking up at him with a look unusually emotional. Although Night couldn't pick up just what one it was. A mark coloured ivory braved Cross' left cheek. A healing wound perhaps.  
"I'm so glad you could come," Cross said quietly, leading his boss down the hallway, walls splashed in white. 
"I would rather die than miss it" 
"I would've picked you up but I had some jobs to do," Cross said, his footsteps nearly silent on the carpeted floor.
"I know"
"And I would stay longer but I have to get home"
"I know"
"Killer would be thrilled to see you here at all. He misses you just like we miss him" Cross changed the subject.
Cross being so skittish was worrying and Night ignored it.

"How about the others?"
"Not here yet. Horror is on his way from a yearling sale and Dust comes here straight from landing in Balclutha" 
"And Lust?"
"No idea. He's dealing with problems of his own but said he'll call later if he has the time."

Cross stopped just short of a door labelled 284, he reached for the handle then hesitated. "I have to warn you Sir, Killers gone way downhill since the last time you were here. He's up and down. Sometimes he'll be just like his old self, others he'd just want to sleep. I think it's just the antibiotics making him tired."
"So I shouldn't be expecting too much?"
"Not today"

Night had expected that he worried constantly for his other, fearing that the machines and monitors could be lying. That Killer could be dead and he'd never notice because of their flaws. That thought scared him the most.
Quietly, he opened the door, sparing a slight nod to Cross before entering the room. 
Killer was half asleep on the bed, staring with half-lidded eyes out the window, he hadn't noticed Night. 
Night himself could recall the phone conversation with the doctor last week. She'd said something about 'falling asleep' and 'calming down' and when Night asked if he was dying, he earnt slight quiet hearing the doctor pause before her answer finally came.


After that Nights train of thought were no longer the perpetual thoughts they once were. He was all over the place. 

Slowly but surely, he reached the bedside, placing a gentle hand on Killers that was resting atop the blankets. 
The smallers head turned to look at the newcomer, his face basically emotionless but it evidently lit up seeing Nightmare for the first time in a week.
"Nighty!" He tried to seem enthusiastic but his voice let him down, it was weak, quiet. "I-I'm so happy to see you" Killer smiled genuinely, looking down at Night that had knelt down to see his other properly.
"I'm happy to see you too baby~" He nuzzled the smallers hand slightly, giving it a lilliputian kiss before he raised his head to look at Killer again. "Hows the treatment?"
"Okay. The medicine makes me feel tired sometimes but I'll manage" He shrugged a little, keeping a wrist still as a dull pain dispersed itself into the joint. "What they're basically doing is giving me antibiotics and telling me I'll be fine. All they're doing is hindering the fact I'm dying and they don't want to tell me"
"There's still a chance for recovery." Nights tone fell into sadness as if he were fearing the worst. Killer needed to survive. There was no way he was letting him die, not if he could help it. But sadly, he couldn't. He'd just have to lay trust in the doctors and nurses and pray to God that the one he loved so dear made it out alive. 

The pair descended into silence, though it wasn't that bad since they knew each other was there. They always would be. 
Night would stay by Killer and Killer would stay by him. That's the way it had to remain and that's the way Nightmare prayed it would turn out. 
There was a click from the door.

Two more skeletons arrived into the room. Dust and Horror, just as promised.

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Another 4 weeks of hospital visits, phone calls, doctors appointments and various medications soon followed suit of the other 3 Killer had already spent in hospital and he was more than keen to get the fuck out of there. When he did leave, he was acting like a colt would in long grass. He was so happy and cheerful and swore to avoid the hospital as long as possible.

That chance for recovery filled itself well. The very night he was discharged was spent celebrating and filling the air with new hope that Killer would finally be okay. 
Nightmare, for the first time in 7 weeks could rest easy knowing that rollercoaster had decided to go uphill again.

A/N: Osteomyelitis is a real disease and is defined as a bacterial bone infection, which can either be acute or chronic. An estimated 50,000 cases occur annually in the US, according to Epocrates. Symptoms may include localized bone pain, tenderness, redness and swelling as well as possible fever and chills. Antibiotics are the primary treatment. In some cases, surgery is needed to remove infected bone tissue. I thought I'd use it here because feedmesmut wanted a deadly sickness and I reckoned that Osteomyelitis would be especially (potentially) deadly for skeletons considering it attacks bones.

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