FreshJam: A price paid in your Romney Marsh (fluff)

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A quiet munching sound danced in the air, the tearing of grass and the grinding of teeth.
The day was silent almost. Birds chirped nearby in the small treeline of pines beside the farmhouse, calves on the driveway, chewing on the grass that bordered each side.

Sky was sunny, though rain clouds were beginning to roll in. They looked only to be a showers worth, nothing major enough to put out work. 
Fresh turned his distracted gaze to the paddocks, a light sigh escaping him. He wasn't concentrated on much, just letting his mind wander off without a tether. 
A warm breeze blew the grass and flowers making them sway gently. Fresh was seated on a chair, just a clique deck chair, nothing special. He was strangely relaxed today. Wasn't stressed, wasn't worried about work or stockfeeding, just relaxed. He barely ever let his mind wander so far but it felt great. Nothing to worry about. 

Until there was something to worry about. 
There was a bleat and a crash from a nearby paddock and the chickens in the coop beside went wild. The fence fell and the sheep, a mob of singles and a mob of doubles had broken the fence and were getting mixed up in their panic. 
Fresh shot up and stood, watching in major disappointment. "My sheep!" He yelled. There was little he could do about the matter as everything turned to shit.  That would take forever to resolve! 

PJ ran out of the house, a panicked look on his face. "What's wrong?" PJ had a thing with overreacting, quite often. Though, his reaction to Fresh's reaction was probably just what it needed to be. 
Fresh spun around to face PJ, he looked seriously disappointed. "It's my sheep!" He turned back to the paddock, putting a hand on the back of his neck. "Great. How am I ever going to separate them?" 
PJ sighed, putting a hand on his hip. "You won't. The weathers turning bad very soon, you'll have to do it tomorrow."
"Don't 'but' me Fresh, you knew what you got yourself into buying Romney Marsh Sheep, they are strategic ewes."
"Yeah. I guess you're right" He began to walk toward PJ, just as the first droplets of rain began to fall. He spared a glance at his Romneys, they had calmed down by now, but all the lambs were mixed up. He sighed again, the rain getting worse quickly. 
"Hurry inside Fresh! You'll get soaked standing there" The smaller leaned against the doorframe, waiting for Fresh to wander back indoors. He spared a smile at him, a gaze warm and loving, as always.

The taller of the two slowly and lazily walked inside, stopping for just a moment to give PJ a kiss on the cheek, the rain drumming against the windows, the sky darkening and the sun no longer visible. The wood on the shed began to drip with the droplets that hit against the slanted metal roof. Thankfully, the sheep had enough wool to stay warm, the chickens' coop door was open, the calves were sheltered by trees and the dogs were kenneled. Everything would be warm and dry, including the two skeletons, sparing themselves from getting soaked when they ran inside. Laughing like children. They could find fun in just about anything. You name it, they'd find fun in it. 

Anyway, when they wandered inside, they basically crashed on the couch.
Fresh was becoming a little flirty, gently nibbling PJs neck every now and then.
PJ kept trying to push him away and giggling a little bit. A light blush on his cheeks.
"Fresh!" PJ giggled. He tried to keep from blushing but absolutely failed miserably. "s-stop it!" He said playfully.
"No, I don't think I will~" He replied quietly, smiling a little. He continued nibbling his neck, occasionally licking it. He kept this up for a while before stopping.
"Okay, now I'll stop~"
"Thank you," PJ said, cuddling him. "If you don't mind, I'd rather cuddle~"
Fresh put an arm around him, smiling happily as he pulled him up and close to his chest, the steady beat of his soul could be felt through his jacket. PJ enjoyed this, he loved to be able to cuddle up with the taller skeleton and know he's there to love him. It was nice to cuddle in silence with the sound of the rain on the roof being strangely calming to him.

Just beyond the relaxing pitter-patter of the water on the roof and windows were the faint noises of sheep, and the moos of cows and calves. Dogs barked, and Cil was sleeping upstairs. The slight crackle of the fire alone was enough to make the room seem busy with the quiet noises.

PJ found it difficult to keep his eyes open, he tried to remain awake but was failing. He didn't know why he wanted to stay awake but he just wanted to gaze up at Fresh and smile at him. Love him.
No matter how hard the other skeleton tried, he couldn't stay up, ultimately falling asleep in the loving grip of Fresh.

Fresh just smiled and laughed a little. He let himself drift off too, cuddling PJ as the water poured down outside.

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