ErrorInk: Fractured wrists and Silver Dapple Pintos (angsty fluff)

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A/N: Inspired by my current suffering though just more dramatic heh I also got Grammarly for my editing until my actual editor is fixed, my actual ones so much better than this Grammarly piece of shit

"Inky, are you sure you'll be okay up there?" Error beckoned from his roost on the thickest branch of the aged willow tree in the backyard, he and Ink had planted the tree when they got married and it was extensive now. After all, it had been 14 years. Still, its swaying boughs and green leaves that crackled in the late-night breezes weren't yet high enough to see Ink fully.
The smaller skeleton was on the roof of the house, staring up at the stars above him, a sketchpad and pencils, the pages empty, still embellishing a pearly white and the graphite artist pencils untouched still beside him, seemingly waiting for an imaginative magic to bring their desolate existence to life with strokes and lines giving form to a wonderful art, but it would have to wait. Ink was pondering which part of the dark purple, starry atmosphere he should draw first. The moon full in all its glory, perfectly illuminated the figure on the roof, a beige scarf fluttering gently in the breeze when it hung off the side.
Turning from his back to his stomach, he gazed over at Error, only just able to see him. "I'll be fine Glitchy!" He called back happily, his voice cheerful and full of life as it always was and always had been.
Error couldn't possibly know what always kept Ink in such good spirits, especially since he no longer needed his vials of emotion to keep him in check.
Ever since they'd had their first child, PaperJam, Ink suddenly had a flurry of emotions all at once. Mainly, those would be mood swings often ranging into the extremes but after the pregnancy was all over, Error had half expected Ink to go all emotionless anew but amazingly, he didn't. He had kept his emotion and kept it well.
Sure, he got mad, and down. Sometimes he'd be happy and at others, he'd want a little something else from him...
But, whatever life happened to cast at them, they put up with it. Even with injury.
There had been a countless number of conflicts where someone in the family would get hurt and trips to the hospital were quite often required.
Error could faintly evoke that one time he'd accidentally shot his knee. He needed pins in that.
Ink couldn't trust him with a gun again. Come to think of it, Ink never should have esteemed him with a gun in the first place, particularly a rifle.

Ink grinned at Error, though difficult to see the taller managed to pick it up, returning a small smile in earnest. "You should get down Ink, its almost midnight"
An expeditious glance was spared at the moon, at its resting place high in the enchanting scenery looking like something out a fairytale. Cloud was little and the stars were really bright, silver beams of reflected light bouncing off of the houses opaque windows and the inoperative blades of grass, making everything there look tranquil, untroubled essentially.
"Yeah you're right" Ink chirped.
"Am I? That's the first time you've ever said I was right!" Error sounded amazed, a chuckle shaking his ribs in the sparsest as he climbed back down the tree with its rugged bark, whispering call and its carpet of delicate leaves, grass rendering padding when the larger skeleton dropped to the ground.

A few seconds later, there was a dull thud when Ink abandoned his sketchpad from the roof into the dewdrop coated grass below. Error knelt down to pick it up, halting suddenly when Ink yelled "Incoming!"
It was at that moment Error knew Ink was about to do something really dumb and he couldn't stop him no matter how hard he sought.
Ink did specifically what Error thought he'd do, and that was to drop from the roof. It was a decent 4 or 5 meters from the lawn, Error solely knew Ink was an awkward fuck and would most probably hurt himself.

The other couldn't stop Ink before he hit the ground with a thud, he cursed about the ground-shock for a moment before one of his hands instantly flew to take arrest on one of his wrists. It looked as if he'd been hurt.
"Inky, are you alright?" Error neared Ink carefully, reaching out to help nurse the wound 'ere he pulled it away. He didn't seem to want to have it touched and whatever it was looked like it hurt. Even though moonlight can make one see things that aren't exactly there, Error definitely saw blood seeping through the fabric of Inks glove.
"Please babe, just let me see it"
"N-no" He resisted again, tears warning to fall.
"I can't help if you don't show me"
"O-okay" Shakily, Ink hesitantly held his hand out to Error.
"Can you still move it?"
Without speech, Ink moved his hand to the best of his capacity. To Error, it didn't appear to pivot. A fairly adequate sign it was fractured. There was no red or yellow marrow either so it definitely wasn't broken. Slowly but thoughtfully, his feel tender and gentle, he moved Inks glove up a little so it wasn't on his wrist. Just by looking at it, albeit not being seen surely, it transpired a fracture.
"Come inside Inky, let's get you cleaned up" Taking his uninjured hand, Error gently led Ink inside, clicking on the kitchen light. The bleed was self-evident now, though it had stopped. Carpals and an inferior ulnar once white were stained red. (It would wash off easily under the tap Error had said but Ink hesitated to do so)

While Ink was washing the blood off, Error had to grudgingly wake PJ so they could take the injured skel to hospital. They couldn't leave a 13-year-old alone at home, even when asleep.
When Error shook him awake, a pair of eyes opened indolently a quiet groan making it sound like he was disappointed to have to wake up. "PJ?" Error whispered.
"?" He sat up in his bed, rubbing one of his eyes. "What is it?"
"We have to make a trip to the hospital, come on"
"W-what for?" PJ asked shakily.
"Ink just fractured his wrist. Need to get it checked out"
"Alright" Slowly, PJ got up, wandering to the kitchen where Ink was idling, cradling his sore wrist again.

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The hospital was an in and out job. It was a half-hour journey to get there, PJ had fallen asleep in the back seat on the way.
X-rays weren't required for obvious reasons. Ink was just given some painkillers, antiseptic on the wound and a bandage. Soon enough he was sent on his way after getting an ACC claim for the accidental injury of course so the costs would be covered.

On the way back home, Error took a separate route because it was quicker. At the moment, the pale blue digital clock inside the car's speedometer showed 1:45 am. He just wanted to get home and sleep more than anything right now. He and Ink kept the kind of car where the passenger seat connected to the drivers for some odd reason Error never fully understood. Since it was an automatic, he only had to manage the speed, brakes and lights that were on a focused high beam on the road. (he had his manual license but Ink insisted on an automatic so they could both drive as Ink only held the latter)
Ink was right beside the drivers seat, snuggled into Error as he drove, his eyes fixed tiredly on the scenery ahead of them.
Miles and miles of open paddocks. Some empty, some not.
Passing a sign that read 'It all starts here' along with a few numbers was commissioned by the driveway of a dairy farm. They passed various buildings and homes before Ink noticed something that struck him as purely luxurious caught in the moons low and pale light making its coat shine.
"Error look" Ink whispered, pointing just ahead of them.
He was pointing at an individual Gypsy Vanner on the hill of a paddock to their left. Moonlight fully showed the creature. "A silver dapple pinto"
Error just nodded, giving a quick glance to the Vanner before returning to the road again.
"They're supposed to bring good luck" Ink continued.

"They must be very lucky if they managed to bring you into my life~" Error said, putting an arm around him, the other on the steering wheel.
"Oh, Error~" Ink blushed lightly, cuddling into him a little more.
"I love you Inky~"

"I love you too Error~"

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