CrossMare: Dirty Cheaters and Liars (angst)

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A/N: Request from Croissans_Nootmarr

He spent 3 long, strenuous days and nights on both him and the team, trying to prove his love to Nightmare. Time and time again, it would fail and Cross would get increasingly fused at this.
Every day, he ignored him, disdained him, pretend he wasn't even there unless he was working.
All of this for Cross to find himself stuck as his petty right-hand man and nothing else. This hurt.
For months, coming up on hazy years even, Cross tried. He tried so fucking hard to get Nightmare as his own but nothing had worked. No kind word, no amount of flowers or work could ever get Night to love him. He had faced that truth of fact already. Even though Cross' serious but nervous mind knew, Cross knew Night would never take him because he was constantly after Killer and giving him his affection.. when Cross was really the one who needed it the most.

Maybe he was being to forward about it? Possibly, Cross could be commanding a lot more from Nightmare than he'd want?

Cross just sat outside to think about it. Maybe he was being too needy.
From where he was seated at the moment, he could see the training course, only just obscured by a couple of old pines that dropped those annoying needles on the ground every year that you had to pick up before you could do anything there. Either that or get poked to death trying to walk through them.

'Despite the fact we trained last week' Cross thought. 'Dust still wants to increase his levels'
That's exactly what Dust was doing, he disappeared from view behind the trees a couple of times before he leapt back out to attack the other trees. Trying to land a direct hit most probably.
If they were lucky sometimes, Horror would go out and find a live deer, bring it back and then have several others help pin it down while he hobbled its feet and used it as a moving target. If you killed it while it was trying to run away, very awkwardly, then you were probably improving.
The team had done the same thing with horses, cows, sheep and even the occasional monster. It worked well.

Although watching Dust did take his mind off of a few things, Night wasn't one of them. He noticed how Dusts attacks had a beat, a melody. They had a pattern, a ready pattern. Cross' attacks never had a beat, no melody. They were completely arbitrary, making it hard for people to dodge them. Nightmare was dodging his feels pretty well. 
"Hey, Cross-" 
The other skeleton didn't stir, he had somehow expected that. "Yes, Dust?" 
"You okay bud? You're seeming a bit more... meh, than usual" Dust perched beside Cross, leaning up against the wall behind them, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand, it was painful.
"I'm fine.." He uttered in return, staring off into the distance. No, he wasn't fine. He couldn't tell Dust that though. Dust was the annoying one, if he opened up, he'd definitely reveal his secrets to everyone. 
"Yeah, bullshit." He answered with a scoff, punching the tallers arm. "There's something up isn't there?" 
"Maybe-" Cross sighed, looking over at him. "If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone else. Okay?" He was saying that, making Dust promise. He hadn't told anyone this, not a single person and if Dust was going to be the first his secrecy was his sacrilege. 
Dust just smiled, moving his finger across his mouth like he was zipping it up, then pretending to throw something away. The invisible key. Cross sighed deeply, telling it just to get this over with. "I have fallen in love with Nightmare, and I can't seem to get him to notice me. I've been dropping all sorts of hints but I really don't think he's getting them."

Dust stared at him in disbelief for a second, then inadequate surprise. Unlike what Cross expected him to do, which was to jump up and tell the others, he smiled again. That sinister, psychotic smile that told you he was not joking around. "You know what I think Cross?" 
"I think he's not getting the hints because you haven't told him how you feel"
"You really think that?" He laughed a bit. Dust really couldn't mean that.
"Yeah, I mean it. Nightmare may be a good leader, but... don't tell him I said this but he's not the brightest man per se. He's not going to take hints. He's just a bit too stupid to put piece and piece together and if you get refused so what? There are plenty of men out there!"
Cross laughed genuinely that time, bumping shoulders with Dust. "You're such a dick sometimes." He spoke as he got up, beginning to walk inside. 
"Hey! I can't help speaking my mind!" Dust called after him, remaining outside with a scanty chuckle. Was he really the dick here?

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