Fell Poth: I told you I'd be fine with a gun! (fluff)

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"Look, Puddin, I'm really glad you got your gun license but please." F.Goth was standing just following F.Pallete who was looking over a comprehensive array of guns. "We really don't have the money for this"
F.Pallete spun around and planted both his hands on the smallers shoulders, a perplexed look springing onto the subs face. "That's why I saved," He said sternly.
"Do we really need a gun?" He replied, his voice seemed unsure about the predicament they were in. They lived in the middle of nowhere with only one neighbour, it's not like anyone was going to randomly show up on their doorstep. Well, that excluded the door to door salesmen trying to market them vacuum cleaners for the 177th time that month. 
Most were put off by their dog anyway. Probably more the cat than the dog but hey, what works, works.  

"Yes, we need a gun! You should know by now I'm extremely trigger happy" He turned again, scanning the wall over all the guns, seemingly scouting them to see what one would be best.
There was a large section of rifles, another holding pistols, and another edge of the wall held the calibres. At this rate, they'd be there all day, looking for guns just so that F.Pallete could find one he wanted. Behind them sat a neatly stacked pile of ammunition, in a pyramid formation, ironically, they were stacked on top of a wooden stacking pallet. Someone had obviously put a lot of dedication into stacking those boxes of live ammo up towards the ceiling. The pile was just as tall as F.Goth himself, in honesty, that wasn't tall. He was exactly 15.3 hands high, (which was 1.6 metres) But it was tall enough to be considered a reasonably large stack.

Most of the ammo belonged to 22 calibres and were probably the cheapest too by the looks of it.

F.Goths gaze turned lazily around the Hunting and Fishing store they had decided to shop in. There was fishing stuff and hunting stuff, obviously, but there were also tents and billies for cooking, some portable gas stoves and what not. Some items looked kind of interesting but the small skeleton dragged his stare away from them.
He had problems with seeing something interesting and then buying it just to see what it did.

"Are you almost done?" F.Goth snapped. "We can't be here all day, I have things to do!"
"Like what?" Came the tallers simple, yet effective response to the small beans question. Turning again, his orange and yellow eyes that came to a gradient from one colour on a downward fall to the next focused on the other skeleton. They were strangely calm, unlike the tense stressed out sort of emotion his eyes usually showed or portrayed. Guess he was in his element here, just went to show how much he liked weapons.
"Sleeping" F.Goth said sternly. His own eyes stared up at his significant other, not caring in the slightest if it made an impact or not. "Like, sleeping"

"That's gonna have to wait because I'm not done yet!" The taller retorted. "I still don't know what one I want"
"How about a 22?" He shrugged. "Those are good hunting guns"

"Since you want to leave so badly I guess I may as well. They'd be the cheapest to fire anyway"


It had been 3 days since F.Pallete had ordered the gun and he was more than excited to finally be able to pick it up.
So excited in fact, he raced inside and nearly slid to a fall on the linole in the kitchen. He thankfully didn't, grabbing the fridge to desperately stop his fall. The guns muzzle nearly hit the white appliance, though he saved it before it could be damaged.

He had left F.Goth at home, considering he really didn't want to go. He spent the time he had alone sleeping, as per usual but he was startled from his repose when the taller ran into the room.
"Cupcake!" He yelled.
"Ugh, what is it?" The smaller asked warily, he was in dire need of a coffee. He always was when he'd just woken up. It was a mere habit but it had an impact on the budget for the coffee.

Unfortunately for F.Goth, when it came to situations like this, he'd usually end up spilling the contents of his cup because his husband would often do something so irrationally stupid it would make him wonder, while he watched absentmindedly as F.Pallete would either scream, swear, yell or anything else along those lines, how he ever got to work in the part-time military on the surface.
While he pondered this, he wandered into the kitchen to make a coffee.

Sure, he suited the job, inexplicably in some way yet he could be so fucking stupid it would either end up funny or life-threatening.

Most of the time it was funny.

"Look what I picked up today!" He seemed unusually excited.
"The 22?" F.Goth said questioningly. "I know, don't have to remind me"
"Close, but no" The taller carefully unzipped the bag that held the gun, pulling out a gun that made F.Goth drop the cup he was drinking his coffee out of.
"You bought a 50 cal?!!" The smaller suddenly snapped, much louder than he intended for it to be. "That's 11,000 dollars! We have barely enough money as it is and you go and buy the most expensive gun there was?!"
F.Pallete kinda just stood there. He knew better than anyone, if he did something stupid, he'd get told off for it. This event, in particular, being no real exception.

"What am I going to do with you?" The smaller rubbed his temples in mild frustration, trying to calm himself down.
"File a divorce and move to Tahiti?" He replied a grin on his face in the bare hope of salvation.
"Very funny."
"I know"
"Well, it's too late now. You've bought the gun and we lost that money, but I don't want you to think you got away with this. You will be putting that money straight back into the bank as soon as you get work back." The wife-like skeleton declared sternly.

F.Pallete reluctantly packed the weapon back away in its case, he had wanted to test it out but decided against it. He didn't want to piss off F.Goth even more than he already had, not wanting to find the results if he did.

Having walked into the lounge and fallen on the couch, basically crashed on the spot he was sleeping before, the other skeleton let a sigh escape him. Closing his eyes, he barely even noticed F.Pallete sitting next to him, pulling him into a cuddle.
Probably his way of saying sorry.
Nevertheless, F.Goth felt his body, previously tense, relax a bit under the tallers gentle touch.

They sat in silence for a while, before F.Pallete finally spoke. "I made you mad didn't I?"
"mm-hm" The one in F.Palletes arms nodded a brief reply.
"Can you forgive me?"

"...yes" Said F.Goth, cuddling into the taller a little more.

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