AfterDeath: The stock sale (fluff)

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A/N: Y'know what BloodYuki666? You can have this oneshot bc I decided to do both your requests! I want to declare you a friend now bc you're always in my comments sections and giving me support lol

"Ugh, do we have to be here?" Geno grumbled with a pitch to his voice showing utmost boredom as Reaper practically dragged him through the what seemed like kilometers of prattley pens each filled with animals of all shapes and sizes.
"YES!" The taller skeleton seemed really enthusiastic. "Look at all these animals! So many potential pets!"
"Don't you think we've enough pets already?"
"How dare you consider we have too many companions!" Reaper snapped brightly, a hint of sass thrown in for good measure. Soon enough he was racing through them with the energy of a toddler.
Geno on the alternative hand was just slowly promenading behind, though not losing sight of him.

Every year, they'd go to this trade.
It was a renowned sale for the most noteworthy breeds of animals you could get, they mainly came from fantasy or agriculture AUs that want to get rid of animals they didn't want. And always, Reaper would drag him and Goth here to buy them, often for ridiculous sums of money. Only the one with the highest of power would know where the heck Goth had gone. Probably ran off to the sheep pen. He loved sheep for some odd reason. They actually used to have a lap lamb but she got too big to stay in the house so now the ewe lived outside with the rest of their rather odd collection of animals to be considered to Reaper as 'pets'
These involved Highland Cows, Suffolk Sheep, black Skelehorses, Goats, Alpacas, Rabbits, Dogs, Cats, Carthorse Clydesdales and their three birds. A Crow, a Dove and something that resembled a cross between the two which Goth started calling a Drowe.

Eventually, they'd compiled so many companions, Reaper had to buy terrain to keep them on. 
I mean, they weren't rich but they had money to surplus... though they never really did much with it.

"Geno. Geno. GENO!" Reaper yelped, running up to him like his life was on the line. He looked unusually excited, more excited than he was before. Astonished even. "You have to come see what Goth found. NOW!" Without a further second of hesitation, he swiftly grabbed Geno's hand and dragged him to what he was so excited about.
Goth came into sight, jumping up and down, his hands arresting the side of the metal pen with a grip so tight it threatened to break the containment of the animal. The younger skeleton was hyperventilating, staring with mild interest at a black lump on the ground. It was only when they got closer Geno realised it was a sheep, a big, black, prizelike sheep.
"It's just a sheep, what's so special?" Geno declared with disinterest, looking over the edge of the chest height fencing at the animal below.
"This isn't just any sheep!" Goth proclaimed.
"Yeah, Geno! It's a Jacobs Sheep" He reached a hand over the perimeter, taking hold of one of its horns when he pulled its head up with the greatest of care, it had not only the 2 horns typical of a ram but 4 horns instead. They looked magnificent to the pair gushing over the being so badly. They were pretty much fanboying over the ram.

'They are so alike' Geno thought to himself. His brief moment of pondering was quite rudely interrupted by the two skeletons turning to Geno with eager faces.
"Can we buy it? Please?!" Both their voices develop at the same time if Geno said no, it looked as if he'd break their hearts. It was almost impossible to say no when they pleaded like this, bounding around him in overexaggerated circles saying "Please?!" every three seconds.
The ram in the pen watched on in demoralization when Geno traded glances with the animal. Its eyes looked to say:
'Please don't send me home with these nutjobs' The rams look seemed to beseech, his black eyes shining just as much as his wool was. 'I'm begging you'
That's what Geno thought it was saying anyway, or trying to correspond to him in silent but desperate cries.
"Please Geno. Please" Reaper tried to prompt him.
"C'mon Mum! Please let us have it!!" Goth yelled.
Geno had to get this shit to stop soon or a pounding head is going to be an hour-long ordeal here. Resisting the impulsive urge to say no, the skeleton in the centre of attention rubbed his temples and sighed. "I suppose so"
Goth jumped up, cheering.
"YES YES YES! Thank you, babe!" Reaper cried "Oh my God, I love you!"
Without a second thought, the deathly skeleton seized Geno and kissed him...

right in front of everyone at the sale.

"Reaper!" Geno yelled, flustered. "We're in public y'know?!"
"C'mon Dad, save it for the bedroom," Goth remarked in a smartass tone. Reaper merely chuckled, jokes like that happened often in their family and it was nothing out of the ordinary for a dirty joke to pop up every now and then.

"Interested in that ram, I see" Another speech chimed in. All three skeletons turned to look at the newcomer. He was a rather small looking skeleton, dressed in a long kind of jacket, it was a lime green; certain points being a darker shade than those surrounding it. White stripes adorned the hood which was pulled over his head. His bright vivacious eyes, yet again green, focused on the small group. A variation of the deltarune crested his jacket like a symbol or a brand on the right-hand side of it. Underneath the garment was a dark green shirt - a khaki colour blended with its fabric - along with a pair of black shorts and green sneakers. He was leant up against the metal gate, nudging the latch impatiently with his elbow. His back faced the ram (it was eyeing it up attentively) his shoulder blade at such an angle its crest rested against the top rail.
"Yeah actually." Reaper acknowledged, running his glare over the skeleton that he assumed was the owner. He had the faint feeling he knew this skel but pushed that thought aside for the moment.
"Looking to buy him were you?"
"Yep!" Goth chirped.
"Lucky for you, I'm selling him on behalf of my husband Otago" He knocked the gate, making it rattle. "150,000 dollars and he's yours"
Geno tensed. That was a HUGE amount of payment for a ram. 150 grand!? Was this skel crazy?!
"I don't know about this Reaper" He murmured, ambivalence written on his face. "That's a lot of money" 
Lucida only simpered. "Come on. He's a purebred" He looked to persuade them, his voice calm and low. It seemed to be working when Reaper tilted his head in interest. "Catch?" 
"None. He's yours if you pay the price" A one-sided smile arose on his face. He looked certain that this ram was well worth it. 
Reaper smiled. "You have yourself a sale"

Geno facepalmed while Goth let out a victory whoop in the background. Well, they'd just lost 150,000 dollars to a sheep. You could buy a thoroughbred for that!
Lucida clacked open the gate, slipping a rope to the sheep's horns and leading him out. "There you go then" He handed the animal to Reaper, its black wool shone in the sunlight, a pair of curved horns on its head, elegantly rolling to closely hug the side of its face, another pair further down that fell down below its jaw like a solid waterfall, frozen in time and replaced the water with precious keratin and bone making it seem like a model of a smooth flowing stream of liquid. Both pairs came to a point at the ends, they would have to be rounded off so the ram didn't hurt any of their other stock.

"You've made a mighty fine purchase there Reaps," Lucida said with a smirk. "That wool's worth a fortune. Treat him well"
"I'm sure we will."

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