NaJ SugarMelon: Two of a kind. (fluff kinda...)

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A/N: Requested by cookiesareyum13 God save me.

Melon let out a groan as he slumped over his desk. Face on his keyboard he let out a sigh, his hand still gently on the mouse, staring blankly at the screen of python code while his teacher yelled harsh nothings at the other students.
God he hated Digital Technologies. It wasn't necessarily the subject, more the teacher but he told himself he'll live through it.
At least it was last period, if he could make it through the next 20 minutes, he'd be home free. Literally. Year 11 sucked.

He couldn't wait to get out, he wanted to see Sugar. He pushed that feeling aside for the time, lifting his head to focus on his work, the code and numbers hurt his head. Paired with the chatter of the kids and the yelling teacher made every passing second feel longer than it should have. As the minutes dragged by, he typed out a few chunks of it, then the teacher said to shut down the computers and get ready to leave the class.

Melon did as he was told, shutting down and picking up his bag and throwing it over his shoulder, ready to go. Just as the bell rang, Melon was out of there, tearing out the door and running at a speedy jog throughout the school.

When he reached the curb where the car park joined to the road, was Sugar standing there waiting for him. Melon happily bounded up to him, wrapping his arms around the taller, feeling him jump due to the fact he didn't expect it.
"Melon! Geez, you gave me a fright!"
He turned to the smaller, kissing him on the forehead. "S-sorry Sugar..."
"No don't be baby~ it's okay" He assured.
Melon found himself with a light blush on his cheeks, he may be good when it came to general self control but when he looked up at the insanely hot jock that was Sugar, all that went out the window and seemed as a distant world to Melon, as if it had just blown away in the wind, never to be seen again.

"Well Melon, shall we go home?" Sugar held out a hand to the smaller, which he took after a moment of hesitation.
"w-we?" He asked, uncertainty lacing his voice. Like he was confused about what Sugar was talking about, which he was. A million thoughts rushed through his mind, what could he possibly mean 'we'?
"I'm taking you home with me" Sugar stated simply, pulling Melon suddenly closer to him, much to the smallers great surprise.
"w-why?" The other stuttered. He really wasn't sure of anything at this point.

"Nothing much..." He leaned into Melons neck slightly, their chests touching. "I'm just going to make you mine~" Hissed the taller in a flirty tone, Melon turning a bright hue of pale-ish red, not sure of what to say. Or do. He'd never done anything like this before, don't get him wrong, he was excited but... scared at the same time. What should he do? What should he say?

The answer?

When they got there, he'd just have to trust Sugar and let him take control.

Poor Melon was so caught up in these thoughts that he barely even noticed he was walking alongside Sugar, away from the school grounds and on the footpath paving passageways through the rural town. There were stores and a càfe, a fire and ambulance department, bars, animals, paddocks, pets, a library and houses with lawns way larger than the ones you'd find in the city.
Pretty standard for a small community built upon paddocks and vallys surrounded by mountains.

Sugars house was on a quiet side of town, bordered by several paddocks and was a pretty cliche farmhouse, as most homes were here. At least 3 bedrooms, pretty open plan, large yard with a wire fence. Like the sort you'd find on dairy farms, electrical so people had to be careful not to touch them. There were small trees just beyond a gravel bay behind the open gates, lining the fence to provide shade in hot weather, and protection from the elements, Melon guessed. A few sheep grazed nearby, Melon taking little to no notice of them as Sugar promptly took him inside, making him drop his bag by the door he slammed closed, dumping his bag there too.

Sugar had Melon by the shoulders, pushing him into the lounge, eagerness clearly in his eyes, a lust only to be cured by getting to taste Melon and caressing him, enjoying his presence and sweet moans he'd have drawn out in no time.
Sugar fell against the couch, pulling Melon onto his lap, quickly wrapping the smallers legs around his waist and... despite the smallers desperate protests, attacking his neck with long licks that trailed up the smallers, the other shivering as he felt Sugars slick tongue move over it. He let a small moan slip, not meaning to, but his body thought otherwise. "ngh~"
Sugar only just caught this, a smirk forming on his lips, planning on the next course of action to get more of those sweet sounds that he wanted so much. He had been waiting a very long time to do this and now was his chance.

The taller suddenly bit down on the others neck, earning a pained moan from Melon. "a-ah~!" The jock noticed the pain he'd inflicted and whispered a few sweet nothings in his 'ear'. To Melon, this hurt him, but somehow it felt... good? What Sugar was doing to him, whatever it was, it felt painfully pleasant and he craved more.
Sugar did it again, biting harder this time. Melon took a sudden jolt, gaining friction on Sugar in which he in return, let loose a moan of his own. "ngh~ah~"
Melon smiled, God Sugar was so hot when he moaned--
Wait what? He found Sugars moans hot, but it simply wasn't enough. Seeming to get what he was supposed to be doing, he gently ground on Sugar, getting muffled moans as he licked, bit and sucked Melons neck, moans coming from the both of them and filling the room with a hanging need for each other, a craving, necessacity gained from hearing each other and the pleasured noises escaping them.

The heat between them grew, Sugar near losing control as Melon drowned in the escatsy of it all.
He felt his self control slip away from his grasp, stopping everything he was doing and violently pinning Melon to the couch, mercilessly attacking his neck, again Melon moaned out his lovers name, feeling Sugar atop him, he wrapped his legs around his waist and bucked his hips, sounding a slight noise as the two made contact. Sugar smirked and ground Melon ceaselessly and encouraging him for more.

"A-aH~ Sugar!~"
"That's it Melon. Just let me do it~" Sugar coaxed, grinding harder as he went broke the contact on the neck, now roughly kissing Melon, not bothering to seek permission before he slid his tongue into the moaning mess. He explored his mouth, getting everywhere he could and enjoyed the moment while it lasts.

He loved Melons sweet taste. Hence the name. Moans and pants made it into the kiss, Sugar not minding in the slightest, loving him while he could.

They carried this on quite a long time before stopping, Sugar looking down at a panting Melon, a smile on each of their faces.

Melon looked exhausted. He let his eyes close as Sugar tenderly picked him up to reposition. He now spooned the smaller, holding in a protective embrace he would die protecting. Melon was so precious to him, and he loved him with all his heart.
"I love you Melon~" He muttered, three words being what Sugar got in response.

"Love you too~"

They both drifted off into sleep, Sugar getting to caress Melon just as he wanted to.

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