Kustard: Do you know how lucky you are? (fluff)

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The local gossip session.
Of course.
Of all places, Classic had chosen to spend his afternoon in a café with the male gossip girls he called his friends. He could've been at home while Red worked but no.
These people consisted of Geno (his best and closest friend for as long as he could remember), Lust (Another bestie, although Red didn't like him) and Blue (The one that always insisted on coming along)
Now, don't get Sans wrong for a second, these people were his friends but oh boy their gossip and conversations can go on for hours on end.
Even a question that would take 2 seconds to answer would turn into a 2 hour conversation before one of them actually got around to answering the question asked in the first place.

Sometimes, he'd wish he actually found gossip interesting so that he wouldn't be so bored sitting here listening to them talk about it.

"Oh my fucking God, there was such a mean woman at Countdown today I swear-" Lust began, twirling a finger on the rim of his coffee cup, his foot tapping the side of the chair he was sitting on.
Geno nodded a little, taking a sip of his nearly empty caramel latte. "Why? What happened?"
"Okay so, I was at the checkout with Horror and Josh right? And this lady in front of me turned around and was just like 'Oh, my child is smarter than yours because he was the result of a normal relationship' and I was just about to slap her for being so rude. So I asked her 'So why do you think he should be any less than your child because of his parents relationship?' and do you know what she sprang back with?!"

Classic sighed. This was gonna take a while.
Blue cocked his head in curiosity, urging Lust to go on, these skeletons would take a bullet for each other but for the love of God they probably would be the death of each other.
"Right, so she comes back at my question with 'Well God forbade gay marriage in the first place' and I'm just here like ex-fuckin-cuse me? I mean, who are you, to tell me what aspects of my life are forbidden? Especially my preference in who I want to be with! I can't believe some people, eh?"
"Yeah, some people are so rude. I mean, if they don't like us gays, can't they just stay out of it? It'll be so much easier for them and us." Blue chipped in, he definitely was far more mature now than he was before. At 27, Blueberry was without a doubt, getting older his maturity catching up. Not to say any of Sans' friends had a decent shred of it.
Maturity that was.
They were just as reckless and stupid as any teenage guy and they definitely acted like it.
Sans sometimes felt like he was the overbearing parental figure, dragging his friends from overly outrageous situations and apologizing for their behavior.
At least they were fairly civilized today.

"Hey Sans, buddy" Geno nudged Sans playfully. "You good there? Look like you're about to fall asleep"
"I am" Classic spat back, obviously annoyed because of their constant talking when he only wanted a quiet coffee.
"Hey... y'know you're pretty lucky right?" Blue smiled, Lust kept his mouth shut for the moment, preoccupied with his espresso and the muffin which he devoured most of already.
"What do you mean?" Classic looked up from where his head was buried in his arms previously, doing his best to block out the world.
"It's Fell you're lucky with," Geno said. "Lucky in love you might call it."
"What makes you say that?" Sans didn't seem to get what they were talking about. Why was he lucky? He knew he was lucky to have Red but what else could he possibly know about him that he wasn't already lucky enough to have?
"He sticks up for you" Blue began.
"He helps you when you need it and it's obvious he wants to protect you" Lust chirped, staying out of the conversation for the most part mainly because of the fact Fell hated his bones and everything in them.
"Yeah.. Lust and Blue are right" Geno smiled. "You are really lucky to have Fell, we know he's your everything and the way he acts about you justifies it."
"Remind me why you're telling me this?" Sans stared at his phone on the table. It's time showed 4:45pm.
"We're just wanting to say it. Remind ourselves and you that Red does his best for the people he loves"

"Yeah.. he does, he really does." Sans replied, shoving his barren cup to the center of the table. "I love Fell.. I'm lucky to have him and every day when I wake up, I'm glad to know he's there too-"

"Awww~ Thanks Doll~~" Someone purred from behind Sans and he almost turned around and punched him when he recognized the voice.
"Hey babe~" Sans cooed, kissing his lovers cheek. He must have just gotten off work because he seemed quite tired. "When did you even get here?" Sans asked curiously.
"Oh, about 5 minutes ago"
"Heh, fair enough sweetie~" Sans cooed. "I'd do the same~~"
"Anyway, you wanna go home Doll?~" Red purred in a slightly seductive way, his lips just touching the smallers neck.
"R-red cut it out" Sans whined, looking over at his friends who were giving him some shit eating grins. "Yeah we'll go. I think these 3 might have something on their minds-"
"Alright Sansy~" Red took the smallers hand and cuddled him gently while he left the table, the others whispering to each other.
The taller skeleton kept cuddling his lover, wrapping his arms tightly around his prize he refused to let go. He loved Sans, more than anything.
Anyone that dared to try hurt him would be scared off in a matter of seconds, he wouldn't allow a single person to lay a hand on his Sansy if they wanted to hurt him. So he remained there.. nuzzling and kissing the smaller lovingly.
"Love you Sansy~" Red cooed.
"I love you too baby~" Sans chuckled, feeling safe in Reds warm embrace.

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