ErrorInk: Late Night Netflix (Fluff/love?)

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A/N: Laptop choosing fucking ErrorInk again-

"Oh Ink!" Error called through the corridors of Inks home. 11:30pm. Error allotted the house with Ink after they formed a truce, and now Error wanted to sit down with him as buddies to watch Netflix together. The taller skeleton was mates with Ink so this was more of a roommates situation. Ever since Error befriended the little artist he'd pretty rapidly found he did not want to part with him. As a result, he confronted Ink about how he declined to be alone and Ink simply said 'Come live with me then!' 
Sometimes the squid was too generous for his own good... that was faux information. Error knew better than anyone Inks pleasant character was nothing more than a petty fad. There was a thin slither of society Ink was really caring towards and Error appeared to be the only one. At the end of the day, it boils down to the fact Error and Ink were remarkably similar. Faking their emotions, professing to care about people, (Error executed doing that) and falsifying their care to manipulate people into doing their bidding, using the equal foxy nature to lure monsters and humans alike into a false sense of security when everything was turning to shit around them. 
Error did it to keep people calm while the damage was happening behind their backs and Ink did it to assure people it was all okay while he slowly ripped apart Aus he deemed not worth it thread. By. Thread. 
Ink was diabolical but creation and destruction balanced on a razor blade together. You cannot build if consumption isn't happening at the same pace. If Ink had to take it into his own hands to kill a useless Au to make room for a new one, so be it. 

Now, however, Ink was content in his studio, depicting out new schemes for new Aus. Error had been walking for the past while now, at a turtles pace. Walking slowly was anyhow soothing to him. He turned to lean on the doorframe of Inks studio, tapping on the open door to his right. The door was made of darkish-orange wood, many grooves and dark lines in its varnished surface. How old was the tree when it was condemned to death? 
"Yes, Error?" Ink questioned, his voice melodious in the still air, compared to the usual high and shrill excitement that came of it. Again, that was forged. The real Ink was usually calm. He didn't bother to make himself energetic if he didn't need to be.
He said, "What're you doing?" 
"I'm making a new Au" Ink smiled a bit. That was a real smile, Error could just tell from the way he did so. That soft gaze and indistinct blush that spread across the smallers cheeks... so cute. Wait. Error no. Ink was your friend, you're not allowed to fall in love with him. Wasn't he? "It's one to support the agriculture and resources here" The artist piped up, holding up his pencil. "It doesn't have a name, but will probably go without one"
Error smirked a little, peeking over Inks' shoulder as he wandered into the room. "What does it do?"
"Oh, that? It's just gonna be one lonely skeleton in a world by himself. They'll take care of cows, sheep and deer. Maybe some horses? And some of the produce goes to other Aus that need it."
"Making him be alone is a bit counter-productive right?" 
"What do you mean?"
The taller took the pencil Ink was holding, his movements swift but somehow soft. "Wouldn't he work better if he had company?" With that, Error wrote one message on the page, rather neatly.
It read: 'dog'
Inks smile brightened. "Of course! The dog can help him herd the animals! Great idea Glitchy" 

Error grinned a bit, punching Inks shoulder playfully. "Anyways, do you wanna come to watch Netflix with me or something? Relax for a while? I had my eye on a series for quite a while and I thought you might like it too"
The smaller whirled around on his spinny chair, facing the larger skeleton in interest. "Which series?"
"The 100?"
"Yeah, I'll watch it with you! I wanted to start on it but got caught up in the drawing, as usual." Ink rose from his chair, taking the pencil from Error. It was an HB, which he put next to the other silver pencils on the desk. "When did you want to start watching?" He glanced at Error. Poor Inky couldn't help but blush a bit. The custom Error leant up against the doorframe, an evasive smirk played out on his face. It was all exceedingly inviting, he could just pounce on Error and scrap the Netflix altogether for another type of entertainment. Although, he didn't think the glitch would fancy that. 
"Now would be nice, the night doesn't last forever y'know" Glitchy laughed a bit, turning on his heel to stray off to the lounge. Ink ceased to have Netflix on his TV, so he bought an Xbox One for Netlfix, Twitch, Minecraft and whatever other games he liked to play. He knew from watching Ink play on the console he really liked Skyrim and Halo 5.  But he left the video games for now and found himself with the controller, it's case hydro-dipped in multiple colours. It looked pretty. While waiting for Ink, he started Netflix and searched for the show he was looking for, getting sidetracked looking at the description for a show called 'Don't fuck with cats' 
16+ age rating. It might be worth his time later. Considering Error was in his late 30's and an adult that did not have to pay for the subscription, he could watch whatever the heck he wanted. "Ink! Hurry up!" The taller yelled up the stairs, planting himself on the couch. 
"I'm coming!" Ink yelled back, running over to Error and sitting next to him. 
"Took you long enough" He laughed as he played the first episode. 
"Fuck up Glitchy"
"Make me" Error replied snarkily, elbowing Ink to get him to shut up. The smaller skeleton simply sighed, watching the show with content. Perhaps Error had set his expectations too high for the program due to him discerning he was bored. It had been 25 minutes and there was no hook. 

Errors next move was taking an extensive risk but he did it anyway, he held Inks hand, pulling him close like you would in a slow dance. A tender grip as the taller drew their faces together, Ink blushing like a unicorn's mane of rainbows. "G-glitchy, what are you doing?" 
"This~" Error cooed gently, pulling Ink into a passionate kiss. 
Even though Ink was surprised he melted into it anyway, wrapping his arms around Errors neck while The 100 still played in the background. 
Within moments Ink was pinned to the couch, the kiss deepening. The smaller let Error dominate him, the kiss becoming slightly heated. A minute or two later, Error forced his tounges into Inks' mouth, enjoying his sweet taste. (Not at all weird Error-)

Ink just melted to the tallers feeling, how he slipped his hands over his body made him sense protection from him, the makeout he was having slow though vehement and avid. Personally, Ink wanted more than just this but he'd take whatever. If it was from Error, it was good enough for him. 

The glitch pulled away after a while, looking down at Ink with a smile. "You taste so sweet~" 
"Whatever" Ink mumbled, looking away in embarrassment. His blush was deep on his face as Error continued to move his hands all over his body, his claiming touch like silk, so soft. Although it had a delicate nature, it demanded Ink was his and nobody else's to feel quite as Error would. "Inky?~"
"Yeah Error?~" 
"How about let's ditch the Netflix and go for some fun in the bedroom~"
"I'd love that Error~" Ink cooed, hands running down Errors body in return to his own, teasingly stopping at his waist to trace a finger on it. "You know what to do~"

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