FreshJam: Park Love (fluff)

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Fresh was laying on his bed that morning. He wanted to confess to Jammy so bad. But how could he when he failed to say those 3 words in the mirror last night?!
"Ugh, this will never work" He said to himself.

PJ was on his phone, watching YouTube. He was oblivious to Fresh's crush, and had never thought of him any differently to anyone else. Mainly because he had never been in a relationship before, and didn't understand why he got nervous around him.

Maybe Fresh should visit PJ. Take him somewhere? He got up and grabbed his phone from the bedside table and flicked a text over to PJ.

Fresh: 10:35am
'Hey Jammy'

PJ saw this and decided to text back.

PJ: 10:35am
"Hey Fresh!"
Fresh: 10:36am
'Wanna hang out today or smth?'
PJ: 10:37am
'Yea, sure. I'm free. What do you wanna do?'
'I was thinking the park maybe? Remember the one near the town centre?"
PJ: 10:37am
'Yeah! What time?'
Fresh: 10:38am
'What suits u? I was thinking around 12"
PJ: 10:38am
'That sounds good. Should we have a picnic or something?"
Fresh: 10:38am
'If u want to'

Fresh successfully arranged to meet up with Jammy but now he faced the challenge of actually confessing to him.

PaperJam immediately ran off and started making sandwiches and biscuits. Because he loves picnics. And also sandwiches. And biscuits.

Fresh fell off his bed while attempting to get dressed. He was so close to crushing his phone.


Fresh was ready to go. He was so nervous he could barely think straight (bc he was gay)
PJ had sorted out a basket of food. He waved goodbye to his parents and began to walk.
Fresh just teleported, because he is lazy. He was there waiting for PJ.
After a while of walking, PJ got there with 5 minutes to spare. He had the basket in hand and walked with confidence towards Fresh. He always seemed to wear a smile.
"Hey Fresh!"
"Hey Jammy!" His nervousness was pretty much messing him up but he ignored it for the time being. He didn't want to ruin the only chance he had. He was scared that PJ would reject him and their friendship would be over.
PJ was too innocent to really notice how nervous he seemed. "How are you?"
"I'm good! How about you?"
"I'm great." He smiled at Fresh.
"Miraculously, somehow, my cat managed to get herself stuck in the engine of my truck this morning"
"Wow. Cat goals."
"Anything interesting happen to you recently?"
"Does watching anime count?"
"What anime? "
"Catching up on My Hero Academia. I got behind on watching when season 3 came out and I binged. Deku is so dam adorableeeeeeeeeee"
"Yas!" Fresh flopped onto the grass.
"The grass is wet Fresh.."
He was just so damn nervous. What would he say? Should he wait a while? Should he even do it? "I don't mind"
After a few seconds...
"Nope! Never mind I do mind!"
He got up again. Fresh brushed himself off and sat on a nearby bench.
"Are you okay Fresh? You're acting a little weird.." PJ sat next to him.
"Um yep! I'm okay"
"Okay then..."
With every time PJ talked to him that nervousness only grew. PJ looked away a little. He was kinda weirded out. Why was Fresh acting like that?
Fresh wanted to tell him so bad. But he couldn't could he?
'Fuck it' He thought.
"Hey Jammy?"
"Hm?" PJ looked at him again.
"I have something extremely important to say, I didn't just call you here for no reason"
He took PJs hand in his and looked into his eyes.
PJ looked back. He was a little shocked by the sudden contact.
"I have wanted to say this for so long, it's almost becoming unbearable to keep it in anymore." Fresh said.
"Spit it out ya goof." He punched Fresh in the shoulder jokingly.
"But... Lately, your all I've thought about. The only thing ultimately important to me. And I don't want to continue talking like this for too much longer... but..." Fresh paused a moment before saying it quickly.
"I... L-love you"
"It's okay if you don't love me back..."
"I... Don't know.. Sorry"
Fresh avoided eye contact with PJ. PJ looked at the ground. Fresh definitely fucked it up. PJ was silent. He was having a lot of voices in his head, most of them yelling. His head hurt..
Fresh stood and turned to leave.
"Sorry Jammy."
"H-hey. Wait"
Fresh looked back at PJ. He knew that their friendship was over. He just knew it.
"Can we still have that picnic? Maybe talk this out?"
"Yeah... Sure" Fresh hesitantly turned back and joined PJ again.
The only reason he did that was because there was a voice yelling over top of the others. Telling him to try and talk to him about this.
"So.. Hows your job?"
"Well..." Fresh found it a little difficult to talk "I almost got crushed by a truck"
PJ wasn't really looking at Fresh, and the smile he normally wore was a little faded. Not because he confessed, but because of the voices, though it probably seemed like the former to Fresh. "Cool." PJ wasn't really listening. In fact he could barely hear Fresh.
"If you reckon it's cool to almost have your skull crushed..."
"Huh?" PJ turned to him. "What was that?" It was obvious he wasn't listening.
"Oh! I said if you reckon it's cool to almost get your skull crushed" He avoided looking at PJ. He couldn't get the thought out of his head that after this, Jammy might not want to see him again. It hurt. He should have kept his confessions to himself.
"Sorry, I can't hear you.." To Fresh, it would sound like he was being sarcastic, but he was being literal.
Fresh managed a little bit of a smile and began to look around at his surroundings. He saw other monsters here and there, some he recognized, some he didn't. He mainly noticed they were there because of the animals they took with them. Howie, his horse, could clearly be seen on the other side of the park.

SAY YOU LOVE HIM! SAY YOU HATE HIM! ASK TO BE JUST FRIENDS! LEAVE! SAY SOMETHING! STOP BEING AN IDIOT! PJ put his hands on his ears (?) in an attempt to shut them out, but it just made it worse. He was honestly on the verge of a breakdown.
Fresh noticed what Jammy was doing and became concerned. "H-hey Jammy? You alright?"
PJ was shaking a little. "I-" He winced as one of them yelled 'THE SOUND OF YOUR VOICE IS ANNOYING! SHUT UP!' He stopped talking after that.
"Jammy? Your making me a little worried... Are you sure your okay?"
PJ couldn't hold it in any longer. He just burst into tears.
Fresh gasped a little. He immediately pulled him into a hug in an attempt to calm him.
PJ cried into his chest.
"You alright?"
"I-I don't k-know.."
"I wish I knew how to help... I'm sorry"
"I don't think you can... But d-dont apologize"
"I shouldn't have said anything in the first place"
"I-I don't know what to do anymore.."
Fresh honestly didn't know what to say. He wished he could just take back everything he'd said to him.
"There are so many v-voices yelling at me and I don't know w-what my heart wants.." PJ said shakily. He was stuttering a little.
"Just tune them out and listen to your soul... It'll know what it wants"
PJ breathed heavilly and managed to stop crying. He closed his eyes in an attempt to concentrate.
Fresh felt terrible. He really never meant to put Jammy in this amount of stress.
Some of the quieter ones started fading but the louder ones were still there. PJ got frustrated. "SHUT UP!" He yelled.
Fresh was a little taken aback by that. He still continued to hug PJ, hold him close, just to calm him down.
Everything went silent. A few people stared at him but he didn't care.
"It's okay Jammy"

He seems to really care about your well being. And plus, getting nervous around someone is a sign of having a 'crush' on somebody. Was that his soul? Maybe he did love Fresh. PJ was so enveloped by his thoughts that he didn't notice that he was completely despondent in real life.
"..." PJ was overthinking everything.
Fresh was still hugging him. He refused to let go until Jammy calmed down.
He looked at Fresh. "I think the voices stopped.."
"That's good" Fresh's voice was quiet but calm.
"I think I know what I want.."
"Well? What do you want?" Fresh really hoped PJ decided to love back. But if he didn't, that would also be okay.
"I.. i HaTe YoU!"
Fresh was crushed. He tried not to show it though. He wanted PJ to think he was fine with it. He did say if he didn't love him back it would be okay.
"jUsT kIdDinG" PJ yelled "Love chu~"
"Y-you do?"
PJ nodded and hugged him.
Fresh wasn't really thinking about what he did next but he suddenly pulled away from the hug and kissed him.
He pulled away immediately. "S-sorry!"
PJ looked at him for a moment. He then kissed him. Fresh was shocked but gladly accepted the kiss. He melted slightly at the way Jammy kissed him.
PJ had never kissed anyone before but the feeling just made him want more. Fresh enjoyed this. He just closed his eyes and held PJ close to him and let his taste sink into him. This had to be the greatest thing in his life. He put his arms around his waist and pulled him even closer.
PJ hung his arms around Freshes neck. Everything seemed to disappear until there was nothing but him and Fresh. He shut his eyes.
Fresh licked PJs bottom lip playfully, asking for entry.
PJ didn't fully understand what this meant.
Fresh noticed that and attempted to make him open his mouth, like a gasp or something, by pulling him closer quickly and unexpectedly.
PJ gasped a little out of shock.
Fresh took this as an opportunity and slipped his tongue into PJs mouth. PJ was shocked by this but let Fresh do what he wanted. He was blushing uncontrollably. Fresh explored every part of PJs mouth he could get to. He just wanted to enjoy this while it lasted. He had a light blush of his own on his cheeks.
PJ didn't even know what 'french kissing' was so this kind of confused him.
Fresh deepened the kiss a little and felt his soul skip a beat with the uncontrollable pleasure he was feeling. It was the greatest thing he'd ever felt. PJ opened his eyes and noticed a few people staring at them, but he didn't mind.
Fresh really hoped he didn't mess PJ up too badly with this. He continued to French kiss him while letting this feeling just wash over him.
PJ felt himself melting at Freshes touch. He felt so alive.
Fresh deepened the kiss again. PJ tasted so sweet... He didn't want to stop.
PJ deepened it a bit too, taking note on what Fresh was doing. Fresh was glad PJ picked up on this. He gladly, in response, kissed him with a little more tongue. PJ was suffocating (Logic at its finest-) but he didn't want to pull away. Fresh needed AiR (logic) and reluctantly ended the kiss. He pulled away and looked at PJ.
PJ panted for air and looked up at Fresh. He smiled.
Fresh was panting slightly, they had been kissing a long time.
PJ buried his face in Freshes chest.
"Love you Jammy~" Fresh said.
"Love you too~" PJ's voice sounded a little different.
"You good Jammy?"
"I'm fine~" He cuddled into Fresh.
"If you say so~" Fresh buried his face in PJs neck. PJ kissed him on the cheek.

"Love you baby~"

A/N: perfect stop on 1999 words. Lmao one off from 2000. XD

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